When can you feel baby kick?

im 13w with my 4th child. ive had 3 miscarriages so this is the longest my bodys let me hold a child. im already starting to grow but i was wondering how early other mothers felt their children kick. i havent felt anything yet but i want to be somewhat ready for it lol. and any advice for my second trimester as well would be highly appreciated :heart: thank you EVERYONE!!


I wanna say I was around 16-18 wks

Depends on the location of your placenta if it’s at the back then probably anywhere from 16 weeks on if it’s at the front it can be the same or you may not feel it at all I think most with a placenta at the front usually feel their babies around 24 weeks

As a mother who had 3 miscarriages before she had her rainbow and pregnant with her 5 congratulations I know you are very emotional and you are absolutely waiting for that first kick. You will feel them probably around 15 weeks sometimes a little bit earlier depending on your size. Wait until you get to feel the hiccups it feels like fart bubbles popping in your butt!:joy: just try not to stress yourself the moment you feel it he will know exactly what it is and once more congratulations and I pray for everything to go safely and happy

You may not feel your little kick until around the second trimester. For your second trimester get ready for some big changes. Your body is gonna change but take pride and joy in the fact your a home to the greatest gift ever

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It feels like a butterfly in your tummy and then I was like omg that’s my baby.

I am a ftm and didnt feel anything until about week 17. I wasnt sure what i was feeling until week 19 though


Around 16 weeks…feels like a flutter. Women and pregnancies are all different, but generally around 4th month. <3 hoping everything goes well!

Cant remember how many weeks I was with first bub but my 2nd i was 16 weeks. I’m currently 13 weeks with bub 3 and I feel lil flutters every now and then but no diff kicks yet

My first pregnancy I didnt feel the baby move until around 17 weeks, ive had 2 mc and with my second i could feel her at 12 weeks, and with this pregnancy at 11 weeks, i honestly wasnt sure if that was def him moving, but when i went in for my 12 week us i could feel him moving and it matched up with his movements on the screen :blush: my uterus tilts backwards

I’ve had a miscarriage, and I’m pregnant with my 2nd after 6 years. I’m 15 weeks and feel baby. The feeling is almost like getting butterflies.

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i was about18 weeks for a flutter and 23 for real kicks

12 weeks with both my babies

I was about 16 weeks with my daughter and 12 with my son. Actual kicks started after 20 weeks with both.

I lost 4 before finally having # 5 stick ( currently 31 wks) i felt kicks around 18 weeks

Very very soon! Congrats :heart_eyes:

I’m 13 weeks with my 2nd and i already feel flutters especially after i eat a big meal.

4 month around then u should feel them kick

I’m 16 weeks and I started feeling it last week :heart_eyes:


I was 18 weeks. Didn’t the flutters, first kicks were pretty hard. But I have a little hulk in there lol.

16w with my first. 13 with my second. Congratulations

17 weeks flutters (like a guppy swimming around) 20-23 weeks the kicks got much stronger. Sorry for your loss…i just had my rainbow 11 weeks ago.

16 weeks with my daughter and 20weeks with my son

Depends where your placenta is if its in front of your uterus also know as anterior u may not feel it till way late my placenta was posterior in back of the uterus so i felt baby way earlier

My 1st at around 18 weeks my second around 15 weeks my 3rd around 13 weeks and now with my 4th around 10 weeks.

My first I felt at 17 weeks, my second I felt at 14-15 weeks, my third I felt around 14 weeks. At first they feel like butterfly flutters or a cricket running across your belly.

Around 16 weeks with my son (1st) and about 14 weeks with my daughter (23weeks now) it feels like gas bubbles or butterflies at first.

With my son it was 17 weeks before I felt him kick.

Congrats!! The first"kick" is more like a, quick flutter actually. Like a little tickle…after 20 weeks you may feel like its actual kick.

16-18 weeks for flutters, which you may confuse with just gas. 20-25 weeks for real kicks

I just felt like butterflies or tummy rumbling
Not an actual kick

Congratsi felt my sons first kick at 14 weeks But they say that is quite early.

I was around 14.5-15 weeks. But I wasn’t 100% certain what I was feeling for a couple more weeks. When they’re that tiny it’s more like a tickle than a kick. I thought if felt like someone popped a kernel of popcorn inside my uterus. Lol.

16 weeks I felt lil flutters kinda felt like gas but 17 weeks it was slight movements if I layed flat and 19 when I felt full hard kicks

Each pregnant is different no one can say you should feel baby at this many weeks talk to your doctor

16-19 weeks I felt flutters. 20 weeks is when I really started feeling kicks. It’s an amazing feeling mama. So sorry for your rainbow babies.

Pretty soon! Congratulations. Prayers for a fullterm healthy baby.

My first I didn’t feel anything til 20 weeks or so. I didn’t even know I was pregnant til I was 13 weeks! My second I felt around 17ish weeks. I’m currently 16 weeks pregnant with #3 and so far I can’t tell if it’s gas or the baby moving around. Lol

15 weeks with my first and 17 weeks with my second… but the kicks really started around 20 weeks with both

With my second child I felt it really early and it felt like butterflies I cant remember how far along I was with my first it was around 14 weeks and I almost got sick from it

With my first, 15 weeks
With this pregnancy, about 18 weeks

Congratulations! I’d guess about 20 weeks

I was early, like 13 weeks. Feels like a fish flopping around. my second pregnancy they say you feel earlier in second + pregnancy. Also depends on where your placenta is

About 15 weeks is when I felt my son

Prayers for a full term healthy baby.

I felt kicks around 20 weeks.

First one 21w second one around 17e

It feels like gas bubbles you really have to pay attention

Im on the tiny side and I was 17 weeks with my first and 15 weeks with my 2nd when i started feeling flutters

1st child for me was 20-22 weeks & 2nd child, about 16-17w

I didn’t feel my last one kick till after 21 weeks…shes my 5th baby…I felt all the others long before that I was worried but her placenta was positioned in the front of my belly so she was behind it n I couldn’t feel her

I’m 13 weeks as well, and I can feel baby if he moves around a LOT! Feels like an upset tummy. I’ve also felt him kicking on my cervix, once I rested my hand on my lower tummy and moved positions it stopped.

I didn’t feel kicks at all and carried to term

Felt mine around 12/13 weeks. It feels like a twitch or like a butterfly fluttering. You’ll know when it happens lol

My 1st 19-20 weeks my 2ed 12-14 weeks

My best way to describe the first kicks and flutters is if you had a little goldfish swimming around and your tummy bouncing off the walls of your uterus

With my first I was 18 weeks before I even felt flutters. With my second I was 12 weeks when I could feel kicks.

Mention it at your next appointment. When I was pregnant with my son I barely felt him, I was nervous, it turned out that the placenta was over him so it was like he was kicking through a pillow… but perfectly healthy. It could be that or I’m sure there could be other reasons. I wouldnt worry too much, just call them and have them do an ultrasound or check the heartbeat to ease your mind and make sure everything’s alright. :heart:

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I was 165# when I got pregnant. I didn’t feel a kick til 20 weeks and some odd days. Sometimes its just where they’re positioned. No worries. Eventually it’ll be a circus in there where you feel everything. I remember my son kept his feet firmly planted in my ribs at all times towards the end. It would literally buckle me over.
Around 20 weeks though, I was eating ice cream and felt him felt him. You honestly may have felt him already and not realized it. It can literally feel like gas in the start.

With your first it takes longer to feel kicks and being plus size also takes longer. I was worried the same as you with my first. I was plus size at the time also. Obgyn said it’s normal. He is now a happy healthy 13 year old. No worries you will feel them on the next couple weeks :two_hearts:

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This can be normal. I was around that time frame when I felt both of my boys. One of them even had the placenta in front. That could be the case with you. You won’t feel it until they are a little bigger because they are kicking the placenta.

Your placenta may be up front, mention to your doc next appointment

Mine never kicked at all but then I had gained 80 lbs and dr said that’s why. Good thing is it came off me after 9 weeks.

I was probably a little further along than you when I felt movement. My placenta was also in front of him and he faced my spine most of the time

23 weeks when I first felt mine!

I was the same way. I constantly worried something was wrong because I hadn’t felt any flutters or kicks until week 25. It’s totally normal for your first baby not to feel anything until at least week 20-22, sometimes longer. The location of your placenta also effects when you’ll feel movement. Mine was in the front with my little guy which is why it took so long to feel anything. Hang in there, you’ll feel them eventually and then they’ll be nonstop! It’s the best feeling in the world aside from holding your little one for the first time :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Around 20 weeks with my first.

I first felt my first kick with my son at 22 weeks xx

Very normal! You should feel flutters any day!


For a first time mom it usually ain’t until about 23-24 weeks.

It’s normal. I’m pregnant with my fourth and I’m 19 weeks and haven’t felt the baby move much.

Im not plus size and was pregnant with my third, (Your ‘supposed’ to feel them earlier in pregnancy with each one) and I didn’t feel her for awhile, turns out my placenta was in front of her so I didnt feel her until she got bigger and there was less room. I wouldn’t worry. Oh and you would more than likely know if something bad happened that would terminate pregnancy. I had an at home Doppler I used though for comfort after I miscarried. I could check heartbeat whenever I wanted.

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16 was the first and only flutter untill I was over 20 weeks, then it happened again

I didn’t feel movement until about 21 weeks maybe 22 even

It feels like little muscle spasms. I felt my first 2 kiddos around 17 weeks. This current pregnancy I hardly ever felt movement until I was about 23/24 weeks. Even now at the end she hardly moves. Some kiddos don’t move as much.

I didn’t feel kicks with my second until after 22 weeks

Size doesn’t necessarily change anything. I’m very petite and I didn’t feel flutters until 22 ish weeks, kicks around 29 weeks, and never consistent until 33 weeks.

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With my first I felt the flutters and right around 20weeks after I found out gender. But with my last I didn’t feel movement until my third trimester. He was super active according to ultrasounds I just didn’t feel anything :woman_shrugging:t3:

Don’t panic but any time!!!:heart:

You probably have felt it just haven’t realized it’s the baby. At first it’s hardly noticeable, it feels like little gas bubbles in your stomach. You don’t feel real kicks until later on. Especially if this is your first baby


Try putting a flashlight to your belly when your a little further along the baby will kick/hit at the light!!

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I’m also pregnant with my first and I started feeling flutters around 18 weeks but didn’t feel her actually kicking until about 22-23 weeks

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Very hard to tell it is movement at first… it’s the tiniest flutter comparable almost to hunger or gas… I was around 20 weeks when I felt that… you have to really pay attention ((when you are not active they move more))
Now 33 weeks no mistaking those kicks, jabs and rolls :heavy_heart_exclamation:
I would say get a Doppler to ease your mind


I felt my first flutter the morning of our gender ultrasound… so 20ish weeks!

I’m overweight. I only felt what felt like bubbles popping if my abdomen area really late in my pregnancy. I even went to labor and delivery when I didn’t feel any bubbles for 2 days and I was really worried. My placenta was in front of her so I never felt moving or kicking

I am 19 weeks and three days as well and I’m bigger too mama. I haven’t felt my girl move yet and my bump is not noticeable. My placenta is also in front so that’s always a possibility that makes it harder to feel baby earlier on. I get nervous sometimes too because you have no way of knowing what’s going on in there. Just mention it to your doc.

Doctors don’t worry until 22 weeks. The placement of the placenta can make movements hard to detect.

Yes! I didn’t feel my THIRD baby kick until like 25 weeks or later

20+ weeks for first pregnancy is what my midwife told me. Being heavier can also make it harder to feel the kicks

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You might have an anterior placenta


My first it was about 22 weeks for me.

I didn’t feel movement or show until probably around the 23-25 week mark. Everyone and every pregnancy is different!!

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Go see ya Dr. If your that worried. Also sometimes the kicks just feel like gas or butterflies fluttering around in your tummy good luck mommy don’t worry too much if it’s your first I didn’t start show until after 6 months

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With my son I didn’t feel him until after 24 weeks. Im currently pregnant again and have felt her much earlier just because it’s a different feeling that your body recognizes. Once the kicks get big enough that you can really tell what they are you may realize you’ve been feeling them and didn’t realize it was your baby. An at home doppler is a life saver to help with the anxiety that something is wrong but I’m sure everything is fine

Im on baby number 3 and have had an anterior placenta each pregnancy so feeling the baby is on and off for me. They say usually around 23-25 weeks but everyone is different

Breathe easy momma!! You’ll feel your lil one kick in the next month or so :slight_smile: with my first one I wasn’t noticeably pregnant at all, even at the end people just thought i gain weight. Everyone’s different. And CONGRATULATIONS!!!

as your appointments come along your doctor will usually ask almost every visit if you’re feeling baby kick or not. i do have to say it is different for everyone and i know that can be frustrating to hear because you just want an actual answer, although your doctor will hopefully talk to you and explain when it becomes a worry.

From a fellow plus size mom, I didn’t feel kicks until 21 weeks, on the way to the anatomy ultrasound was the first one actually! And, I also never got a bump, I just looked like chocolate cake and I strengthened our relationship :joy: :joy: but, I also only made it to 31 weeks and 3 days, so maybe if I’d gone through the entire pregnancy I might have gotten a bump.

I didn’t till around 21. It’s hard to be patient but it’ll happen soon❤️

I felt nothing my whole pregnancy…