When can you feel baby kick?

I am 17weeks this coming Sunday with my 2nd baby. I haven’t felt him move yet? Is it something I should be worried about?? I’m not over weight or anything I don’t remember when I started feeling my 1st.


Usually doesn’t start happening until 21-22 weeks and for first time parents sometimes even longer.

Im 17 weeks now with my 3rd and haven’t felt the baby move yet neither.

You might have an anterior placenta, so it cushions the front of your belly

Normal consistent movements arent usually until 24-28 weeks most commonly

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I’m pregnant with my 3rd and this time i didn’t really start feeling her until around 20weeks

I had an anterior placenta so it took longer to feel movement…plus your still pretty early…don’t worry though it’ll happen soon :slight_smile: all 3 of my pregnancies took around 20 weeks or so to feel them actually moving. Before that I just felt flutters or hiccups :blue_heart:

The placenta could be in the way to. I’m sure u will feel baby soon!

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I just asked my OB about this Monday. SHe said not to stress at 17 weeks they are orange size, and 19 weeks baby was the size of a grapefruit so you usually don’t feel movement until closer to 22 weeks. They are around 12 inches by then. She even brought in ultrasound machine and babes was moving all around.

Im 19 weeks with my 3rd and havent felt movement yet… i also have placenta previa this time around which makes it hard to feel movement because the placenta is in the way… maybe ask your dr about this? With my other 2 i remember flutters around 16 weeks

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I’m on my 3rd pregnancy and have never felt my babies move before 20-21 weeks.

Im 15 weeks with my 3rd baby i feel little flutters sometimes

I’m 21 weeks with my second and just in the last few weeks started getting kicks and bigger movements. I prayed hard that God would let me feel big kicks and movements because my anxiety has been on overdrive this pregnancy.

I thought I started feeling my second at 18wks turns out it was. My Dr said it depends on the placenta placement how early you will feel the baby’s movements.

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I was 16 weeks when I started to feel mine so it is possible to feel them that early. But some people don’t feel them as late as 26 weeks sometimes. Just give it time mama.

Every pregnancy is different
I repeat…every pregnancy is different
Feeling movement depends on not just your weight but also placenta placement and position of the baby

I didn’t feel my son move until 18 weeks and I coincidentally was eating something sweet which probably triggered him to move. And my placenta is behind him too by the way.

Be worried by 22 wks if you havent and have your dr do ultrasound. I felt 15 wks but its different for everyone.
Until then try different stimulants- move flashlight on belly, rub n poke, play a toy or music on your belly to try n get things moving.

I’m 26 weeks with my second it’s a girl and I really didn’t feel movement till 22 weeks

i didnt feel my kids til between 20-25 weeks i wouldnt worry about it til a few more weeks

Might have anterior placenta blocking movement

I still didn’t feel my second until well after 20 weeks. No flutters no nothing until about 23 w for sure. My third I felt a little better but my 4th I felt flutters at 12w. Earliest I have ever felt my babies.

Any week now. Don’t stress!