Is it possible to find out the gender at a 12 week ultrasound and around what week should I start to feel movement
I found out around 12 weeks by blood work.
Depends on which pregnancy you’re on for movement. I didn’t feel my first until 20ish weeks. My second was around 17 weeks.
Not usually for both of those
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I felt my 1st around 13-14 weeks… found out she is a she at 16 weeks. Sometimes you can find out what you are having during 12-13 weeks ultrasound but it depends on technician, baby, equipment, and how far along into that week you are (baby’s genitals are completely formed by 13 weeks).
I found out at around 6 or 7 weeks I had a blood test done
Usually around 20 weeks they can tell. If it’s your first baby you’d probably start feeling movement around 16-20 weeks. Feels like butterflies in your stomach. When I had my 4th I felt movement at 12 weeks. Depends on what number you’re on
No i dont think so but i think everyone is different but u would think around four months u could.
Roughly 15 weeks for movement depending on placenta placement…mine was on top and absorbed a lot of movement so it wasn’t until 20 weeks or so when I first started feeling flutters and only blood work will tell you gender at 12 weeks
Both boys and girls still have a nub at 12 weeks. So no. No reputable tech will give you a definitive answer. It’s just a guess at that stage. By 15 weeks all genitalia are in their correct positions. You can find out earlier via blood work though. And movement depends on your pregnancy. For my first I felt flutters a bit at 15 weeks and kicks at 18/19 weeks. This is my second and I’m 16 weeks and have felt movement for a couple of weeks now. Not all of the time though.
Yes with a blood test u can find out gender n 1st baby I felt at 18 weeks n this baby I’m 16 weeks n waiting impatiently
Blood work is the only option for 12 week gender determination. I felt movement at 14 weeks and 3 days
I had ultrasounds every other week with my last one. My doctor told me she wouldn’t even look at the 14 week one. I found out the gender at 16 weeks. I felt movement with 1st at around 18 weeks. With 2nd it was around 15 weeks.
You can through blood work but I wouldn’t even try to find out that soon through an ultrasound cuz baby’s genitals are not fully developed until 15 weeks and even then they are still swollen so there is a higher chance of a mistake predicting gender.
We knew our twin gender via ultrasound at 12 weeks, I felt them around 16-17 weeks