When can you find out gender of baby?

I wanted to know how far along in pregnancy until you can tell the gender of baby & I am overseas we don’t have the blood test gender teller just ultrasound.
Thank you! :disappointed_relieved:


I found out with my first at 18 weeks via ultrasound

I was able to do mine (on ultrasound) at 16 weeks, and had another one at 20 weeks (to double check) cause baby boy wasn’t cooperating the first time

As early as 12 weeks. But most don’t know for sure til 15 weeks or so

I found out at 12 weeks with my first and second kids but then the third time the tech said she couldn’t give me a guess because it wouldn’t be right and that they don’t tell that early anymore. But you will definitely be told at about 20 weeks.

Most techs will say 18 to 20 weeks

My daughter found out in her 18 week

All depends on your body type, position of baby and how good the equipment is

If you go at 20wks you’re less likely to be told the wrong gender

20 is when they usually check

i found out at 14 weeks (ultrasound) with my oldest, 18 with my middle (ultrasound) and then 10 with my youngest via blood.

Being overseas, you’ll need to do your research to see how far along you need to be for them to check. Also to get an idea on how accurate one place has been compared to another. It’ll vary. Not usually as many options compared to stateside. I found out at 14 weeks stateside (via ultrasound), but overseas I would of had to wait a couple more weeks. It depends on your area and what’s available.

My doctors always waited until 18 weeks but they can tell closer to 14.

18 -20 weeks is best for accuracy

I passed on the blood test, too.
We find out this coming Friday when I’m 19 weeks. I

With our other 3 we found out between 18-20wks

I was 21 weeks when they did mine

I found out at 14 weeks

Around 20 weeks usually

17 weeks is when we found out both of ours

17 weeks I think is the earliest

20 weeks was when i found out with both of mine, my son was born Aug 10th 2016 & my daughter Aug 27th 2017 ! Good luck momma!

We found out at 20 weeks with all three of my kids.

My sister had an ultrasound TOO EARLY like 15 weeks, they told her it was a girl so she got everything girly and had a pink baby shower and come to find out it was a boy! She only had the one ultrasound so if you do it early make sure you do another one later on :joy::joy::joy:

I’m in Canada nova Scotia and I found out at 15 weeks

I found out at 14 weeks

I found out at 16 weeks, verified at 20

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Usually around 20 weeks

I found out at 16 weeks

Between 17-20 weeks as long as baby cooperates

I was told at 13w oscar scan-test.

17wks with my 2nd they prefer 20wks but can tell at 17

16-20 weeks depending on the doctor… I found out a day shy of 18 weeks with my son

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Lol my baby didn’t want me to know. I didn’t find out till 30 weeks. :sweat_smile:

I waited till 20 weeks

Found out at 15 weeks ns verified at 20 weeks

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Depends when your ob office plans to schedule them. I use my insurance and it allows only so many so the dr schedule by 24 wks to be able to do the readings on all the babies development. By 15 wks babies gender is developed.

18-20 weeks. i found out at 20w 4d but i also did the blood test to know before that

The first time they checked on ultrasound, they couldn’t tell because of the way she was sitting, but at 22 weeks we found out :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart: and it was worth the wait. Until then we bought things that didn’t have to be specific like wipes, soaps, diaper inserts, white grey or black clothes. Toys, because all toys are fun lol. We prefered neutral carseat stroller and crib so that helped. Congrats on your sweet baby, best of luck to you!

If it’s a boy sometimes early like 13 weeks we could tell my second was a boy at 11 weeks.

For ultrasound that’s around 20 weeks

I was 16 weeks but some drs wait til 20 weeks

I did the blood test and knew at right before 13 weeks then had my anatomy ultrasound at like 18 or 20 weeks

Surprise. It will be so cool to be surprised

I found out by ultrasound at 16 weeks

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17-20 week, I got mine at 17 weeks

15 weeks if you pay extra 20-24 weeks if you are just doing your normal ultrasound

I was 15 weeks and did a 3D/4D ultrasound

I found out by ultrasound at 14 weeks 0 days

18 weeks is the earliest

Found out at 16 week ultrasound. I had one at 14 weeks and the OB refused to look as they have so many incorrect genders.

17 weeks. But I’ve heard of people being told accurately at 14 weeks through ultrasound

16 weeks with a normal ultra sound

You can actually tell a little before 16 weeks but to be more exact. Closer 18-20 weeks was when they confirmed I was having a boy

Around 12 weeks you should be able to tell but it all depends on position of baby. I didnt find out til around 28 weeks with all 3 of my kids

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I found out at 12 weeks with 2 and confirmed at 16

I was 16 weeks when i found out by ultrasound

I found out at 20 weeks

I found out at 11 weeks with this Harmony Test.

I found out @ 14.5 weeks via ultrasound!

I was 15weeks when i found out

My doctor only does it at 20 weeks or later

I found out at 15 weeks

At 16 weeks with my first and 13 weeks with my second I found out the gender through a paid ultrasound.

I would wait til 20 weeks

I found out at 20 weeks

Depending on who your OB is they’ll do it at different times, most of the time it’s close to 20 weeks.

I found out at 15w6d.

I found out with my son at 15 weeks . But some doctors will wait until 20 weeks . It all depends

First was 20 weeks second was 16 third I didn’t have prenatal care I found out at er when I was 35 weeks

Found out mine at 15 weeks