When can you start working out after givin birth?

how long after baby do I have to wait to workout? My everything is growing with this one not just my belly lol. I plan to run every morning before the kids wake up just need to know when I can start


6 weeks. As soon as the obgyn gives you the green light. Im jealous, I wanna run every morning without the kiddos. Good luck Momma.

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Wait until your doctor clears yourself which is usually after 6-8

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Are you pregnant now? You can stay active your whole pregnancy as long as you’re not pushing your body. For instance, if you run before baby , you can run during pregnancy. Just stick with what your body is used to. Post baby they will want you to heal for 6 weeks and then you will have a post part appointment and they will let you know if your body is ready. Usually 6 weeks to 2 months.


You can do a decent amount of work outs while your pregnant, unless you’re on bed rest of course. But to answer your actual question most docs will tell you 6 weeks pp.

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Start when your doctor says it’s ok.

How about you send that motivation my way for the duration of your pregnancy?


6 weeks or once cleared to by your dr

Need to wait for 6 week check up and get doctors opinion

Eating healthy before, during and after pregnancy ensures a natural body weight. If you then pair working out with it, you’ll see great results but you need to eat right to do that.

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