When can your baby have ice cream?

At what age can you feed your baby ice cream?, or custard?


I would say at 1 year. That’s when you can start giving milk, but check with your pediatrician of course just in case

Mine had a few small bites for my 6 yr olds bday at 5.5 months and she was fine but ideally most recommend 1 yr of age because breast milk or formula can provide all they need nutrition wise

Whenever they can eat, I’d just be careful with the ount of sugar in it and if your baby has dairy problems.

Try FroYo

I didn’t give my firstborn ice cream until 2, but she was never terribly interested.

My kiddo was never interested in ice cream either until she was about 2.5 years old. But I tried to give her a bite or two around 10-11 months just to see her reaction :slight_smile:

Babies can have yogurt at 6 months so :woman_shrugging:t2:


When my babies started solids, I would give them little bites of ice cream. It’s not going to hurt them if you’re not giving them the whole pint.

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6 m when they can start solids.


I give my daughter a little bit of ice cream and she’s 4 months going on 5 months but she eats solid food already :woman_shrugging:t2:

6m+ not like they should have it everyday


My daughter things yoghurt is ice cream.

we started once whole milk was approved, but nothing too crazy

Ice cream,I waited to make sure he was able to eat yogurt first and when he was able to have yogurt I gave him ice cream :ice_cream: how old is your little duffer

You could always try frozen yogurt or a sorbet because it’s water braised

If it’s for the texture/cold aspect, you can freeze milk pops for them to try :smiling_face: My babies weren’t that interested in cold stuff until 2 yrs plus. By that age, they were well adjusted to dairy anyway.

6 months small amounts

My 10 month old will fight you for a Nestle cone.

Ice cream at 10 months yogurt at 6

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6months when I started BLW

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Whenever you want to.

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6-8 months, but only a tiny bit because the milk might give them a belly ache. Custard I would say maybr 8-10 months just because it has eggs in it

When you know their tummies can handle dairy from a cow.

:roll_eyes: I gave mine some when they acted like they were interested in it. Of course it’s not like I gave them a whole bowl full. But a taste here and their isnt gonna hurt them.

I gave both of mine a very little bit on their 1st birthday. When whole milk is okay for them.

My daughter had ice cream at 6 months at a neighbors birthday party :woman_shrugging:t2: never bothered her

We didnt do any kind of junky stuff til they were over a year. We wanted to make sure they were more developed in the healthy foods and have a better palet. Once u have some icecream…nothing else matters hahhahahaha :joy::joy:

I saved that for the first birthday as a treat… besides the milk in it. There a lot of sugar in it their little body’s do not need

2 weeks old lol i juat give my kids taste test nothing big only one bire four months probably about 2 bite size

A year when cows milk is introduced

I did it for my daughter’s first birthday.

6 months. But in little amounts u til you know if they can handle it

I saved any sweets until their first birthday.