When did you forward face your child?

Do what you do. I turned mine at 8 months so I could drive to the store without ear piercing screams. Second was around 1 when she started fussing about facing backwards. Keep the :v:.


My dad called me a car seat Nazi for “going overboard”. My girls are still rear facing at 2 and 3. It is safer, screw what people say.

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My kids were all one. My eldest was about 10 months. We had a lifted bronco2 that time it was impossible to put him in rear facing. My youngest is 11 months. the state law I believe just changed to making it 2.

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My youngest daughter is very tiny and petite. She was rear facing for over 3 1/2 years. I’d rather be safe than sorry. She is now 5 1/2 and is still in a 5 point harness car seat because she ia so small. The point of rear facing is in,the event of a collision babies can abaoeb the impact better. Their neck and back muscles are too weak to withstand the impact if they were forward facing.

Keep him rearfacing as long as your seat allows! It’s the safest. My son was 3 I think? I would have kept him longer if I could!

Mine will be 3 in march and weighs like 37 lbs. He will be rear facing for at leeeeast another year.


Rf is so much safer. Tell them to stfu.

Just before my son turned 4, he outgrow his seat by height in RF mode. So I flipped him forward.

Turn it around. Would you want your legs a crunched up no and at least they can see out the window

Wait as long as possible… I cannot stress this enough.

Rear face until they max out the rear facing weight max limit. Carseat safety is extremely important.

Follow the guidelines on the car seat, your children’s lives should be important enough to follow heavily researched guidelines based on science and experience.

Until they max out height OR weight of RF limits on your seat. My 5 yr old is still RF.

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In Oklahoma you can’t forward face until 2 years of age. I think alot of states have adapted that law but idk for sure. I’d definitely make sure.

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4 for my first, my 2nd is 2 and still rear facing. My 3rd is 9 months. My husband s and I agreed until 4 or whatever the seat allows

My kids both have long legs so they RF until their little knees were crunched up around age 2

Mu son is 1 and is starting to fold his knees because he is touching the back of the seat. What can i do? Seems uncomfortable…

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Both forwarded faced at 1. And I still currently have both of them in a car seat. Oldest is 6 & youngest is 2. He will be 3 in 4 months.

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What’s the law? Do some research

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Most states require child to rf until age of 2.

I think it depends on your states law and car seat guidelines. New York State just made it a law they must be rear facing until 2yo. We turned my daughter forward facing at 2. My son is 18 months and he’ll be rear facing until he’s 2.

My youngest was 3 1/2 years old before he sat forward.

Forward facing at two, but you can continue rear-facing as long as you’d like. :slightly_smiling_face:

There is a page for great carseat information… Carseat for littles

Plus join the group CarSeat Safety Page. It’s recommended to keep babies FF until 40lbs. Its extremely unsafe to have them FF too early.

My son turned 2 in december and I just forward faced him only because his feet were hitting seat hes very tall and skinny You are his mama listen to your own instincts not everyone elses the longer u can keep them rear facing the safer they’ll be

Wait as long as possible. My daughter is 2 1/2 and we went forward a couple months ago but only bc she is huge, 99th percentile height and weight so she just didn’t fit rear anymore. I would’ve kept her rear if I could’ve

Ignore those people. Read-facing as long as possible.

My daughter was 2, my son was 3.

All my kids were forward facing by age 1 1/2-2years old. they are 14,12,6,6, and almost 3 now


All state laws are different but most are 2 years old

My son won’t turn till closer to 4 years old. He is 2 and doesn’t even weight 30lbs yet.
The recommendation now is when they max out their height and weight to the seat you can move them forward facing. It’s MUCH safer for tgek

I know someone that has theirs refacing at 4 it’s all about when you’re comfortable with it. In va the law is 2

When you feel it’s safe,and your child isn’t way to big to fit in the car seat.If the child has his knees at his ears then change.Make sure your baby is still safe.If the child is to big,or cramped they may be safety issues. Talk to the pediatrician,they will help you.

Turned mine around before she turned 1 . Personally if they are ready then they are ready in my opinion. Have had no problems at all


Both were turned probably 1.5- 2. I wanted to rear face until they were 4 but both of my kids would literally scream until they threw up being rear facing. Idc about these people who are gonna attack me, I’m aware of the safety risk I am taking, but I invite them to sit in a car for an extended period of time with a screaming child, and then have to take them out. Clean their carseat out, clean them off, redress them, feed, diaper change,etc. All just for one trip one way. It was way too hard, and the second I turned them forward they never did it again.

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I turned my daughter around shortly after she turned 2 because she hated being rear faced she would constantly scream cry

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I am keeping mine rear facing until 40 lbs. it doesn’t matter if they’re tall or not, they have enough room for the legs. You get into a car wreck your child is much safer rear facing. Neck & spinal injuries aren’t anything to play with, you can’t think it won’t happen to you, because other people do suck at driving and they could ram right into you.


My son just turned 3 and still rear faces :woman_shrugging:t2:

You’re not being ridiculous at all. It is safest to keep them rear facing as long as possible

My daughter was 4 when I turned her forward facing.
They’re 500% safer rear facing than forward. 500%. That’s massive.

Rear facing is safest. Always. Even when you think they’re “too tall”. Their legs can sit over the sides, crossed… etc.


My daughter has been front facing since she weighed enough to be. It’s all when your ready to and the weight is right and you’ll get very mixed opinions.

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You are not crazy at all :disappointed:


I will rear face my daughter as long as possible.

My convertible seat says rear face till 40 lbs
and is allowed to forward face starting 20 lbs
My 26 lb , 18 month old is still rear facing, in a country where there is ZERO culture or laws about car seats and kids are on drivers laps all the time (shudder) so imagine the comments I get

Now by law they have to stay rear facing until they are two once they turn two u can face them forward or at least that is the law now in Louisiana u might want to look at the laws in ur state

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I turned my daughter around when she was like 14 months. Then they made the law that they had to be 2 so I turned it back around and she’s now 2 and forward facing again

My daughter is about 30 lbs and almost 2, still rear facing. Will probably rear face until she outgrows the limit.

At 2, but it depends on your state laws not Facebook


No your a great momma keep it up!!!

My son is 2 and still rear facing. I have no immediate plans to turn him around. He is perfectly fine rear facing and it’s much safer for him to be rear facing.
There is no reason to turn them around and don’t listen to all those who say they are uncomfortable because they are too tall.

I turned my daughter around just after a year but laws are different than they were 4 years ago so my son will have to be rear facing till 2 yrs. We had lived in a low population farm area so I was never too concerned about getting in an accident but in high populated areas I’d probably have been more cautious.

My daughter is 3 and still rear facing as long as she meets the seats rear facing requirements I will keep her that way it is so much safer.

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My first 3 kids were 6-8 months, 4th was 13 mobths


My son will be 4 next month and is still rear facing

You do it when you feel its the right time, dont worry about anyone else. The law may say he can go forward facing but if he is happy and you are happy and his seat is rated to remain rearfacing then just do you

My daughter was 3 & my son was 2.

My daughter is two and we plan to rear-face for as long as possible. It’s so much safer. I’ve been a major car accident and had a neck injury, so I thoroughly believe in safety first. Rear-facing significantly decreases the likelihood of injury and death in young children. 5 Reasons to Keep Your Child Rear-Facing for as Long as Possible


My daughter will be 3 in a couple weeks, weighs 35lbs and is still rear facing. She reached the height requirement for her seat and when she reaches 40lbs, she can be turned to forward facing. She seems content and not bothered, so I’m just going to leave her rear facing until she weighs 40lbs.

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We did it around 2 and still have our current 1 year old rear facing.

I turned both my kids on their 2nd birthdays

It was our states law where we lived

I plan on waiting until my DD is 2

My first born the law was they had to be facing rear until they were one, so her first birthday hit and I turned her. This was 13 years ago, I had just turned 20, she was only 19 lbs.
My second baby is now 9 months, the law states they must be two, but to keep them rear facing as long as possible. I will have her rear facing until she is 40 lbs as that is the max weight for her carseat to rear face. Idc how old she is, she isnt turning until she hits 40 lbs.

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There are laws now that dictate that

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Just under 4. The fact is that rf is safer for everyone. Height and weight don’t matter. The years the spine had to ossify matters and that take roughly 4 years.

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Cops that check your car seat at a child birth class and a car seat check at certain events say to keep your child rear facing as long as possible. Even car seat producers say that.

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I resurfaced my oldest until 1. My youngest was rear facing until 2.

When he hits the max weight or height of his titan seat! My youngest is 3 on feb 14, 35lbs and will stay rear facing for awhile yet!
People have asked why i haven’t turned him around but once I tell them its best and the reasons why, they usually say that makes sense!
If we can help keep them safe why wouldn’t we?!

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Before I was educated I turned my daughter at 2 she was about 35 lbs. My son is turning 2 in May and will still be back facing as long as possible

We waited til 3. Just do u girl. Rear facing is safest. Legs bend and kid will be fine. And u will feel good knowing the child is extra safe.

It’s been proven that rear-facing facing is still safer. As long as they’re still short enough. The best way to know is to contact a fire department or a police station and they can tell you whether or not it still safe.

My daughter was 3 years old…the law where I live is 2 years old and 30 lbs. She was finally a steady 32 lbs when she turned 3.

Things have changed IDK anymore. Follow the suggested per the seat

My first was 18months I believe when we forward face, maybe slightly older.

Go over your state guidelines and/ or how your kid acts . If your kid is a puker earlier than later wasn’t ruining my car

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My son will be 2 next month, hes been forward facing for awhile now. He is the size of a 4 year old, he is VERY tall and the doctor confirmed him for forward facing before i switched the seat.

On our sons 2nd birthday

I turned my girl at 2 1/2 because she was getting really upset and annoyed with her legs up against the back seat and started hating being in the car she’s very tall so I turned her.

I turned my daughter around at 1 an she’s about to be 2 she’s 31 pounds 34 inches tall

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Safest to stay rear facing until they are 40lbs or 40” tall.


If he is happy keep him as he is. I have seen 4 year olds facing back. It’s your choice.

At one year. Thank God! My now 4 year old weighs 35 pounds and is still in a toddler seat- facing forward of course. Lol

It is ridiculous. 1 year and 5 months

Do not turn him around get a bigger weight limit. Look up the post I shared on here one time these people are crazy for some of the ages they did.

In a lot of states it’s 2 years old. Some have weight restrictions as well. My advise it is your little one isn’t complaining leave them rear facing. It’s safer.

Mine stayed rear facing till he met the age, height, and weight requirements technically he only had to meet one requirement age, but rear facing is safer for their fragile necks and bodys. So we kept him rear facing till he met all the requirements but we also had mirrors and stuff where he could see around him. I didnt care what my MIL or anyone else said I knew what was best for my son and I DONT have to explain my parenting choices to anyone at anytime and neither do you. Do what you feel is right dont worry about what everyone else has to say. #safeisbest ur baby is the most precious cargo u will ever drive around and most drivers dont pay attention. Babies are more likely to get hurt or killed in a car accident if they aren’t in the correct seat or facing the wrong direction


Mine about 14 months he was so long his legs would jam in the back seat he was about 22 lbs at the time

When their legs are
too long x

I kept my son rear facing until he was 3 years old. The longer they rear face the better in my opinion.

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I can’t believe the people judging her for keeping rear facing. Do some research!

My son was rear faced till two and a half. At that point he was uncomfortable so I put him forward.

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My girl is 3.5, and weighs 17.60kg… her carseat maxes out at 18kg. She’s still rearfacing and when she maxes that one out, I’m buying her a new carseat that last up to 25kg rearfacing. :relieved:

Almost 15mo here and we plan to RF until we cant anymore

My daughter is tall. Her legs were way too long to keep her in a rear facing car seat. She’s been forward facing since about 8 or 9 months because I could not find a rear facing car seat to accommodate her legs

Also, keep in mind, everything is a suggestion. You have to do what is best for your son. If you feel to keep him rear facing, do it. If you just want him in a seat belt as of this point, do that. The child’s safety and comfort are what’s important. Not what others say to you. Fuck them

We front faced my daughter at 18 months as she suffers greatly with car sickness… Our pediatrician actually is up to date on car seat things and it might be worth it to ask them!

My daughter will be 4 in June and is about 40lbs, and I still have her rear facing

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