When did you guys get your positive pregnancy test? I’m 16 dpo and 5 days missed. I’ve had very faint positives that could maybe even be an evap? I have I think every classic symptom.
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You should have a dark positive by the time you have missed your period. I usually get a faint test maybe 3 days before
Day I was supposed to start period
With my son I didn’t get a positive test until I was 14 weeks, with my each of my 2 daughters I got positive when I was 5 weeks.
when i was pregnant with my son i did a test on the 18th which came back negative took another on the 23rd and it was very positive drs said conception date was the 13th (all dates in the same month) when i did tests i hadn’t missed my period yet
If you got a faint positive, call your doctor for a blood draw.
Not necessarily your case, but I had faint positives my last pregnancy, which ended up being a complete molar pregnancy.