Angela McHatton it’s mild and not entirely dependable.
I’ve just had a breastfeeding antenatal class and my midwives said breastfeeding is NOT a form of birth control .
Oh HONEY, you’re gonna want a pregnancy test!!!
With my first baby I didn’t get my period for a year and a half later. I would still call your doctor could be pregnant again it’s happens
Angela McHatton You can actually get pregnant before you even have a period because of the fact that you ovulate and release an egg AND THEN if that egg wasnt fertilized you get a period. My girls are exactly a year apart July 6th 2010 and then July 4th 2011. When I got pregnant with my second daughter I never got period before getting pregnant. There for I also didn’t know I was pregnant till I was 22 weeks when I felt the unmistakable kicking off a baby lol!!
Uterus is still shrinking back to normal. My cramps from breastfeeding my littlest were the wooorst
Could be implantation cramping… I would take a test… Trust me when i say it is very very very easy to get pregnant after having a baby… I had my daughter turned around and was pregnant again… They are a year apart. The doctors should of explained how fertile you are after having a baby…
Traci Lyn Castello Stanley your right its very unlikely
I mean. Take a test? Think that’s the logical thing to do and it’s the only way you’ll know for sure if you pregnant or not. Breastfeeding isn’t a form of birth control and since you had unprotected sex…uh yeah
Heather Gowett shes not pregnant. Shes on bc and breastfeeding theres highly unlikely chance
In one of the replies she said she’s on bc. I think it’s her uterus still shrinking and breastfeeding is making it worse. Maybe take a pregnancy test to be sure though??
Sean Christensen shes not pregnant. She is on bc and breastfeeding her uterus is shrinking back to pre-pregnancy size
Sean Christensen if you read the comments she put in the comments shes on bc
Emilee Terlaje if your on bc and breastfeeding its double wammy and highly unlikely to be pregnant
Melissa Pagan shes also on bc and breastfeeding so highly unlikely
Madison Evans Either way, birth control is not 100% effective. There is always that chance and body after pregnancy super fertile.
Lattiana Cordell its highly unlikely that your pregnant. Because your on bc and breastfeeding. Its your uterus shrinking back to pre-pregnancy size
Madison Evans And it doesn’t say anything about birth control on the post
Melissa Pagan look through the conments
Madison Evans i didnt see theb.c part. But you can definitly get pregnant while breastfeeding.
Madison Evans lol if that’s true, how am I here?
You can still get pregnant on birth control.
Wow so many jerks on these posts. Actually if you are exclusively breastfeeding and having no issues doing so your dr will tell you that thats all the birth control you need for the first 6 months postpartum. You dont need any other BC until after 6 months. Anyone making fun of you is clearly uneducated, and they probably don’t or never did breastfeed because if they did they would know that odds of you getting pregnant in this situation is less than taking the pill. I couldn’t imagine what that pain would be from but i would definitely tell your Dr. Maybe its normal???
But if she just started breast feeding i know i had contractions when i breast fed they hurt alot. Maybe because she started breast feeding contractions started again i dont know how that works
Amanda Kiely she wouldnt have just started if she is ebf. She’s 3 months pp. What it is her uterus is contracting back to pre-pregnancy size
Madison Evans Thank you cause honestly was not going to look through over 100 comments Uterus can still be shrinking that’s all I can think of after. OBGYN visit is best for anything in the end to get to the root of all problems
Heather Gowett its in the comments thats why
Madison Evans Yes I know that’s why I said MAYBE take a test to be sure.
Heather Hotaling it be her uterus contracting back to pre-pregnancy size
Melissa Pagan your welcome. Ive been a midwife for a little over a year. Its her uterus contracting back to normal size
Emilee Terlaje its her uterus contracting back to normal size
My boss got pregnant while breastfeeding
Yeah I didnt get my period while breastfeeding.
Heather Hotaling it is very well known breast feeding isn’t a birth control, I know from experience it isn’t had a baby with no period between them
if you haven’t taken a test, I’d do so first…
Maybe you have an infection if you had un protected sex too soon after giving birth, as your cervix and everything is still open, you still have a gaping hole in your uterus from where your placenta was taken from. Maybe go to the doctors
Madison Evans i got pregnant on bc so its possible lol
There is a small possibility she could be pregnant. And also it’s likely she isn’t and it’s her uterus like i already said. I don’t understand the debate here lol
Bree Evans yea that’s also a possibility.
Angela McHatton that is not true i got pregnant with my son when my daughter was only 8 weeks old ebf it is not birth control and they told me that when i left the hospital my daughter and my son are 11 months apart
I also never had a period after i haf my daughter
And lactation amenorrhea however you spell it just means you ate less likely to have a period not that you cannot get pregnat
Madison Evans do you have to be a bitch?
She went to school to be a midwife but she literally tell people that Breastfeeding is a natural BC…no midwife would tell a person that…
Girl you’re prob prego
Leanna Kean read through the comments
Rowan Meggs read through the comments
I got pregnant 3 months PP WITH birth control. Get a pregnancy test!
If you’ve had unprotected sex, you may be pregnant(yes, even I’d you are on the pill! Progesterone only pills, which are safe to take while lactating, do not stop you from ovulating). It also may be totally normal post partum pains. Wait a couple weeks and take an at home pregnancy text. If positive, call your OB. If it continues after the next couple months, call you OB. If it’s just a one time occurrence, don’t worry about it.
Just curious why y’all would assume that birth control would mean she’s not pregnant? It’s not 100% & it being so soon after birth + breastfeeding makes it easier for her to get pregnant again.
Ok I never said it was birth control but that’s it’s like it as in it reduces the chance of getting pregnant because your body is still acting as if you are pregnant. I’ve never been on birth control and the fact that I breast fed kept my period at bay and didn’t ever get pregnant till after my system had returned to normal so sorry if it didn’t work for some of you but that doesn’t change the facts.
Lattiana Cordell have you ever had an ovarian cyst? Or kidney stones? It really could be anything. If its really extreme pain, go,to the ER.
Emily Schoonover Cramer I have a history of ovarian cysts but the last time I went they said it will basically explode on its own & to not worry about it.
I have a friend who got pregnant on the pill and used a condom, I also know people who breast fed and we’re on BC. No matter the precautions every time you have sex you can get pregnant.
Uterus is shrinking faster due to breastfeeding. I went through it with both mine
You need to take a pregnancy test bc or not… If the pain continues and \ or gets worse go to your Dr. Better safe than sorry. Good luck either way.
Amanda Kiely I have 2 BC babies!!!
8 months in (ebf) and still haven’t had a period as such. However, each month I get cramps, back ache and my emotions run high, low and wherever else they want to go!! Xx