When did you get your period after birth?

Question! No bashing!!!

So I’m 3 months pp. I have not had my period yet, I’m exclusively breastfeeding. Now since 2 days ago, I’ve had severe I mean severe cramping! Almost like period cramps but a little more intense. I’m not bleeding. & yes I’ve had bowel movements(sorry for tmi). Just curious if any other mamas could help me out, I have no idea why or what it is bc I’m not bleeding. I also have had unprotected sex with my partner. Idk if that would make a difference. Please no bashing.


You might be pregnant again…


Just because you don’t want bashing doesn’t mean you won’t get bashed 🤦😂


I dont understand why people have unprotected sex after just having a baby…


But also. Take a test cause unprotected sex can equal pregnancy if you haven’t figured that out yet


AIisha Ivory right. It’s like they don’t know how reproduction works.


No shit but if you aren’t gonna be helpful then why even say anything? Some people just can’t help but be a prick I guess…

Plus it’s nuts cause if I just had a kid, which I did, I sure as hell wouldn’t be having unprotected sex.


You might be pregnant again. Just because you are breastfeeding doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant.


I didn’t get my period until 6 months after I had my baby when I stopped breastfeeding. Just in case though take a pregnancy test. Also, the uterus has to go back to normal size so that may be the cause of the cramping


Not sure who’d bash on this. It happens. Definitely take test. I’ve been in same situation. You are alone. Many reasons they tell you to be careful w Unprotected sex postpartum. We are very fertile breastfeeding or not.


I had similar pains and I was also exclusively breast feeding, they were very intense cramps, is what it felt like but it never led to anything and i just blamed it on things moving back to normal inside x

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Pregnant :pregnant_woman:t3: I did the same lol :joy:

People are so rude wow.


It would take me about a year to get mine back with each of my babies and the cramping can be your uterus contacting back to normal, breast feeding can make those a but more intense.

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id take a test for sure

After having my first I started cramping horribly when ovulating. Take a test but period might be coming soon. Even when breastfeeding I got my periods a month after baby

Lmfao I am going be pepper spraying my SO if he thinks he going be touching me unprotected after just pushing out a baby :joy:


Brianna Winkler theres literally no reason for you to be so damn rude! Grow up.

Honey, take a pregnancy test.
I got pregnant 4&1/2 months after my second. I was also exclusively breastfeeding. It is not a method of birth control.
I had severe cramping, along with bleeding, I miscarried (I’m not looking for sympathy).
Im not saying that’s what your going through, but you’ll feel much better if you find out.
Best of luck and blessings to you.


You could be pregnant again but if the cramps are on one side and that bad definitely call your OB. It could be ectopic or tubal if it is a pregnancy with severe cramps. And if tubal is the case it could be fatal.

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AIisha Ivory I am terrified of having sex rn. I have a 3 year old and a 3 month old. No mam no ham. I am good. I may be on birth control and will use a condom anyways, but I’m just scared of getting pregnant so soon.

Okay that’s you and your life. Not everyone else. Move a long if you guys dont have anything positive to say.


I would say take a test i didn’t get a chance to get my period after my first when I found out I was pregnant again…


AIisha Ivory not if shes been breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is a natural birth control so for her to get pregnant in 3 months is nearly impossible. Your not supposed to have intercourse 4 to 6 weeks anyways


Kitty Minnie MOvE AlONg :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


I got pregnant while breastfeeding 3 times.


Madison Evans you are stupid and that’s horrible advice. Breastfeeding is not a natural birth control.


Kitty Minnie
OkAy ThAt’S YoU AnD YoUr LiFe I just stated my opinion if you dont like it scroll down :roll_eyes:


I haven’t gotten my period yet and I’m not breastfeeding and not pregnant… sometimes the body just needs a little time to adjust. I did have cramps like you’re describing and my period never came but I’m on birth control so that might have a factor in it because I didn’t start before I got my 1st period.

Kerrie Crose very unnecessarily rude! Theres literally no reason to bash this girl, people just have no manners.

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Caitlyn Olivia Axtell girl i am confused with you :joy:

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Just saying, I found out I was pregnant 8 weeks postpartum (after my 5th child). It’s possible you’re pregnant. Also possible that it’s just from breastfeeding too though. Take a pregnancy test.

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I breastfed til my son was 4 months old and I didn’t have a period til he was 6 or 7 months old. I had bad cramps for 6 weeks to 2 months after I had my son. But I wasn’t pregnant I got on the pill when I went back for my 6 week check up. :thinking: Idk I would test

Brianna Winkler it is though. Your body doesnt produce eggs if your breastfeeding yes it can still produce some but not much

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Hormones after labor are always out of wack. It treats everyone different. It could just be your hormones but if you’re really concerned take a pregnancy test.


Madison Evans
No its not whoever told you that is stupid :joy:


Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.


Also some women (the lucky ones) don’t have periods for up to a year after they give birth. One of my friends had this happen with both her kids and her doctor said it was normal. I was never this lucky unless I was pregnant again lol I always started getting periods immediately after giving birth.

Brianna Winkler im definitely not stupid. When ive gone to school to be a midwife

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I didn’t have my first period untill 6 months after having my LO and I was breastfeeding but I did have period like cramps every month. I knew I wasn’t pregnant bc to be honest I didn’t have time for that. Lol

Cause apparently you can’t get pregnant while breastfeeding since it’s a “natural” birth control. Which it’s not for the dumbasses that think it is

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Omg! 3 times. I’m a 3x as well.

Youre going to be a midwife but you literally said before on this page that bigger people have bigger babies… any midwife or soon to be midwife would know thats not true at all.


AIisha Ivory after having a baby your body contracts for weeks to shrink your uterus down so the pains shes getting could be those

Yep. Definitely stupid. Went to school to be a midwife but you sell thrive? Yeah. Okay :roll_eyes::joy:

Wow and you guys have kids? Kids having kids. I feel bad for your children, having to grow up with childish rude parents… I hope they dont turn out to be bullies in school, or in and out of jail :woman_shrugging:


Lmfao Brianna Winkler girl than why do alot of females get pregnant when theyre breastfeeding :thinking:


It is somewhat of a natural birth control. I did not get a period for over a year. And then…I had one. And got pregnant again :woman_facepalming:…while I was still breastfeeding.

At three months, if you are EBF, it’s pretty unlikely that you are pregnant again.


I was exclusively breastfeeding my first and not on b.c. didn’t have a period started cramping bad went to get on b.c. and I was pregnant… I found out when my son was about 5 months…

I hope yours dont be a snowflake like you over someone opinion :woman_shrugging:


Even my doctor and the doctor who performed my Csection told me that breastfeeding is not birth control. But what do they know, right? Considering they actually have a degree and don’t try to sell some bullshit pyramid scheme

Avis Neal yep and I’m birth control and breastfeeding.

I didn’t have my first period til about 8 months pp… I as well was exclusively BF. Breastfeeding itself can causing cramping and discomfort but if you are concerned I would give your doctor a call to see what’s going on. It could just be your body getting itself back to normal! Good luck momma!

Right?! :roll_eyes: y’all don’t get a flat screen when you have unprotected sex


AIisha Ivory y’all probably shouldn’t be part of a mom SUPPORT group, if you’re just going to get on here and be self righteous bitches. Move the fuck on. Smh. Petty ass shit.

It’s not an opinion if it’s meant to literally bash her. That’s bullying, learn this difference.

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PLEASE dont listen to females that are saying that BF is a Natural BC because there are many females that got pregnant after a couple of months of BF BF isnt a natural BC just because you dont have your period doesnt mean you cant get pregnant. :woman_facepalming:


I hope yours learn not to bring other people’s kids into arguments 🤷 you look 16 so your statement must be about you.

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Kerrie Crose agreed. They really shouldn’t be part of a mom support group if they can’t be supportive😂


Madison Evans. So LAM is effective if its done precisely right and even then its not 100% effective

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That happened to me too… now I have two toddlers 11 months apart… :rofl:


I didnt even say anything about her tho? So how is it bashing I just stating my opinion If I wanted to bash her believe me I would have.

I mean we just threw In our opinions about unprotected sex. Literally stating it as a just in general. But if it hurt you then pull the cactus out of your ass

I got my period when i was 9 and it has been regular to a T my entire life. I started on the 7th when i was 9. Had my son December 7th and then started my period right back up January 7th. :joy:


This is my post & I take birth control. I know breastfeeding is not a form of birth control. For god sake. So for all who are saying breastfeeding is not a form of birth control I know that. Not anywhere in my post did I say it’s birth control. Y’all are just assuming I think that. So yes I TAKE BIRTH CONTROL :clap:t3:


Sierra Cash well we should! :sweat_smile::joy:

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The group rules literally say no bashing. You have no business being in this group.

Girl, youre pregnant. Lol

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Lattiana Cordell its another girl that is saying that BF is a BC I think thats why people are saying its not a BC

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Where does it say that? It’s a page not a group 🤷 and I’ve been in this Group for years now. If the admins had issues with my rudeness then they would of blocked me.

Lattiana Cordell some ppl are just rude af. I totally have the same thing happening. I’m only 2 weeks ppl and exclusively bfing and had these horrible horrible cramp like pains a few nights ago and almost went into the hospital over them. I was not bleeding either and have not had sex! It’s our bodies going back to our pre pregnancy size. My doctor told me its normal. And unless I’m bleeding really bad that I’m good. I’m sorry your going through it. Sucks. Heating pads and tylenol girl.

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AIisha Ivory I know that. I just am trying to figure out why I’m having these cramps. I know I’m not pregnant I’ve tested 2 times. Both are negative. I’m on birth control. I don’t get why people have to be so mean. It’s not like I posted a damn sticky note on my forehead & said kick me. :unamused:

I had really bad cramps when I had just had my daughter too. They were so bad I couldn’t walk , the only thing that helped even a slightest bit was setting in a hot bath tub . It was awful

JenniferNmanuel Olivas it hurts so bad. I could just lay down & not move bc it hurts that bad lol.

Wow part of the group for years and failed to read the rules… it clearly says no bashing and since you didn’t have anything nice to say you should’ve moved on :woman_shrugging:

Kitty Minnie people literally bash almost every post that is posted and the admins doesnt do anything

I still haven’t gotten my period and my son is 18 months old. I occasionally get period like cramps but nothing ever comes of them, wish I had more answers lol.

But this page is meant to be supportive. These mothers are coming on here because they need advice. Not a bunch of rude moms bashing them or calling them stupid for asking a question.

Oh waaah. I don’t have to read the rules on a page 🤦😂 got a problem with it and wanna cry about it? Move on. Follow your own advice

I didn’t get my first period until about 15 months postpartum but still got cramps and Moody about the time I was supposed to get a period every month without the blood

Could also be your birth control then. I know some women have issues with the type they are on.

Girl I can take your whole Facebook profile down, go learn some damn manners.

Sometimes intimacy can cause cramping. It is not uncommon for your cycle to stay away for even 1 year if you are exclusively breastfeeding.

I would hope you’ve had a bowel movement in 3 months…:joy:


Sometime bluntness comes off rude Motherhood isnt suppose to have people sugarcoat stuff for you just because we are mothers doesnt mean we cant speak our opinions even if you disagree and think its rude

Lattiana Cordell it’s probably your uterus going back to normal and shrinking . I remember this feeling with both mine. Heat pad works . Good luck Hun xo


Op Adds

I take birth control I’m getting basically made fun of bc I put in breastfeeding. I know breastfeeding is not a form of birth control.

Did I miss where OP put she was on birth control?

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Mamas Uncut actually lactational amorhea is a thing. I am not sure on the spelling but is recognized during the first 6 months.


Its your uterus contracting to shrink back to normal, it often happens whilst breast feeding but can happen for months after birth, usually worse after each baby too x

Get a hot water bottle and just have cuddles with your little one! Ignore the nastiness! Xxx

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And I hope you feel better soon xxx

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Lattiana Cordell from this mother of three 38,30&26 hot bath and heating pad feel better soon sweetie

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Dreama Cooper thank you

I exclusively breastfed my son and didn’t get a period until 15 days before his first birthday… also used oral bc during that time that wouldn’t effect milk supply… uterus shrinking could be the issue tho… but you can still get prego even tho you’re nursing…


It does act as a form of birth control, I never had to worry until I had my first period which could take up to about 6 months or more

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I had that one night in between periods and was really confused because they were worse than period cramps. Two weeks later my period didn’t come and I was pregnant. Could be implantation

Lattiana Cordell Could be your uterus shrinking back. Breastfeeding, especially excursively, causes your uterus to cramp and contract trying to get everything out and back to normal. I breastfeed/pumped with 4 of mine and everytime I breastfeed I got horrible cramps. Could be you were ovulating. Some women can feel when they ovulate. Or it can be birth control causing. I would ask at your next postpartum appt or if it continues and gets worse then give your Dr a call

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Mamas Uncut I don’t think your being made fun of, certainly I did not mean for you to take that away from comment.