When did you have "the talk" with your kids?

I was wondering age other parents talked to their children about sex .

I think 12 is a good age.


Depends really. I got the talk by an aunt at 8 (I didnt even have a period yet she just wanted to tell me about it which upset my mom as she thought I wasnt ready) but I didn’t really think much of it to be honest. I say about preteen age so about 12 or so, but definitely before high school. And be open with everything and let them ask questions and be honest.

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between 10-12 boys can get curious as young as 8

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As soon as they start asking questions. Answer all questions in an age appropriate way. My 6 year old knows that “Daddys put babies in Mommies bellies” but she doesnt know how. My 10 year old knows how. Even my 2 year old knows that sometimes Mommies bleed down there. Doesnt know why yet but the 10 year old does. I don’t plan on sitting my kids down for a big revealing “talk” . I just answer all questions as they arise and impart the knowledge slowly over years to keep the communication open.


Age appropriate dialogue starting as soon as they are old enough to realize body differences and progressively increase info. The sooner you start open dialogue with them the easier the full discussion is and the greater the chances are they will willingly come to you with questions. Full discussion when daughter has first period and son around 12ish (or when caught exploring body if sooner than 12).


when they ask. I’m not going to be shy about body parts and such.

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As soon as he started asking questions…around 8 or 9. But some others said 12 and that is fine. Idk why some chick feels the need to laugh at responses of people who said 12.


My elementary school did when we were in the 5th grade.

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My daughter is 5 and asked me about periods and how babies are made. I gave her a brief overview, we’ll save the nitty gritty details until she starts her first period. She knows about stranger danger and bad touch, which is enough for now imo.