When did you know your child was ready for a toddler bed?

When did you know your child was ready for a toddler bed? I feel like my 18 month old will never sleep if he’s able to get in and out on his own

My son learned how to climb out of his crib at 19 months and that’s when I knew there was no stopping him and he went into a twin bunk bed with a side rail. He obviously slept on the bottom bunk though.

If he isn’t climbing out id leave him because once they have that freedom sleeping becomes overrated

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Keep him in crib as long as you can.

Keep them in their crib as long as you can. When they start climbing out and it can become a safety issue switch them. My middle child was like 3.5/4 when I switched him. I’m hoping my youngest will stay in her crib as long. It is so much easier to get them to lay down and go to sleep while they are in their crib and not getting up out of bed every two seconds.

Wait til they are climbing out of their crib. No reason to rush

Once they started climbing out ……safety!

My 18 month old is in a toddler bed now and has been since 9 months old

My 16m is still in his cot, his toddler bed is ready and his rooms been decorated ready for him but I just haven’t made the switch yet. He’s a climber so I worry about him being in his own room :rofl: my daughter went in hers around 2yo, she didn’t bother in climbing and was a great sleeper, she loved her big bed. My lad won’t be the same, I’m holding on as long as I can :woman_facepalming:t2: