When did you let your son go into the bathroom alone?

My son is currently 7y. At what age is it fine to let my son go to the public restroom by himself. I walk with him and still make him go to the lady’s side and wait by the door to stall his in. If my husband accompanies him, they go to the men’s side, and the husband waits for the same way. But till what age is it considered that my son can goes to the lady’s side and he has to go by himself in the men’s side when my husband is not around. I’m a bit paranoid about current situations happening. I always have that fear something bad is about to happen to my kids when we are out in public. Sometimes I just get a bad mood having my kids out in public and worrying someone is trying to get them. I’m always aware of who around, or if my kids lose sight of my kids(I have a 3yr old also) for a moment, like hiding behind a rack I have small panics. That’s the reason for my question. Thank you for your time.


For me it kind of depends on where we are. In a huge Walmart, I go with them. In a small local diner with 2 stalls, I wait outside the door


I don’t really have an answer but my son is 10 and i still make him go in the women’s restroom with me unless his dad is with us to take him in thr mens


I think you should accompany your son until you feel comfortable with him going alone. Trust your gut. You and your husband are your children’s protector and guide.


I always kept my foot in the door so I could listen and yell out, are you ok…dads understood, I obviously wouldn’t keep my nose in.

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When my boys were younger I would have them say their abcs, sing a song…or keep a conversation with me while I stood right outside the door. They knew that the second they stopped or I heard distress in their voice that I would walk in.


I did what Brandi Williamson did n does

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I wait right outside the bathroom for my 10 yr old🤷🏻‍♀️I’ll go in if I think I need too.

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My oldest is about to be 12 and if his father isn’t with us he goes in the woman’s room with me in bigger places


My son is 10 and he goes to the ladies restroom with me. Too many weirdos out there


Mine are 9 and 6 and I make them use the women’s bathroom.


That’s what family restrooms are for hopefully the places you go have one or do what sandy said

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With the way this country is going, mine will be going in with me until he can stick up for himself! Ain’t trusting a single person to be in with my child


I stood by the door and told men that they could wait or I can come in. No one gave me a hard time and some even said they have to to tell there wife’s this. I would even yell in the bathroom to see if anyone was In there first. And if a man came to use it I would yell for my son to see how much longer and that would determine if I would let them in.


Definitely not yet anyhow

If it’s like a restaurant if my son (7) doesn’t want to come in to mine but doesn’t feel comfortable going in the men’s, when it’s just us out (Pre Covid) I’d stand near toilets or by disabled one, obviously I’d used the baby change years ago but a few times he’s gone quick and talks convo with me waiting in corridor! :joy: He uses a cubicle not the urinals if he going in the men’s with Male family members in past for privacy xx

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According on were u are

If he is still not comfortable doing it on his own, you should not force him. Wait until he will tell you so that he will be fine all by himself.


U can’t trust anyone now these days people have gone nuts


In today’s world… I would continue what you are currently doing!


Whenever you feel comfortable I guess. I just feel like after 10 it may be hindering a boys independence so I think when my son reaches that age, I may opt to stand outside the men’s room and wait on him.


I take my 10 year old boy in with me to the ladies bathroom. I know he probably is lk “why Mom” when he sees girls in there…but unless it’s a 1 stall and I know he’s the only one in there…he’s with me


My 9 year old goes with his dad every single time. If it is just me and my son out he goes in the men’s room by himself but I will stand at the door waiting.

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Wait right outside of the bathroom :woman_shrugging:t2:

The world honestly is a terrible place and I would go with them just because anything could happen in a split second. A while back in a town close to mine a 6 year old was groped in a restaurant bathroom while his father waited at the table. The father followed the guy home and he was arrested but still.


We use the family bathroom

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I always take my 10 year old to the men’s and tell him peak in and look and if he sees feet we go to the women’s bathroom. If he doesn’t I stand by the door and wait and occasionally I’ve even opened the door and stood there talking to him just to make sure. Now when my husband’s with me I make him take him to the bathroom. And if a family restroom is available we both go in. Believe me I’ve gotten tons of dirty looks from men when they were leaving the restroom bc I was standing there with the door open talking to him. Standing on the outside but still had the door wide open. Sorry not sorry.


I have an 11 and 8 year old. My 11 year old goes alone. My 8 year old has been going alone since she was 7. Mainly bc she said she can. She knows that if someone approaches her to bite punch kick headbutt hit stomach do what she has to. The stall is for 1 person only. If someone in the restroom makes you uncomfortable come get me. But we go to restaurants where the table is close enough I can see. Or I go with both and wait outside the door.

With how things are now a days keep doing what you are doing. If we have to go to the city to shop (we live in a small community) I make my 7 yr old use women’s. If we stay in our community than I’m ok with him using the men’s with me waiting outside for him.

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I held many a men’s room door open while standing outside of the actual restroom so I could hear my son. Never did anyone say anything other than comments about my son playing in the sink while washing his hands. :rofl:


Mine are 8 and 7,
I am still dragging them in to the women’s :joy: They can go into men’s when they got pubes IDGAF :joy:


My oldest was prolly 9 or so. It’s scary. I was that weirdo standing outside the men’s room talking inside. I was always so scared someone would hurt him.

I think I stop at 8 yrs.old with my grandson, I waited for him right outside the restroom and if he was taking to long I would go right in there to see what was taking him so long

I’m the same way and my son is 11. I tell him to use the bathroom before we go so the chances of him having to go again are slim . Or I tell him to go into the family bathroom so I know no one is in there with him .

My son is only almost 2 but I’d be this way as well, I’m not trusting strangers with my baby boy in a public washroom! I’d bring him with me and when he’s old enough to go by himself I’d do what another poster commented and hold the door open to the men’s washroom and stay on the outside though. You just never know and if men are uncomfortable peeing in the urinal with the door wide open they can go in one of the stalls. Men have made women feel uncomfortable since the beginning of time with no shame, I’d do the same when it comes to protecting my boy from possible predators and creeps.


I think my son started to go in when he was 5 almost 6(he is 6 now). We do live in the smaller towns so I don’t think much of it. I do stand outside the bathroom and wait for him though. There are some days where I just tell him to come in with me and the girls.

There r to many crazy ppl out there I usaully will go to the family bathroom with my 11yr old if they don’t have one and my husband is not with us he does qith me in womans

I think 7 is ok to go by him self and if your uncomfortable walk with him to the boys bathroom and stand outside

Omg if I tried to get my 12 yr old son to go in the ladies room he would be so pissed :joy: lol

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Around 7 I started letting him go in the men’s room alone with me right outside the door. I’m a single mom and he started getting embarrassed that I was making him go in the ladies room with me. He has been in children’s self defense classes, kung fu, wrestling, and football starting at 4 and 5 years old. He knows how to defend himself and yell if he needs me. At 9 he started carrying a pocket knife when we travel on long trips for his sports and stop at truck stops and rest areas on our way to whatever state we are going. He just turned 10 last month and now he pretty much just goes when he needs to and depending on where we are I might wait outside the door if I feel like it’s sketchy but for the most part I don’t worry about it anymore.

Follow your instincts, at the end of the day your job is to protect your child , yes I know we have to let them grow up but this is a scary issue and freaks are waiting for a opportunity. He can go alone when he can handle a predator.

A caring loving mother/woman/non binary would never bat an eye at a boy child in the women’s. People target our babies when theyre vulnerable and alone. Groups save lives that’s why women go to the bathroom in groups of two or more.


I have a 2 + 3 year old, and I feel like 10 is a good age. My husband agrees.

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My 8 yr old still comes with unless dad is with us and he will be coming with me until at least 12. Don’t know who is lurking in toilet blocks. Women’s have cubicle so I don’t see the issue, if others do tough luck


I would stand just outside of the mens room and keep talking to him and made sure he talked to me, I warned people that if my son didn’t answer me I was going in lol. It worked for my son

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Answer this question anonymously here

Seriously depends on where you live… I live in a very small town and most places have private locking bathrooms so I started letting my son at about 6… if I lived in a city It would have been a lot later… decision is ultimately up to you

I used to work retail. The father’s would let their daughters go into the women’s restroom by their self. They would stand outside of the door waiting for them. Some of them would ask me to check on them to see if they needed help. I helped many of them with reaching the sink to wash their hands and getting paper towels for them. There were even times that I was just passing by the restroom and they’d stop me.

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Still at 14, I make my husband go with him but if I’m alone and he’s in the bathroom or dressing room, I just call out “you alright?”

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Always better 2 be safe than sorry

At 7 I took my son in the women’s restroom with me. I’d stand outside the toilet stall. I suggest still taking him with you in the ladies room for at least another year. My nerves and anxious mind have me imagining the worst as well.

Around 7 I let him go to the mens room but stood right outside the door so if something bad happened or someone approached him I could hear. But my son is very large for his age and at 7 probably looked about 12.

Family bathroom preferably or I stand outside the men’s room. He knows to yell if he needs me. I have 3 boys 13, 9, & 6…6 year old is with me, older 2 can use men’s room with me waiting outside. If older 2 go together they are to go in and come out together…

So I let my son start going in around 5 or 6. I would take him to the back of walmart and let him go in by himself and stand by the door waiting on him. If he was any longer then 5 minutes I’d go in to see what the hold up was. Or I’d go to the family bathroom and let him go in. I only had to go in once cause him and his cousin who was a little younger was messing around but if I needed to go or his little sister he would stand out waiting on us

There is only 19mnths between my sons so they started going in themselves (together) around 5 or 6 while I waited outside

I’m not sure what I would of done with only one son :thinking:

I’m sure the age is 8 for like swimming changing rooms so around then my son started using the mens for changing and or toilet.

Maybe 8ish and I stayed at the door with my foot in the door and talked to him. Hell someone just raped a women in a Macy’s fitting room at the mall people are crazy. Protect your child.

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I don’t trust people. But the person who said having them sing to them while in the restroom, that’s a good idea! But I also wouldn’t care to have a young boy go in with his mother into a women’s restroom.

But once he’s in his teenage years then I feel he shouldnt go into a women’s restroom

If my son wants to use the men’s, I walk him there and hold the main door open and keep chatting to him so I know no one is in there who shouldn’t be

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I think 8 is a good age for a single boy to go into the restroom alone. With my son if my guy wasn’t around I would stand at the door with it cracked open listening and even talking to him the whole time. Not many people looked at me funny bc it’s more common than you think. It is hard to let loose a bit but once they get to about 10 its easier to let them go without standing at the door. I definitely preferred the family restrooms but lots of times some employee or single person decided they counted as a family. Good luck to you with your boy.

My son is 7 and I let him go to the men’s but I’m near the men’s door and I always tell my son if someone touches you scream.

I let my son when he started to moan about going in the ladies about 8ish x

I still go with my daughter most of the time and she 10. If we are sitting close to the bathrooms then I will let her go alone, but those occasions it’s a place that I go to often and I watch people coming and going.

Id say 7 is a good age. I stood by the door and id crack it and say hey bud you good. I also had no issue walking in if I felt concerned. Also make sure he knows how to clean himself properly my son just turned 7 and it was sticky and he was struggling. So i had to go in and help him. If youre not comfortable there is no harm in the women’s room. I always got paranoid too. When someone would walk in amd my son was in there. I’d get paranoid and just keep talking to him through the door. I only let him go in the mens at places I knew the towns movie theatre the towns bowling alley if we were at a mall or somewhere I didnt know hed come in the womens with me

Public toilet are generally filthy depending on where they are especially the men’s :grimacing: id personally keep him with you another while.


My eldest is 9 this year and he will come in with me unless his dads there then they go to the men’s loo.

For me it is going to be 10

My son is 8 and he Still goes with someone…usually me if we’re out and will use women’s…my dad or brother will take him mens…I don’t trust nobody :see_no_evil:

My son will be 8 next month and we haven’t yet. I only let him go alone in single stall bathrooms. Of course, with covid we have used maybe two public bathrooms at all all year.

My son is 10 and he still comes with me.

My son is 6 and I let him go by himself

My sons 9 and still comes with me! No way I’m letting him go to the men’s room with grown men in there that I do not know! Keep him with you until your comfortable


Really depends on where it is. My oldest is 7 as well. If it’s like a Walmart then one of us definitely goes with. If it’s a small place (thinking restaurants around our area) there’s usually single bathrooms so I make sure nobody has come in or out and I let her go and watch the door from where I am.

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My son is 3 so I have a few years to worry about this. But I think once he gets to a certain age I will let him go alone but stand outside the door and tell him to yell if he needs anything. Momma will bust down the door of the men’s restroom. No shame. Lol


My kid is 10 now and I still cringe when he goes in alone. I always tell him to scream as loud as he can if someone touches him

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I still go with my 9 almost 10 year old. I dont go in with him. But I stand outside just incase. A lot of bathrooms are not just a single stall. It makes me nervous with all the creeps and weirdos in this world! He knows he needs to yell and scream as loud as possible if anyone was to touch him or mess with him… But thats me! And its what I am comfortable with.

My boys are 8 and 6. I get dirty looks when I take them in the woman’s bathroom. My oldest will go in the men’s while I wait outside. If just the youngest has to go I make the oldest go with him. I have rules and they know what they need to do if they feel scared or threatened. I have actually had a few gentlemen come find me afterwards in the store and tell me how polite my boys are. Give them the low down of what is good and what is bad, if your right outside the door way no one will leave with him. And tell him if anyone trys touching him or getting too close have him scream. My boys took karate for a couple years so they know basics if they are scared.

Depends on where we are and if there’s alot of people, if its a place he knows such as school I say he’s at a good age, but at a Walmart if you feel comfortable maybe, my son is 7 and I let him go but stand by the door of the men’s just so if I hear anything I can run in!

I didn’t used to think about it too much until a 14 year old teenage boy was assaulted in a bathroom near us several years back. I have an almost 10 year old boy and almost 5 year old boy. Both of them come with me to the ladies bathroom if it’s the only option. If there is a single stall my older one can go alone with me outside. And if my husband is with he takes them to the men’s with him. I don’t care what looks I get or what people want to say, I’m not taking chances when there are so many freaks out there just waiting for the opportunity.

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Court TV had a case about a nut who hung out in the bathroom and killed a young boy just to see what it felt like. Mom was waiting outside the door. When I saw this my daughter came into the men’s room with me for years.

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In today’s world a parent just has to be careful maybe 11

I also have been wondering the same thing. My son is 6 and the last time we were out, he had to go and I wasn’t sure where he should go. So I went in the men’s room to check because he w a s hesitant to go to the ladies room even tho he normally does but with covid we rarely go out so that might be why. Well, there was no one in there, so I let him but I kept the door open so I can hear him and no one else went in there. I also have the same fear, I’ve been treated that he would be abducted by someone who was close to me before so, its hard.

I have a few years to go before I have to go through this. But I already know me…I’ll let him go to the men’s room (if we’re out w/out dad) and stand right at the men’s door with the door open. And I guarantee no one is gonna say shit to mamma bear.

My son is 6 and I think about this all the time. He’s learning about privacy. So we’ve started letting him use the men’s room, but I’m always terrified something is going to happen. But he’s also at the point of not being young enough to go into the girls room anymore.

I take my 7 year old with me in the womens, the only time he can go in the men’s is if its not a crowded store/area and if i tell him to go in really quick and check if anyone else is in there. If so, he can’t go by him self

I think as long as the men’s door doesn’t have a lock on it then anytime is OK. If the door locks, I would be more cautious. There was a man hiding in a bathroom and a little boy went inside and locked the door and was attacked and nobody could get inside to help him, he ended up stabbing the man with something and got free before things could get worse.

Today it doesn’t matter I mean they be kid napping grow ppl for sex trafficking. All need a buddy system. Go in pairs everywhere.

My boy is 10 and I still make him go in with me or his dad. Too many pervs. Unless it’s a one bathroom that locks

My son is 7, my daughter is 8. I stand and listen at both doors. Then when both come out, they hold hands, and are told to scream bloody murder if someone won’t leave them alone. They wait exactly where I have them wait, holding hands.
But believe me when I say, if either of my kids screams…I’m coming in.

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Mine is 5 & I let him go in by himself. If he’s in there for more than 5 minutes I’ll ask him if he’s okay from the door way, if he doesn’t respond mama is going in :woman_shrugging:t3:. I’ve went in before to check on my nephew who is 8. If it’s a sketchy place he’s going in with me to the women’s using his own stall.

mine (all boys) most of the time go in together, have to stay together and come out together 7, 9 and 10. I stand outside waiting for them, I remind them to stay together and yell if they anything feels wrong. but if it is too big of a place we use the family or women’s restroom assuming my husband isn’t there.

My oldest is 9 and he won’t be going in by himself anytime soon for 2 reasons. There are preditors out there and I wont put my child in a position to be taken advantage of or hurt. Also using public anything is very dirty, I want to make sure he washes his hands properly.

I let my 6 & 7 year Olds go to the bathroom themselves. If we go out to eat, I always get a table facing the bathrooms. They can go freely whenever the want. If they’re in there for longer than I think they should be, I’ll pop my head in and check on them.

Stand outside the door and make them sing so you can hear them the whole time, if they stop singing you go in swinging