When did you mention your pregnancy?

I am asking Anonymous. About ten weeks pregnant was waiting till the end of my first trimester to post something on Facebook. How early is too early to post. It’s hard keeping secrets from people.


Keep it to yourself until you feel able to announce it

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I told my parents as soon as I found out both times. My friends on the street because they told me to take the test both times lol. Waited till 12 weeks to post on Facebook both pregnancies

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Whenever you are comfortable. I told close friends and family both times as soon as I had a positive test. Announced on FB when we had our first ultra sound both times. It’s whenever YOU want to announce it. I’ve had friends who also announced immediately and some who never did.


Always after second trimester (usually at 14weeks )when the percentage of risks is lowered. This my 5th baby 6th pregnancy and I kept him all to myself til I was 25weeks

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I announced mine at 20 weeks to make sure everything went good before i said anything they say the first trimester is the most critical time after the first trimester your good.to go :grin:

I told immediate family at 9 weeks(moms, dads, siblings ) and everyone else on fb at 12 weeks

12 weeks, get 1st scan done then tell x

Whenever you want too!!! Don’t let others try to dictate when you “should” announce. Hell don’t announce it at all if you don’t want too.


I announced at like 8 weeks, I had been trying for years and was open with my friends and family of my struggle… so I couldn’t hold it in anymore!

My first I was young and announced as soon as I found out at 6 weeks. With my second I waited until around 11 weeks. I had an ultrasound with my first at 6 weeks and with my second at 5w4d

We told everyone once we found of the gender

There is no bad time to tell anyone. Tell anyone when you want too its your pregnancy


I waited until just after Christmas. I think I was like 9 weeks along lol.

I kept it to myself through the first trimester.

I kept it to myself until 12 weeks for Facebook (the scan) told my family at 10 weeks but sworn them to secrecy when it was xx

When you start to show, some show earlier than others. :slight_smile:

I was about 4 months. My family can’t hold water so I knew if I told one person everyone would have known within the hour

I waited until my second trimester with my third, because I knew someone would have something negative to say.

1st i waited until 20 weeks…second waited until 10 weeks

With all 3 of my pregnancies I told immediate family as soon as we found out with pregnancy test and made it Facebook official around 16 weeks, beginning of second trimester.

I was 9 weeks with my first, around 8 weeks this time personal choice most people tell you too wait

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I waited until 12 weeks. Though I did tell only my mum at 3 weeks just because I was excited and terrified too xx

Whenever you want. I waited until 12 weeks

I waited till I was in my second trimester

Once we saw the heartbeat we did. So 7 weeks?

I wanted to wait announcing our first husband pushed, we ended up losing baby. It was nice to have a big support system after. When we got pregnant again, we only told a few people. Once we were past 12 weeks we told everyone.

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Told everyone the day I found out.

Whenever you want! Dont feel like you have to hide it.

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6 weeks with my first, then I had a miscarriage between first and second, so waited until 12 weeks with the second

It really just up for whenever you want to. Id personally wait for gender myself but it is your descision!

I waited till mine were born to post on social media, immediate family knew from 12 weeks

I told people immediately. My way of thing is is if they’re special enough to me to know and be apart of my pregnancy, they’re also special enough to me be there to support me if something goes wrong.

I had a very traumatizing pregnancy so I’m happy I had the support system.

I told family around 8 weeks with my first baby. Facebook about 12 weeks

I told family around 12 weeks after my first appointment with second baby. Facebook at 20 weeks.

As soon as I had a positive test so basically 2 weeks

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We went through fertility treatment and ivf, everyone knew so as soon as we found out the embryo transfer worked and our parents knew we told everyone else.

I waited to post on Facebook till 13 weeks but told my immediate family once I went to the dr

Immediately with both of mine. At least to family

We kept twins a secret until almost 7 months before we cracked and told our family​:rofl::rofl::rofl: our families were not happy because they could have been shopping for 2 the entire time :rofl: I mean even the 3 year kept that secret from them and he knew since the beginning of pregnancy as well

Totally your decision. Congratulations!!! Prayers for a healthy happy pregnancy and baby.

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My first pregnancy I told everyone as soon as I found out, then I miscarried. So with all the others I waited until after my first trimester.

It’s your decision and when you feel comfortable. We announced when I was 9.5 weeks!

I kept it my whole 9 months nothing on my personal page and I didn’t let anyone outside my imediate circle know baggy clothes and all. I didn’t pop until 8 months with my belly so it was pretty easy to hide

I called all my family and let the fathers family know (well some) that day and the next day then posted it on facebook the next day. I was 8 weeks along.

I was a teen mom so I hid it for as long as I could. Told my parents when I was 3 months pregnant :grimacing:

I don’t tell anyone anything :rofl: when someone notices a planet sized belly or an infant strapped to me, consider it an announcement lmao

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Whenever you want to

It is honestly a personal preference, there’s no right or wrong answer with this. I usually announce it or say it as soon as I get a positive on the pee test but again that’s just me. If I was to have another baby it would be my third if I decided to have one I would honestly probably not even say anything until I knew the gender of the baby this time around only because it seems like with family drama and everything the longer I wait fan ething the longer I have peace.

I didn’t post about it at all until my son was born.

I waited till I made it to the second trimester because I had a past miscarriage

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The first two i announced as soon as I found out, this one i waited until 14 weeks to go public. Its really up to you and how you feel.

With both of my pregnancies, we told close family friends earlier, but waited to announce it on social media until 12 weeks. The chance of miscarriage drops dramatically after reaching the 12th week of pregnancy. And it is hard to keep it a secret, but will give you something to look forward to and plan how you want to announce it.

My first two I didn’t tell anyone until 20 and 30 weeks… this pregnancy I popped out faster so we told people around 16 weeks.

I waited to announce it to work until 14wks along and waiting to announce it to anyone outside close friends and family until 16wks along.

With my first we waited until after 12 weeks to post on facebook. With my second I was about 9 weeks when we posted it. And with my last we didn’t announce to anyone besides close family until after she was born. Honestly it was nice not posting about it on Facebook. If I ever have another I won’t post until after they are born

This is my fifth so we aren’t announcing it at all. With the others I waited to announce it around a holiday or when I found out the gender

First baby I announced at 18 weeks, second I waited until birth to announce, this time I was about 10 weeks, just couldn’t wait any longer Lol

I wanted to wait until 3 months and make a big announcement I had been planning but we told our parents when I was 1.5 months. The majority of a family knew by the end of the day, so yeah… there went all my plans. So if you want to keep news quiet for a while, don’t say anything until you’re ready for everyone to know.

I posted as soon as I found out all 3 times. The first, I lost, but it helped me learn to celebrate them publicly. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Whenever you are comfortable. Ive announced most of my pregnancies right away. Even though I had several miscarriages, I personally wanted to celebrate every moment of each one.

I told immediate family right away. I waited until the start of the 2nd trimester to tell the rest of the family and friends

I decided to share at 8 weeks for this pregnancy because I went through my last two losses mostly alone. I decided if we lost this one I’d prefer to have friends and family to share my grief with as well.


With my first, we told people at about 10-12 weeks. With our second, we plan on keeping it a secret until we find out what the baby is.

They recommend waiting until 12 weeks because that’s when your less likely to loose the baby but it is 100% personal preference

I found out pregnant at 6 weeks. But was a little over that when said something

Whenever you feel to share you should. No one knows what tomorrow brings, no trimester is safer than another that is why these little blessings are miracles :blue_heart: sending positive vibes on your wonderful journey!!

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I posted at 8 weeks after my first doctors appt. Some say to wait til after the first trimester but all up to you and when you’re ready! I’m bad at keeping secrets too, I definitely had to spill the beans.

It was different with all my pregnancies. My first I waited till after my first trimester. With my second I was almost 6 months and with my third I was about 10 weeks along. I only told people because I had suffered a uterine bleed(miscarriage) but stayed pregnant with my now 1 yr old. So honestly it when ever you feel comfortable.

As soon as l found out l told every1

If I ever have another baby my plan is to wait to tell everyone just my immediate family will know. I’d rather wait till after baby is born to announce it.

I waited till I was in second trimester because so much can happen in the first

I was so excited I could only wait until the doctor verified so like 6-8 weeks.

Told family at 14w5d and shared it on Facebook at 15w. Sooo glad we waited. Would’ve waited longer if we could

I posted when he was out. So 39 weeks for me

After 2 miscarriages at 16 weeks I waited a very long 18 weeks to announce my 3rd.

What’s the point in hiding it?
Things will happen whether you break the news or not. Whether you’re one week or 39, pregnant is pregnant.

It all depends on what you’d rather do. Celebrate/grieve alone or with the love of those around you where they can support you in the good and the bad.

I posted I was pregnant right after I peed on a stick haha both times I was pregnant.

With my first 2 I didn’t have a choice. I told my mom with my oldest. She immediately called my aunt who then blabbed to everyone. She did this with me sitting there after telling her I didn’t want anyone to know. With #2 I told someone I thought was my friend. She then took it upon herself to tell everyone. She never met my daughter. With #3 I announced it to everyone at my daughter’s bday party. I just posted a picture of her with a book that said something about being a big sister. I say announce it whenever you’re ready to. But don’t tell anyone until you’re ready for everyone to know.

We waited til our second trimester to tell everyone but, our immediate families knew right after we found out.

my granddau posted almost immediately after her test pg test was positive. when you are comfortable in sharing the news, then share it.

It’s honestly when you feel the time is right for you to announce. I announced my 3rd pregnancy when I was 4 weeks pregnant cause we’ve been wanting a 3rd baby and we got so excited after we found out by posting a picture of baby outfits asking if it’s going to be pink or blue

I told work straight away as I had to(I work with people who are mentally ill with challenging behaviours) but as for facebook I didnt put anything until i had my son.

I announced my first early because I was in high school and a lot of people had suspicion.

After a miscarriage and trying for over 3 years with my daughter I just had I told family right away. Announced it on Facebook after the doctors said everything was fine about 9 weeks (and it’s only because we were finding out the gender the next day)

I’d wait till your going into your 2nd trimester.

I told people when I had my first doctors appointment

I waited until I was done with the first trimester

When you feel like telling people. It’s your decision if you want people to know your pregnant or not.

Whenever you feel comfortable!

First pregnancy told everyone around 20 weeks. Second one, the day he was born and my last one at 34 weeks. Second and third pregnancies were a miracle. Its best to wait until after the first trimester because the higher chance of a miscarriage. Congratulations and may you be blessed with a healthy pregnancy.


We are waiting until after 12 weeks this time since I am considered high risk. With my second we told close people right when we found out and everyone else once we got to 12 weeks.

I posted pretty early, about 7wks, with my 2nd baby. Unfortunately we then lost baby at 11 weeks :sweat:. When I got pregnant after that I waited till I was 20 weeks. I was too scared something was going to happen again.

With my daughters first pregnancy she announced it early and unfortunately she miscarried…the next 2 she waited till after 13 weeks…the last one was a surprise to everyone even her…she didnt know she was pregnant till almost 19 weeks along!!!

First pregnancy , I waited till 12 weeks. Second pregnancy, I didn’t tell anyone till they started questioning. Third and fourth pregnancies, I miscarried so nobody knew (12 & 8 weeks). Fifth pregnancy, I waited till 4/5 months and lost twins (1 early and Danielle was stillborn). Six pregnancy, I didn’t tell anyone because they said he wouldn’t make it to term or would pass shortly after birth so till they questioned it around 5 mths. He was born early but fine. Seventh pregnancy, I said nothing because they told me I would lose the baby but she was a miracle . I had a lot of complications and was high risk . I kept my pregnancies quiet because I was tired of people saying , what you’re pregnant again, don’t you have enough kids or God did this for a reason. Do what makes you comfortable but most people wait till 12 weeks after the first trimester Incase they lose the pregnancy. Congratulations!

Whenever you feel comfortable. Alot of people wait till after the first trimester since risks are lower after that. I told immediate family early and waited till pregnancy was confirmed by dr to tell others.

I don’t ever post my pregnancy. I learned after the first time. It took a lot of joy out of ot.for me having everyone’s two sense that was not requested. I think whenever you’re comfortable with it.

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We always have waited at least to the 12 week mark. That’s just what worked for us. Maybe if there are a few close people you want to tell now, then wait for social media for a couple weeks, that would be a compromise??

That is such a personal choice. Many women wait till 3 months as generally that is seen as the point where there is less risk of miscarriage. Congratulations!

Back in my day( don’t you just love that) you waited 4- 5 months!! Nowadays it seems we hear the " morning after" !!!

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I posted after first trimester but with my middle I was 7 months had a lot of complications long story short I had an iud when I got pregnant and wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to carry to term I did plus 3 weeks worst of my three pregnancies with my son I posted at 13 weeks

My first pregnancy I told immediate family right away at 4 weeks. I mis carried just a few days later. My second we told immediate family closer to 6 weeks and posted on Facebook after 12 weeks. My third pregnancy we waited until 8 weeks to tell family so we could do it in person and then facebook at 12 weeks again. I think it is up to each person and when they want to tell people, you never know what will happen, things can go smoothly with no issues or it can not go well at all you just don’t know.