When did you start having your little one start brushing there teeth? What did you use? My son has two bottom teeth and he’s 8 months old.
As soon as I saw the tooth I use crest for kids
Brush them. Get him use to it.
As soon as they got teeth…so now. They sell soft tiny baby tooth brushes. If you dont use a brush right away use a washcloth
You can brush there gums once teeth start popping out
I started brushing as soon as my daughter got her first teeth. I used Tom’s training toothpaste because it is fluoride free. Once she was a little older and had more teeth I started using Crest Kids with fluoride. I do have to wipe it out of her mouth every time of course
They have beginners toothpaste on the toothpaste aisle…sometimes in the baby department…it’s safe to swallow.
You should start as soon as they get their first tooth, with fluoride baby’s toothpaste.
As soon as first tooth came through and this is what I used…some of them come with a silicone tooth brush which is nice they can just chew on (supervised of course)
As soon as they started getting teeth
I was brushing gums when he started teething. They have a kit for little littles. The toothpaste is strawberry banana and comes with a finger brush.
As soon as he had teeth to brush! At first I just wiped his bottom teeth (his first ones to get) but as soon as he had a few I got him a silicone banana-shaped brush. No toothpaste unless it was training toothpaste. After his first bday his doctor gave us the go ahead to use a smear of fluoride toothpaste. At that point I got a soft-bristled infant toothbrush
As soon as he had teeth. He liked the taste of the tooth paste so it wasn’t to bad.
I keep an extra adult size brush to give the baby to use herself with only water. I use on her a baby size toothbrush with a teeny dab of my toothpaste. I kinda just do it simultaneously.
My girl loves to brush
I started with a wash cloth before they even had teeth. Once they started to come through I used a baby tooth brush and baby tooth paste.
I found some baby training toothpaste at Walmart. I started using that when the doctor put the stuff for teeth on her
My daughter was probably around 6 months… maybe a tad bit younger
They say to start brushing as soon as they get teeth. I have helped my Grandson brush at my house morning and night since his bottom teeth came in. Some of the clearest, best advice I have found - How to Brush a Baby's Teeth | When to Use Toothpaste
If you are breastfeeding you should be wiping their gums after feeds, especially before bed. Then brush the teeth they have once they start coming in. Walmart sells baby toothbrush kits. That’s what i used.
These work great until they start biting your fingers. It gets them used to brushing.
You should brush your kids teeth as soon as they have one! I would get my kids to lay down in their beds and I would sit behind them to brush their teeth. Also give them a little cup so they can spit in when they want. My kids loved it and it also made them practice like the dental office!
around 6 months when they getting to start solids
I start brushing as soon as the teeth emerged. They so mot meed tooth paste or a toothbrush so young. Just a wet cloth.
I started casually “brushing” them at 5 months when my daughter got her first two (damp washcloth or soft finger brush) really got into a routine with a toothbrush around 10/11 months when she had about 6 or so
They make brushes for babies that have rubbery bristles that aren’t so rough on babies gums. It’s good to get them in the habit early on, and with the baby brushes they can gently chew and get used to the feeling of it
When he got teeth, think he had 5 teeth by 5/6 months old. So that’s when we started
Soon as the first tooth starts coming in is when I done all of mine. And we used beginners toothpaste and came with a soft brissel brush
I started brushing her gums with spiffies xylitol tooth and gum wipes from amazon. She loved the grape flavor the best. I’m a dental hygienist, so the earlier the better for practicing good hygiene.
I started brushing my daughter’s at 4 months because she already had 6 teeth and just bought a infant’s toothpaste and brush!
I started letting them “brush” their teeth when they got their first couple teeth just held it while they chewed on the tooth brush lol (without toothpaste obviously but gotta put that in there or some perfect mother will loose her damn mind lol) my daughter is 1 and we brush her 6 teeth and she doesn’t fight us because she knows what a toothbrush is. Our son is 3 and I brush his teeth and then let him brush his teeth lol he’s also never fought it. Yes they both use training toothpaste.
I always used a warm rag to clean his gums and tongue and brushed as soon as he got teeth.
My son got loads/most of his teeth very young! I didn’t start actually trying to brush them till he was nearly 2… He loves it and does it himself now… I think if I’d have tried younger he wouldn’t have liked it…
Baby fingerbrush… if the teeth just came in, it’ll be perfect.
You start brushing them when they get teeth lol start them on healthy habits.
Wiped gums after every feeding from birth… water and toothbrush from 6-12m. At 12m we started a grain of rice amount size of fluoride toothpaste per our dentists orders
The second those teething starts start brushing them.
I used a baby toothbrush at 6 weeks with my daughter, the one you put on your finger, but she started teething that early, before that I wiped her mouth out with a clean rag at least once a day to clean it
We started brushing gums from birth… like you should… it’s soothing to them with or without teeth and you should clean their mouth after every bottle or breast. (Even water on a finger stick)
We did a rubber bristle brush around 5mo, mainly just for him to chew on and get used too. Now at 19ml we brush twice a day with a natural fluoride free paste and regular bristle brush!
All these people “I brushed
My kids gums from birth” well aren’t y’all just perfect lol
ANYWAYS. when they get their first little teeth is a good time
As soon as she got teeth with non fluoride tooth paste. I introduced flouoride toothpaste… I think around 3. When I knew she could rinse and spit without swallowing the toothpaste… just go by however the child reacts on that part I think.
I brushed my sons gums and 2 natal teeth with a soft bristle brush and non fluoride tooth paste.
We had a finger brush for my daughter to gum and I used a wet washcloth after meals starting at 3 months. It wasn’t because she had teeth, she struggled with thrush.
When they start getting teeth in is a wonderful time to start.
My daughter is now 2 and loves brushing her teeth. I do her teeth first then she brushes them. We use a non fluoride toothpaste 2x daily but she would brush her teeth 10x a day for the toothpaste. I wish I hadn’t of introduced her to toothpaste lol
As soon as the first tooth came through.
My kids got 8 teeth and he’s almost 10 months old. He was born with one tooth pretty funky little guy
When they have them all lmao
As soon as they can hold one, whether they have teeth or not. Let them get used to them. They come to bathroom with me or their siblings to watch and get used to routine of brushing.
As soon as teeth cane through with toothpaste specifically designed for 0-2 yr old x
You can put a little toothpaste on the brush and let him chew on the brush, this is what the dentist advised me so they can get used to it x
Face cloth at first…: just a run down to let them get use to it. When ever I remembered. If it was everyday or every few days. lol. Doing it at bath times is the easiest to remember (but doesn’t always happen).
But after they start getting teeth is a good time to transition to a brush. But don’t kick yourself over if you forget or even if you don’t “brush” up until they are older (I think about 3?..) brushing is just getting the use to the concept and feelings of brushing teeth. You don’t need to do a perfect job.
And according to my dentist, you can use floride at about two?.. as it won’t do any harm(not like it did years a ago).
Good luck! And happy brushing.
So after looking at these comments I feel like I missed a memo about brushing gums:joy: when my son had most of his teeth at 9 months is when I started he is 19 months now and brushes his own! So yea I’m not sure thats correct anymore
As soon as I saw little teeth starting to come up we handed our littles one of those banana toothbrushes made of silicone, then when the teeth cut, we did teeth brushing with a real tooth brush and water until the first food at about 5/6 months when we began using training toothpaste… We just graduated to real kids toothpaste in the last week with my second (he turned 2 in June).
Honestly like 1 and a half but it took awhile to get my girls into wanting to brush them and not having to force it. My 4 and 2 year old automatically beg to brush their teeth before bed now. Took awhile but yay lol
At about 18 months. I bought a toothbrush specially made for little ones. Just dampened the brush with water and let him brush his teeth while I brushed mine. He learned to brush his own teeth this way of course with a little verbal instruction by me as time went by.
I cleaned my kids gums as babies cuz it also helped with teething. Brushing started with the first tooth