When did you start buying baby stuff?

When did you start buying baby stuff? Like diapers, wipes & bottles? I’m a single mom , & don’t have much family or friends so I don’t think I’m doing a baby shower , so I know I’ll supply a lot of stuff on my own so I wanna start soon but idk if it’s to soon my due date is January.


Start straight away with little things like nappies, wipes, neutral baby clothin. I’d wait a bit longer untill its safe to get the more expensive bigger things, shop around and wait for good deals too, there will be a tonne of good deals over Christmas time

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Start now, that way you can get deals on the more expensive stuff and if you want to buy gender specific items you’ll most likely be able to just focus on those items once uou find out the gender.

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I started as soon as I found out what I was having (December). I’m due in June. Doing this solo as well and have gotten a lot of good deals I couldn’t pass up on.

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I started at around 20 weeks with my first…
with my second I started the same week I found out around 8 weeks

Me personally I started at 3 months just to be safe

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I usually don’t start till around 20-30 weeks.

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I was/am a single parent and i started the same week i decided i was keeping the baby.
Some weeks i could only afford a pack of socks and a couple of cheaps onsies and some weeks i could afford the carseat.
I still buy something every week even though hes almost 3, so that i stay a bit ahead/prepared in clothes as he grows so bloody fast


I’d start with anything you don’t need to know sex of the baby yet! But don’t get too much. For instance, a month supply of size newborn, size one and maybe one or two of size two diapers. Anything that’s clothes that are gender specific, I’d wait on that. Including sheets and stuff like that

For third baby I didn’t buy stuff until the last months hahah

My husband and I were trying so I started buying diapers when they were on sale or I had a coupon. Also sign up for enfamil and similac…they both sent me free samples of formula with coupons (they gave me small cans of a couple different kinds of formula) make an Amazon registry and once you purchase $10 worth of stuff they will send you free items (they sent me 2 bottles, a couple onsies, a swaddle, pacifier and some other little goodies) if you have a once upon a child by you…shop there. The one by me has TONS of baby things. Outfits anywhere from $1.50-$6 depending on the outfit and style. They also sell strollers,high chairs,swings and stuff like that. Good luck momma :heart:

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You could get the diapers now but I would wait on the wipes so they don’t dry out. Maybe get a gift card when you can and save it for when you need it

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Yea go ahead and start buying essentials like diapers, bottles and clothes.and buy as you go. Will make it a little easier on you

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I started when i hit my second trimester where I knew the pregnancy would be more likely to be viable… started out with one or two things a week of the basic things like bottles, diapers, wipes, a coke gender neutral things… then once I found out the sex I got more personalized things with colors. Just little by little to spread out the cost…

As soon as I knew I was pregnant.


I started right away and shopped at a lot of rummage sales / facebook marketplace.


I started buying once I knew the gender

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I bought through out my pregnancy everytime I saw wipes on sale I bought. The bad thing to stock up on is new born diapers because they grow fast

Just buy a few things a week , and don’t forget too get your needs too!

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When I found out the gender around 18-20 weeks

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When I found out my daughter’s gender toys r us had a huge clearance sale, the thrift store by me had a fill a bag sale. So the morning after my u/s I went crazy :rofl:. Just watch for sales. It’ll fall into place.

As soon as I found out, I was pregnant

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If you are concerned about buying too early, just set aside some money specifically for baby things until you are further along. If you aren’t doing a shower, don’t go crazy with stocking up on diapers because you never know if you will have an early delivery and be in NB size for awhile or if your baby will shoot straight to size 2s in 3 months.

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Don’t over buy newborn size get 1 piece outfits and pj’s in 3 to 6 month so they can grow in to them. Also, join your local Buy Nothing Group( if you need help I’m the Admin of my BNG) also join local free sites and go to yard sales.

Definitely now! lol. January will be here before you know it

2nd Trimester. I started looking for diapers & wipes first. I also had a backup baby bag. Smaller but just in case. Onesies. Lots of Onesies. And I bought some things in bigger sizes. Just to be ready as he got bigger.
I will always suggest Gold Bond Baby Powder. It’s the best one. Kinda priceier than others but it always worked and was well worth it. I even gift it to this day. :joy:
Join local mom groups. Some moms have stuff they just want gone. It’ll be free or $10 for a trash bag of clothes. They’ll also know where to get help if you need it. Start making your village. :blue_heart: