When did you start feeding your babies baby food?

When did you start to feed your babies baby food? My 4m old is eating 6-8 ounces of milk every 1.5-2 hours and he doesn’t seem satisfied at all.


6 months minimum with all signs of readiness. Do not put cereal in his bottle, it is a choking hazard & not recommended. Also, he seems to be being over fed. 32 oz-ish is the most they should be having. Are you pacefeeding him? I would look into pacefeeding. It seems like you have stretched his little tummy by over feeding him. Pacefeeding will slow down his feeding & help him recognize when he is full. Would highly recommend looking into this.

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That is a discussion for you and your child’s ped. Safe to start between 4-6 months with signs of readiness. One started at 4.5. My other at 5. Sounds ready as formula or BM should be capped at 32oz a day


Ask your pediatrician. My kids are 32/25 this year and guidelines were different then. It’s best to seek medical advice to avoid adverse reactions. Speaking as a mom of my youngest with anaphylactic food allergies.

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AAP says at least 6 months.

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Ask doctor my doctor approved my baby girl at 4 months but she’s a big baby she’s now 8 months