When did you start feeding your baby baby food?

When did you start feeding your baby, baby food?? I know the rule is 6 months or older but my 4 month old is so advanced and already sitting up and I want to start like a fruit in the am or veg at lunch or something ???


My kids pediatrician recommended 4 months with fruit and veggies. We started with just a couple spoon fulls a day.

With my 4 kids it was different. I waited til they all had teeth first, so anywhere from 4-8 months

I think all mine were 4 months. Started with rice cereal mixed with formula then went from there.

With my first I started cereal at 4 months and 6 months baby food. With my second and 3rd I did cereal 4 months baby food 5 months and at 7-8 months they were eating soft solid foods. I made sure that if we had any food allergies in the family we just avoided those foods. My kiddos were completely fine. I also breastfeed all 3 kids. They are all happy and healthy.

Depends on each baby oldest was each baby different anywhere from 4-6 months my now almost 10 months old eats everything anything we eat he eats now but we started at 5 months

It’s 4-6 months and depends on your child… But start with veggies not fruit… They are more likely to prefer fruit so won’t take a veg as well if given fruit first

You can ask your pediatrician but ours said it was okay to start with cereal and purées if he did well with the cereal after a few weeks. They will check to see how well your baby can sit and as long as they are a “supported sitter” you should be able to start them on the cereal!

4months baby cereal. to get them used. 5 months baby food. but my second i just cut stuff up super teeny tiny small and fed him that way

I started mine (both adults now)
On forex (rice cereal )
At 3 months
Then other stuff around 4 months

It goes by ages on the jar

At the advice and clearance of pediatrician I started cereal (small amounts and very thin) at 4 months for a few weeks then slowly started introducing foods one at a time each 4 days to a week. I would suggest starting with veggies as often if you start with sweet fruits they fight the vegetables.

4 months is fine if you think they are ready xx

I’d consult your pediatrician first.

But I was given the green light by my kids docs (4 kiddos) at 4 months. The recommendations from them was to do veggies first and do one at a time that way if they develop an allergy you know which food was just added. And veggies first because kids will normally like fruits cause they are sweet so go with the lame veggies first. Lol. With my first two I just bought baby food (my second two were homemade)and would do like half a jar for breakfast and half a jar for lunch/dinner. And then by 6 months they were eating a full jar.

Just because your baby seems advance doesn’t mean they have the proper enzymes to break down a variety of food. You can see their gut health and capabilities.


Just because you want to doesn’t mean you should, I’d ask your pediatrician because every baby is different sitting up or not its more weither they can actualy digest it. Also baby food containers have age directions on them too, starting with rice cereal is typically recommended first also.


My first was a few weeks. I fell for pressure from my mom & her sisters. He has GIRD, IBS & probably more digestive issues because of it. My younger 2 we’re sitting by themselves around 6 months. My youngest was close to 7 months.

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I started giving taste of things at 4 months. A little mash potatoes or a taste of Alfredo sauce. Around 5 months we stared with vegies. Always start with vegetables because they aren’t as sweet. See how they react. I never did the cereal and formula. Make sure they are thin consistency foods.

Don’t give baby anything without a professional signing off. Sorry but 4 months doesn’t change the development of their bodies. You have to be so careful. A 4 month old would be porridge or puree anyway

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Talk to your pediatrician

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Pediatricians will tell you 4-6 mos depending on the baby some moms will swear it’s a year. Give your baby food when they can safely eat it but remember they get all there nutrients from breastfeeding/formula don’t cut those down or out.

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I did cereal at 2 weeks. Baby food at one month. Eased into table food. By 8 months she was off baby food altogether. She’s grown and fine. My mom did the same for five of us.


Mine was advanced too; she took her first steps at 9.5 months and was fully walking a month later. She was also immediately hungry when she was born and already taking 2 oz bottles every 2 hours before we’d even left the hospital. She mean mugged us every time we sat down to eat lol.

Her doctor still advised us to wait til at least 5.5 months, to give her GI tract time to develop. Even when they’re advanced in some areas, there are still things happening internally that can’t be rushed.


You need to speak to your pediatrician. Nothing more than pablum at 4 months for a few different reasons. Please do not start giving your child fruit or veg at this age,it is just too soon.
In the Netherlands there is a baby app which pediatricians expect you to use. It not only tells you when to make changes but different aspects of growth and change on a weekly basis. Do they not have something like that where you live?

You need to talk to your child’s pediatrician regarding this because all children are different.

You are the mother and know what your baby needs. If you ask for advice you’ll get all kinds of answers. Follow your instincts or ask your own mother. They give the best advice.

Gut health is more important than being advance.