when did you all start transitioning your baby into their crib? for now, it’s still in my room but he has been sleeping with me in his dokatot. he just turned 5 weeks yesterday and i’ve had trouble not being so close to him.
Do whatever you feel is right. There is no one answer that fits everyone. My daughter escaped the crib at 9 months and I would find her sleeping by my feet in the bed. That’s when she moved to a twin size bed. With my son, we had moved into our new home so he stayed in my room until I was comfortable putting him in his own room
I mean honestly start with nap time. Amy chance you get. Something else that helps is during the day time let them sit in the crib and play zo the become comfortable with it
Day one. It’s more about what you’re comfortable with though.
My son is 4 months old and still in my room
My daughter only slept in her crib in her room during naps at around 3 months, we contact napped mostly and in her bassinet at nights. My son his crib was in our room from day one beside my side of the bed so i would put his dokatot in his crib during naps and then eventually took the dokatot out and him just in the crib. Honestly it was a easier transistion for my son than i had with my daughter
The day they came home. We also had a bassinet for night time but usually they’d sleep in their cribs.
I didn’t feel comfy co-sleeping. We’ve always had dogs and my husband has PTSD so sometimes he has night terrors. No issues. They were always good and slept fine.
My kids were in a crib in their room from day 1!
My baby slept in her bassinet next to my bed until she was around 4-5 months and started to move in her sleep. At that point the Dr told me move her to her own crib in her own room because I was EXTREMELY sleep deprived. I would wake up with every move she made. I finally started sleeping after the first couple of nights and it’s the best thing I ever did!
1 month!! For my daughter. She was a very noisy sleeper!!! 3 months for my son
I only ever used a bassinet with my first baby. I moved him to his crib when he was 4 months old. My youngest two babies they were in cribs from the beginning.
When my kid starts climbing out
crib from day 1 even if there crib was in our room or their room one i had to have in our room till later but in crib.
I started at 6 months with both of my girls. Around the same time they stopped breastfeeding and started sleeping throughout the whole night.
You’re supposed to once they can roll. I bedshared though once they were a few weeks old.
My daughters were all in a bassinet for the first 3 months and then right to crib they never co slept with me because it’s too dangerous
Crib in separate room
ASAP - 4-5 weeks
Mine were about six weeks
Both of mine were sleeping in their crib in their own room by 4 months old, before that they slept in a bassinet or pack and play in my room until they started getting a bit more mobile and then the crib was safer, the crib just happened to be in their own room so we just went with it and they both did great.
Neither of my kiddos ever used a crib, honestly. Both bedshared from birth, I JUST started transitioning my 2nd out of my bed and he’s almost 3.5, but still nurses to sleep (spare me the comments, my body, my boobs, OUR choice). Moved my oldest right at 3, but he was a serious bedhog and drove me nuts.
I didn’t even try until they were sleeping through the night. It was different for each of my three kids and it was more to save my sanity as a breast-feeding mother than anything else. But it worked for me.
My oldest never had a crib, my second one moved to crib when he was around 7 or 8 months. He kept escaping so that was pointless- our youngest moved to crib when she was about 3 months- go figure, I’d always find my son sleeping in it! He was 4.
3 months for my 2 oldest. My 3rd was a year he slept with my till then. My baby is 2 months she’s sleeping with me and I plan on her sleeping with me for the first year as well. If I could do my first 2 over again I wouldn’t move any of them till a year. Time goes by so fast and I hated not having them near me
My babies went from cradle to crib around 2-3 weeks
With mine
It was when they got to big for the cradle
Then they went into a cot
When he was too long for the bassinet
The day both my kids came home
I thought Dokatots weren’t made for sleeps? If so I’d move them now
If you’re not ready, then keep things as is.
From womb to crib…but us moms all have our own experiences and different babies. So whatever safely works for you.
Once they could roll over. Crib still in our room
The day we came home from the hospital
Mine was sleeping in their crib since they came home from the hospital
Day 3…slept in our room for 3 nights and then in his nursery…