When did you stop breastfeeding and why?

Mothers who breastfed BEYOND A YEAR, when did you stop and why? My little is 15 months tomorrow and nowhere near self-weaning. We only feed before bedtime and throughout the night. I’ve reached a few points where I was absolutely done but always talk myself out of it


My son stopped at 15 months old only reason he stopped was cause his father (my husband) tried him on a 360 cup to see how he did and that was the end of mommy/son bonding for feeding :rofl:

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My youngest was 2 he could unbutton my top and I finally got my period back. It worked well he was ready so was I

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If you’re done, you’re done. No guilt stop talking yourself out of it. Your body, your choice. Not your childs decision. 15 months is great, don’t be afraid to end a phase of their life.


My oldest was 18 months my youngest was around 2 they just stop when they are ready

I weaned my first 4 months after he turned 2. He had been nursing at bedtime only for a awhile by then. Weaned because I was about 7 weeks pregnant with second baby.

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My little guy self weaned and officially stoped at 2yrs 8m I tried to cut him off at 2 but it didn’t work lol

2 years and 3 years. They both just slowly stopped and lost interest on their own.

With my first son I stopped at 16 or 17 months because I had to get shoulder surgery and had to take oxycodone for pain. He loved his boob but for the fear.of any drug transferring to him. I cut him off.

3 years! Way beyond what I thought we’d do but honestly I was ready to have my body back and she just slowly weaned herself

I nursed for 2 years. I quit because i told myself i didn’t want to go beyond 2 years. If i knew what it was gonna be like after i would have stopped sooner. Sa he sleeps all night so comfortably whereas when i nursed she would wake up easily 5 times a night. Its been better for us both. Only took about 3 days for her to get over it

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I stopped at 15months because I feel like it was time to wean her and most of the times she would use me for a pacifier and would bite me a lot lol so I felt like if was time

My son was 26 months. I just decided it was time and slowly weaned him over 2 months until he stopped trying to nurse. I didnt rush it.

My oldest was 4.
My youngest is 2 and still going.
They’ll stop when they’re ready

Sounds likes your child is self weaning or you’ve started weaning by only giving before bed and night feedings. Start to decrease night feedings either by length of time or omitting a feeding if it hasn’t been 3 or 4hrs since previous feeding. Those night feedings are probably more for comfort than nutrition at this age.
Congratulations for breastfeeding this long!!
My first self weaned at 7 months, way to interested in the world around him. 2nd at a about the same age as your child he slept through the night and loved his special cups. My 3rd I weaned at 2.5 because he was interested in the potty and talking acting so big aside from still breastfeeding.

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My son weaned himself at about 16 months. Just was done. My daughter would’ve never weaned herself ever. She wanted to nurse and didn’t want solid foods. I was completely exhausted. At 20 months I started taking out a feeding a day. Give a couple days to adjust, then another. The last one was the middle of the night one and there was nothing left. She looked up at me with betrayal in her eyes and then didn’t wake up to eat ever again. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I stopped when my youngest was just over a year old. I wanted to go much longer but I got very sick and was hospitalized for nearly 2 weeks. I was on heavy antibiotics for over a month. Neither of us was ready and it was so hard!

I let my children choose! My first was 3 1/2 and my second was 5 and they just decided they were done!

My daughter will be 3 in November and she wont stop. I have cut all feedings but she still wakes up at night to nurse. I just want to be done

My daughter self weaned at 19 months as I was 5 months pregnant

We weaned our son just after 2yrs old. Once I became more of a pacifier than food source. We exclusively bf at bedtime and through the night. We started weaning at nap times on the weekends just to start the process of no bf for sleep. Then once he would go to sleep at nap time without a fuss, we started the process at night.

My son is currently 2y 4m and there’s no end in sight over here.

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My son was 2 1/2, he started daycare full time as I was at work full time, so I took that as an opportunity to slowly wean him off of it. It was fairly easy as he was away from me for 9-10 hours

I had a aunti, that was breast fed til she went to school ! Hahaha.

I breast fed all my babies till they were 2 years old, my youngest child I stopped feeding her just over a year and a bit old due to being pregnant again. Congratulations on breast feeding for so long :blush:

Mine hung on till 16 months. Just at bedtime. So my mother in law said “back in the day” lol they used ashes on their breast to stop babies from nursing . ? Well so I didn’t have ashes do I found Avon face makeup applied the black to the areola zipped up my robe and waited till she came to me for a rock and nurse. She unzipped took one look jumped down and got in daddys lap. Dont kno what she thought but she didnt seem distressed. I was the one that had a little separation anxiety a week or do… lolol. True story .


We planned on baby led weaning at 18 months, 2 years rolled around ans she was still going, digured she’d stop soon. Now here were are 3.5 years old and only nurses at bedtime.

We got down to the night time feed only and when she was 2.5 I had had enough so my husband put her to bed. It only took 3-5 nights of bedtimes tears to wean her but for the longest time if she saw me naked she would freak out and crazy dash for my boob😂

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My son just stopped this past week. We were at 2 years and 7 months. A week hospital stay for me has forced us to stop suddenly unfortunately. Otherwise, we would still be going. It was only at naptime and bedtime.

I breastfed for 15 months and stopped because I was just ready. I was going to Nashville for half a week so I quit 2 weeks beforehand that way I didn’t have to worry about pumping while trying to live it up for the first time in years. I will say one reason I went so long was because my ex always complained that he wanted me to stop at 6 months because he wanted my body to be only his again :rofl: you’ll know when it’s time.

I’m still nursing at 23 months just at night.

By 18 months I was so ready to be done, but it was reaching cold and flu season so I decided to keep going for a while longer. Tried to wean at 21 months when my husband and I took a weekend away, but then we came home to a sick child so I couldn’t refuse her then. Finally successfully weaned at 22 months.

22 months and my dd weaned on her own. Told me one day she was all done, signing, then pulled my shirt down.

I had to stop because I switched my birth control. I was ready to be done so it was the perfect time I breastfed for 17 months

2 1/2 years with my oldest. I decided to go back to and she was fine being done, middle was 18 months, I was pregnant with #3 and she just decided she was done. With my youngest she was like 2 years old and she was ready. I let my girls take the lead.

20 months went back to work and my son was old enough where I could tell him they are empty … after the first week he didn’t ask again

My son, at 21 months, said all gone can I have a bottle? So I have him a bottle. He decided it was time.

Did I still rock him? Yes! Later I laid down with him after a story. Not a problem.
HE knew he was loved. He let go when he was ready.

Use the cabbage while he not on you then you can say all gone :woman_shrugging: takes a couple days.

I have seen some breastfeeding till age 4. Or until next child is born

My son will be 3 next month and I’m hoping to be done by then. He only nurse at nap time and bed time but I’m getting tired now

My daughter was 2.5years to the day.
We did it that long out of necessity. Basically she started having seizures at 11 months. She wouldn’t just have one she would have several an hour for weeks and end up in icu. During these times the only food/fluids she would take was the boob, the only way hospitals feed parents is if they r nursing (my ex was very abusive and would refuse to bring food). Due to meds her eating habits were awful. Shed go days without eating due to epilepsy meds (went from 10.9kg to 9.2kg in a few months).

I gave up because her seizures settled. Because I was more then ready and because she only used it over night.
If I didnt do it then I was scared she would still be on it at 10.
I think breastfeeding is hard. I think any amount of time a mother chooses is amazing and there should never be any guilt about stopping

Natural weaning age is actually 4-7, so it’s not ending on its own anytime soon. I gently weaned my daughter at 18 months due to pregnancy. While some women will tandem feed, that wasn’t something I wanted to do, so I weaned early enough that she was fully weaned before our son came. He’s 8 months now and my last baby. I’m not sure how long after a year we’ll go. Just playing it by ear.

I stopped at about 14month. Our pediatrician at the time recomended we start weening at 12months. I also had a stash of breastmilk to supplement his diet.
We gradually cut out feedings with the evening one being the last to go and just made sure he was really full before putting him down.
Honestly I was so over it as well lol

My little one is 15 months as well. She nurses before bed and when she wakes up, for less than 5 minutes each time. I plan on going until she is ready to stop, it is purely a comfort thing for her at this point, but it will end on her terms.

You should not have to feed in the middle of the night. That is purely out of comfort. Once you stop that you will feel better about just once at night and maybe in the am. Then slowly cut one of those. You have done an amazing job mama. give yourself a break. Your child has had a great start! Now get some sleep

I kept waiting for mine to self wean, but the day before her 5th birthday I had to put my foot down and realize it wasn’t happening.

My daughter turned 2 in August, and she’s almost fully weaned now. It was hard at first cause im fairly certian she wouldve breastfed until 10 if i let her.
It was our time because I absolutely dreaded it everytime she tried to nurse. Made me feel sick to my stomach I was that over it.

I finally stopped breastfeeding my son at 19 months. The only reason why I stopped is because he wanted to nurse 24/7. It is all up to you when you want to wean.

28 months and going. He currently shows no signs of fully weaning but does have his milk and water when he asks. I’ve had many times where I say I’m completely fed up, but I’m over it by the next morning. :woman_shrugging:t3:

We’re 9 months along and I’m interested to read responses as well! I’ve wanted to stop so many times but never do