When did your babies go head down?

When did your babies flip to head down? I’m almost 31 weeks and lil guy is still head up


Since I was 8 weeks he’s been head down​:blush: he’s been ready to come out and be with his family since the beginning​:heartpulse::innocent::innocent::innocent:

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About 2 days before I gave birth to her

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They had to manually turn one of mine, so yeaaaaa, you don’t want to ask me… :joy::joy:

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Mine flipped at 33 weeks

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Current pregnancy since 20 weeks and we almost to 34 weeks, 1st and 2nd… they both flipped position a bunch but were eventually head down when it mattered the most.

They can wait until labor before flipping, so I wouldn’t worry. Mine usually flipped a few weeks before I gave birth.

My cousin’s flipped the day before. They were talking c section and next day she flipped and day after she went in labor.

My girls were head down right away… my son was breech and the doctor always said “he will turn when he’s ready” and nope I had a c section

Mine flipped at 37 weeks.

Jessica Howe here’s some important advice!

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Mine were head down from the beginning an stayed that way

My last one didnt stop kicking or move into head down position until i was in established labour

I’m 28 weeks and my little guy has been head down for about 2 weeks now…that’s not saying he want turn back around lol

My son was head down from the start

They can flip even during labor

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Mine were head down from the beginning until the end.

I felt it happen and it was the craziest thing ever. I felt her flip and get comfy. It was sometime in March cause we hadn’t moved out of his gmas yet. It was crazyyyyy.


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Maybe ask your doctor :wink:

1st pregnancy; 32 weeks. 2nd pregnancy not til 36 weeks. this pregnancy shes been head down since 28 weeks and I’m now 31. but I have heard of babies flipping just hours before delivery. My mom had that happen; scheduled c-section due to breech even did U/S to make sure a few hours before and he was still butt down; my brother was head down when they cut open her uterus so he literally flipped right at the end🤦🏼‍♀️

All 3 of mine did early, about 4 weeks prior to giving birth

My doctor just told me that they usually flip between 30 weeks and 34 weeks!

My doctor just told me that they usually flip between 30 weeks and 34 weeks!

My 3rd was breech until 37 weeks and then was “sunny side up” until 39 weeks

The night before I went in for a scheduled csection

My son was head down almost my entire pregnancy. However, several friends and family members had their babies turn head down very late in the pregnancy. A couple didn’t have their babies turn until days before baby was born or even when they were in labor.

34 weeks just happened. Sixth birth. Don’t remember before sorry :woman_shrugging:Oh sooo fun to waddle. Hugs

My son was head down ready to go at 30wks. I carried him another 7wks on bedrest and Procardia dilated 1 and a half cm. I was in and out of the hospital trying to stop contractions.

My son dropped and was head down at 38 weeks and 1 day. I only remember that because the morning of my appointment I felt him flip and I had the waddle after that

My son who’s almost a year flipped heads down at 26 weeks and stayed there until birth

They can stay head up until the last few hours

My son never flipped. My daughter has been head down since 20 weeks. All babes are different girl.

My daughter never turned so i had to have a c-section at 39 weeks. My son turned about 32 weeks

Mine was head down ever since around 19 weeks

My first was head down around the 20s but my second was was still up at 34 weeks and then at my 37 week check up she said she was head down!

1st 36 weeks second 2 days before I was induced at 38 weeks and 3rd hadnt gone full head down yet as of last Monday and I’m 37 weeks today and go for another sono tomorrow

I want to say I was around 20 weeks maybe even sooner. I just remember being extremely shocked that she was already head down so early.

My 10 &. 1/2 lber was not head down at 32 weeks he flipped sometime before 35 weeks

Around that time is wen they moved position down wen your baby is almost at the last weeks of you giving labor he’s head will go face down … mine did late .

Babies can flip all the way up to delivery. So dont get worried if it dose not happen for you until then

Between 28 and 31 weeks cause i went for a 4d scan at 31 weeks and he was already head down but wasnt at my 28 week scan!

How do i know baby flips?

Both of my kiddos didn’t flip until 36 weeks!! Wished they did it sooner because it was an interesting gymnastics routine all squished in there!

My daughter went head down around 32 wks but breached herself during a long traumatic labor so they turned her and she got stuck for hours during delivery.
Im currently 31wks and he is head down and the pressure is OMG

My son turned during my c-section which ended in disaster. I’ll spare the details.

28 weeks my boy has been head down since, we had another scan at 31 and he was so close to being engaged- my daughter didn’t end up head down until her induction at 41+5- my son was head down at 36 weeks and engaged just in time for his induction at 37 weeks x

My oldest turned around 32 weeks, I’m currently 35 weeks with #2 and we’re still breech

She didn’t. Had to get a c section. But, I prefer tbat over my birth with my 1st

36 wks ultrasound she was head down i felt her flip at 35 wks

My mr turned the night before my scheduled csection :woman_facepalming:so 38+6. Was breech the whole pregnancy.

Idk. When they started doing cervical checks at 36 weeks my daughter was head down.

1st one didn’t was too big. 2nd one didn’t seem too either. Third one dropped about 24w but will still be a cesarean

Mine now 30weeks head dOWN and still there, but having a c-section in 18 days… 33 weeks and 3 days right now.

I gave birth to my second baby breech at 40+1. It was a great experience! Don’t fear the breech. :two_hearts::two_hearts:

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20 weeks for both my girls but it can happen any time, even last minute.

At 37 weeks mine still wasn’t but I was having a Csection so I wasn’t worried.

First head down super early. Second Head down at 34 weeks but delivered sunny side up.

My baby girl has been head down since at least 20 weeks. She’s just chillin :sunglasses:

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I was in labor and my daughter flipped 3 different times

38 weeks was when my 4th baby flipped, you have plenty of time!

My oldest didn’t until day I went into labour

My daughter just did at 32 weeks

Mine didn’t. Delivered c section at 35 weeks

They may not turn right up until due date.

Am 28 weeks n my son been head down since 20 weeks

27 weeks and 4 days. Two days before I was induced :woman_facepalming: talk about stressing

Im 36 weeks and i can feel that my baby is head down

Mine turned at 25 weeks

Has been head down since day dot.

That’s pretty common.

The doctors manually turned my daughter. Not gonna lie that shit hurt . Doc and nurse pushed on my belly to turn her so I didn’t have to have a c section

Never lol. Mine was breech and had to have c-section.

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My second baby was down and moved head up. She would move like crazy back and forth

I’m 30 weeks and he’s been head down at least since 28 weeks

Around 20 weeks my little guy was already head down, gave birth at 36 weeks.

25 weeks my baby flipped and went head down gave birth at 35 weeks

All my kids have been head down by 20 weeks. Currently pregnant with my 3rd and she’s been head down since 19 weeks

Mine didn’t until about 2 weeks before I had them.

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My first was just before 34 weeks from what I remember

Like 38 weeks with the first 3 and last one never did flip ( emergency c section ar 35 weeks)

Around 20-25 weeks they turned and stayed

3rd was breach until my 8 month check up . First 2 idk never had any issues

My daughter was head down at 25 weeks and stayed that way the rest of the pregnancy

My second baby was 34 weeks before she flipped

Both of mine didn’t go head down until after 36 weeks

I had to have my daughter flipped around by my OB

My first pregnancy I was around 35 weeks, my second was head down at 20 weeks

The baby could be a breach baby butt first.

Never… my boys were stubborn

My 2nd one didnt flip till 36 weeks but my 3rd flipped around 25.

Since day one…

My baby has been head down since i was 23 weeks will be 32 weeks tomorrow

Yes i would say a little b4 28 weeks but its wierd. One time i felt the baby drop down into my pelvis. Like as if i was on an elevator.

My first 28 weeks. 2nd 30 weeks