When did you start to feel baby real low? I’m 26 weeks he’s flipped head down within the last couple days and now it feels like his head is between my legs. The pressure omg.
For first time moms it’s usually 2-4 weeks before delivery, but can be closer to labor beginning. Of course, they’re getting heavier and making some room down there before then and they may feel very low regardless. With subsequent pregnancies it generally happens right before or during labor.
My last (and final!!!) pregnancy my baby dropped right around 28 weeks. He stayed head down and I was dilated 2 cm till the end. When I got my cervix checked like a month before I gave birth they said they could literally feel his head lol. Good thing I had him early
1st was 32 weeks and 2nd one I went into preterm labor at 35 weeks and hadn’t dropped.
That’s normal and painful lol that doesn’t mean he’s dropped though!
If it’s your first viable pregnancy then most likely your baby will drop well before they’re due. If it’s your 2nd or more, your baby should drop right before labor begins.
Get you a pregnancy band. Lifesaver