When did your baby start sleeping through the night? I am so sleep deprived and need to know there is light at the end of the tunnel.
I’m right there with you mamma. I am a single mamma and my son is 13mos (11mos adjusted) and still waking up 1-8x a night.
I work 10hr days and I am exhausted.
My daughter was a year old when she started sleeping at night because she seemed to sleep during the day a little too much. My son was sleeping all night by the time he was a month old
Gosh…mine is 4.5 months and I am just having the hardest time with sleep and schedule. My daughter was soooo much easier. I just spent a little over am hour getting him to sleep (its 1130pm here now) and I know he will wake 4-5x and only thing that settles him is boob so he ends up co sleeping and my husband sleeps in the other room. Its just tough
I had one sleep basically from birth. One was about 2 (he had sleep apnea so sleeping was a struggle). My last is almost 2 1/2 and still doesn’t sleep through the night.
Right off the bat my son slept 3-4 hours. Then at 4 months he started 7-8hr stretches.
He was breastfed
My second son was 2.
My 3 month old right now gets 4 hr stretches, some nights longer.
Mine was a month old when she was sleeping all the way through the night
Our first suffered from night terrors so it wasn’t until 3 they slept through the night.
2nd born started sleeping through the night around 4 months.
My son woke up every 2 hours for the 1st 2 years. After that he only woke up once or twice till about 4. Then he slept all night.
Around 4 months my daughter started sleeping about 6 hour a night. Now she’s 7 months and sleeps around 8-9 hours
I’ve had one not start until nearly 2 years, one start at 4 months and one at 8 months
My first slept all night day one… my second made up for that 100 fold, 4 years old and still don’t sleep all night lol all kids are different
I think my son was about 5 months when he slept through the night the first time but I would say most of the time he wakes up one time in the middle of the night
4 weeks. After I read some of the comment I can’t believe I thought a month was bad.
My 1st slept through the night from about a month old…i thought they would all be that easy boy was i wrong! My 2nd was 2ish…I remember being pregnant with my 3rd thinking how the heck am I gonna get up with a baby AND toddler all night
then miraculously he started sleeping all night while i wad still pregnant. Now my 3rd is 20 months and doesn’t sleep all night yet.
my almost 3 year old still wakes up 2 times my baby
is sleeping great but now she strats to wake up because she is teething, my now 11 year old was a nightmare!! up every 30 min!! lasted about a year! they all different!!
Lol, she’s 17 months right now. She just started sleeping through the night over the last couple weeks. My second started at 4 months. Don’t remember with my first.
We’re almost 3 and still don’t
My only grandchild will be 3 next month- she has NEVER slept all night . She is up a few times . This has been her pattern since birth . I think she just does not require a lot of sleep . Her mom doesn’t either .
All babies are different. My first was 8month, 2nd was 9month and 3rd was 3month old. My 3rd is wild on the go all day so by 5.30/6pm he’s ready for bed. Also naps once for 1hr around 12ish. Maybe cut down to 1 nap a day? I keep my 3rd awake after nap so we can stick to his bedtime routine. He’s 15m now and has been on the same routing since around 6month. With my 1st I gave her water in the night, lasted 2 nights of her waking crying, she never woke in the night again after that. 2nd baby had vomiting complications so I fed her in the night until she stopped waking for it as she didn’t get much milk intake through the day just plenty food. Some babies don’t need much sleep, others do. Good luck
My son never did, at 16 still doesn’t sleep