When did your child start to understand Christmas?

When did your babies start to understand Christmas? My toddler will be 3 in March and she doesn’t understand- doesn’t surprise me at all. I LIVE for Christmas and look forward to seeing her be excited about it as well. Do y’all think she’ll understand a little more next year?


My daughter was 3 1/2 this year for Christmas, she was very excited and understood everything. She was so excited she thought Santa was bringing more gifts today :rofl: next year it will probably be very different and you will get to see your daughter’s excitement!

My little guy turned 4 last week, I still had to remind him that it was Christmas. He was excited to presents once he realized he was allowed to open them :joy::joy:

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Next year she will. Ours will be 4 in May and loved it this year

My daughter has asked about Santa a few times definitely was more into presents this year but not hyped up about Santa or talked about Christmas hopefully next year she will be more into Santa. She’s 3 now

My sons four & this is the first year he was really excited about it. Probably next year!

Mine is 4 in a couple days and this year was my favorite for christmas with him so far!

My daughter is 3 and she was so much more fun this year with Santa. My son (5) enjoyed it more because he had someone to be excited with that actually understood the concept.

My son turned 3 beginning of November he didnt understand it really but next year im sure he will no doubt be excited :blush:

My children genuinely understood around age 4, my nearly 6 year old has autism and still doesn’t understand Christmas, I think it depends on the child and their development X

Y daughter will be 5 in February and she just really understood this year I felt.she knew who santa was before . But this year she knew she had to be asleep for him to come and the concept of Christmas Eve and everything.

My daughter just turned 3 and understands it very well. But I also think that has a lot to do with having older siblings!

3 years old was the first my daughter understood Santa Claus and the cookies and milk and all the presents. This year (she’s 4) and she was really excited and remembered. Every kid is different though and progresses differently with their level of understanding

Mine understood at 2 but it’s her third Christmas and we watched TV shows about Christmas and baby shoes with Santa in it. Needless to say she loves santa. She also has 3 older siblings so they helped out alot

Sometimes you have to teach them to be excited. My son wasn’t happy about birthday presents until our neighbor showed him how to be excited about it. Unfortunately he learned to be a grumpus about celebrations from his dad, and still is a bit that way.

My son will be 3 in 2 days and this was the first year he was excited about Christmas. He understood that Santa was coming and was excited for it. He loved the Christmas lights and decorations and making cookies for Santa. This was the best year yet!

Almost 3 1/2 and he got it this year. He was counting sleeps, excited for presents… just thrilled about every aspect.

Last year he figured out how to open presents, but that was about it.

My 4 year old granddaughter fix to be 5 next month was really into the elf on a shelf that seems to help her understand a lil better the elf would live lil notes from him and santa

My son start to understand at 4. This year he is 5 and it was so much better than last year. The excitement level was higher.

Our 2 year old understood Santa and Hohoho and merry Christmas, but I don’t think he understand the entire picture. He was excited when people talked about it with him and when we told him what would happen, but I’m not 100% sure he understood the big picture. It was 100% better though than when he was 1!

Yes mines 3 and was super into Santa and Christmas and the magic

Yes! My daughter turned 3 in November and had a blast this year. She was so excited for all the things.

Mine will be 3 in April and this was the first year she kind of understood. She loves Christmas in general but doesn’t quite understand Santa and everything else that comes with it. I think next year will be when it really starts to click!

My daughter is three and a half, this is the first year she has been excited about Santa or Christmas. Maybe next year mama. P.S. it is sooooo worth the wait.

My son understands it way better now that he’s 4. We explained santa to him and having to go to sleep so santa can come. We put cookies and milk out this year too. He also loved helping decorate the tree and house. And once he gets a little more older we will explain that it’s not about the gifts but about being together with family. (Even though he will still get gifts) I’m sure yours will understand too by next year and be super excited about all of it.

My friend understood it this year and she’s 4 in a few weeks and last year she didnt get it !

Mine grasped the concept of getting gifts/Santa last year at 4. This year I let her know it is really about Jesus’ Birthday because all she could talk about since Halloween was getting gifts and it annoyed me. Lol.

Yes my twins didn’t last year and they were 2 1/2 and this year they 3 1/2 and knew completely

Yes just give her time

5 ish My granddaughters are 3-1/2 and 5-1/2. They’ve been doing the advent calendars with their mom and dad so they get a treat and the scripture. I started doing the advent candles and a craft with them last year and set up my nativity. The older girl can’t wait. My sons learned at an early age being in church from birth.

My daughter turned 3 in September, and this was the first year she gets it more, at least about decorating the tree, Santa, and presents. The parts about the Nativity still flew over her head a bit, but maybe next year!

My four year old daughter really got into Christmas this year, last a little bit, but this year was the first “year” it seemed to click and she was excited.

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My son is 4 and finally understood what Christmas was. He got super excited when he saw his bike in front of the tree. He will be 5 next month

My middle child turned 5 in November and this is the first year that he really seemed to get all the Christmas magic

My son is 4 years old. He is beginning to understand Xmas alot better. So wait a year. Just remember that all kids are different.


My youngest is 4 and yes this year he definitely understand. But, also came the questions, one was “why does Santa come down the chimney when that is for smoke from the fire and smoke and fire are dangerous?” He also had the question of why, someone that we don’t know is allowed in our home at night when we are sleeping. With my other children it was about 5 years of age when I really enjoyed seeing their eyes light up. It will happen in time.

As a child happy to get presents. After I met Jesus more happy about Christmas.


My daughter is 5 and just now really getting Into it. Where my son is almost 3 and was so excited over everything lights this year. Every child is different but she’ll likely start getting really excited next year

Our three almost four year old was delighted and got the concept also was taught whose birthday it is and why we celebrate

my son is 2 almost 3 and has been telling people for weeks that the baby jesus is sleeping under our tree and super excited to celebrate jesus birthday. so i think it depends on the kid and their development and understanding

My 3 year old was super excited. He loved all the lights and was super excited about the elf and Santa. He was excited about presents he like the electric toothbrush and pajamas than the tablet lol.

My son is 2.5 (will be 3 in April) and was super excited about it this year! He doesn’t “understand” but was excited about Santa and presents and talked all day today about how fun it was, so hopefully your daughter will get it more by next year!

Most likely around 4 if she wasn’t over excited this year, just don’t over think it, don’t over expect her reaction, and don’t over buy stuff, next year will also be a great time to help her learn about giving to those who have less, just be happy.

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You can start reading to a little one at an early age 1. Teach them the real reason for Christmas by reading a book about the first Christmas then explain the story so they will understand. Presents are for celebrating the birth of Jesus.

My grandson, 2 1/2 was really excited. He loved the lights, and finding the colors. He loved the prettys (decorations ) and the wrapped presents. He spent a lot of time walking each person their presents and would stand beside them excitedly watching each person open and discover what was inside. Had to keep having him sit to take his turn to open. Eventually the rest will come. He understands the baby(awe baby) is special in our nativity. But not all of it yet. It will all come in time and bringing your excitement to her level and making new traditions with her. Make it memorable.

My daughter was 4 when she started to understand it. This year was better and she was more excited for decorating the tree and getting presents for people

4-5ish. I have 5 kids. If its an only child it takes longer. Having 4 older siblings helps.

My 3 year old grandson thought it was his birthday. But then again when his moms birthday was in early December he kept telling everyone it was his birthday, his birthday is in October… lol

Yes, my daughter just turned 4 an she was totally into the whole Christmas idea

Yes, she’ll understand more next year

You are super cute!!! Your baby will react when they get it! Every child is different. V

My daughter didnt get it till 4

My daughter will be 4 on the 27th and really got it this year

4-5ish. My 7 year old finally is super into it.

don’t worry. it will happoen soon enough

My daughter is only 14 months and she could care less about presents but she loves HOHO(Santa). She points at anything Santa and says hoho and laughs. I would assume around age 3 to 4 they get into the presents.

My son turned four in October and it shocked me how much he really knew this Christmas I mean I was teaching him about Santa and about Jesus but he learned so much more from this little cartoons