My daughter was 11 when she started, just show her the ropes and let her, if it helps with her self esteem and makes her more confident, let her do it
Let her start especially if her dress will reveal armpit hair jeez I started at 10
Children start puberty at all different agars. I don’t think there is a asset age. If hair is making her insecure let her shave
I started when it became noticeable. In my opinion (such that it is), she is old enough to shave. You know your daughter.
I’m sure you also felt insecure so just let her shave. Nothing bad is going to happen & you’ll make her happy it’s that what you want or not ?
It’s a special occasion, let her do it.
If it shows let her shave. That would be so embarrassing.
As soon as she starts to get hair in armpits and on her legs. Children will bully her if you don’t let her shave it off. Remember kids are cruel.
Time to shave every girl natures differently don’t make it awkward for her at this age
I started shaving at nine. My hairs on my legs were so long.
When a young girl asks to shave under her arms it’s time to teach her how to do it. Obviously she is self conscious or she wouldn’t ask.
Let her shave when she’s embarrassed of her hair
What is the purpose of letting her keep the hair 5 more years?!?!? It makes no difference. She feels insecure so let her do it now.
I started at the end of 5th grade because a boy made fun of me. I should have started sooner
It’s time. Things are different than we were growing up and girls are maturing at a younger age.
Try an electric razor first. Much safer.
When she can safely use a razor! Age unknown?!?!
Girls now days are developing faster. Let her shave her legs. Just because you had to wait doesn’t make it right that she should.
If she’s feeling uncomfortable about it or maybe being teased let her
This is like asking what a girl should be able to wear a bra. When she needs to and if she is insecure about it, she needs to…
When it is visible and makes the person uncomfortable.
I was 12. I didn’t ask for permission.
It is her body. If she wants to shave support her in her decision
Once hair is visible it’s ok for her to shave. I started shaving at age 10. Teach her how …
Electric razor can be an easier way to start…a lot less nicks.
If its bothering her it’s time just show her how to do it safely. Times have changed things happen at a early time now
11 and usually with puberty
Mine both wanted to learn around 9 or 10. It is a little thing to bolster how they feel.
Have her use neet it is a spray on and wash off product that way she dont have to use a razor
Once hair is noticeable it’s time.
WHAT?? You have an 11-year-old daughter and you are GETTING MARRIED SOON? Is there a dad in the picture, and if so, does he have an opinion?>>
Try an electric shaver 1st that way they wont get cut
When she has hair that you can see why she wants to.
If it is that noticeable needs to be shaved
My daughter had very hairy legs, blond, but got teased over it. One day she had enough, and took her dad’s razor and took care of matters. She was seven.
if it bothers her let her shave its no big deal
I was 11 when our pe teacher told us girls we need to start shaving.
let her shave…what is that going hurt?
You don’t want her to be insecure about it so that should be your answer right there.
Maybe try Nair or something like it first??She should not feel shaky about it, or not self confident. I started to shave around 10.
I started shaving at 11.
What is the big deal?
Oh lord let her do it. She is the one feeling that it is necessary to look Ok
If it’s so obvious, why not let her?
She’s ready. Especially if it’s making her feel uncomfortable
If it bothers her, let her do it
Better to teach her now since she is asking, otherwise she’ll do it herself anyways.
Hey real with yourself mom let her shave stop living in the old days
Yes. Let her do it. If she’s asking then it’s time
My mother found out I was shaving because I would cut myself frequently with the razor. I didnt want her to know because I thought she would be mad, she told me “YOU know when you’re ready, it isn’t up to me to decide that. But you gotta tell me so I can show you.”
Then we went and got some equipment and my mother taught me to shave. Shaving isn’t really that “big” of a thing and honestly you should let her especially since it sounds like it could be impacting her self esteam.
I believe a girl should start shaving when she becomes aware of the “hairiness” and is uncomfortable with it. That varies with age and with amount of hair. Some people develop hair at a younger age. If you are worried about her cutting herself, get an electric razor. There is no need in a girl being self-conscience.
Let her shave, it’s time
It’s your child trust your own instincts.
Let her shave. Otherwise she’ll be bullied.
My daughter was 8
She had been in dance school for 4 years. She inherited hairy legs from her Dad. Looked good on him, her, not so much. She was being teased . she felt more confident. There is No magic Number… Depends on the child
i started at like 9 and instantly regretted it
Let the girl shave!!!
O think 11yrs old is an o.k. age to start shaving. BUT I WOULD START HER OUT WITH AN ELECTRIC RAZOR.
Omg let her shave!!!
Teach her how and let her go
sounds like its time
Why am I seeing this?.
If it’s embarrassing for her let her shave.
I like women with a rowdy bush ! … and fur !
time to start shaving
My daughter started shaving at 10.
I started about 11 when I was in junior high. Teach her the proper way.
Get married in Germany compromised
I grabbed my mom’s double edge razor when I was 9…dry shaved…went to my mom and showed my bloody legs…she MADE me shave after that…cuz “your hair will grow thick now, and you have be presentable” Yeah, you little millenials will NEVER understand!!! Cuz your parents aren’t allowed to tell how they really feel…etc, etc… !!! Can we go back 20 + years??? This bullshit is killing us all!!!
As soon as necessary for Heigene