When did your daughter start shaving?

If she doesn’t want armpit hair let her remove it. Of course show her what to and not to do.

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I think it’s a personal choice with each daughter. I have 2, my oldest could care less and about 13 she started. My youngest was 11, she started showing it earlier and was self conscious about it. Definitely being open about it so it wasn’t a big deal. I showed them the correct way. It’s hard to see them grow up but didn’t want her to feel embarrassed about something we all have to deal with :blush:

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Eh let her shave… Like really what is the worst that can happen? Razor burn from a dry shave lol… Lather lather lather!!

My daughter started at 8 and I didn’t mind. If it made her feel good I wasn’t going to complain. :slightly_smiling_face:

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If she is asking you to do it I’d let her. She sounds super self conscious let her make herself feel beautiful by doing it. Show her how great bonding time.

Girls mature so much faster now and if she does not like her hair under her arms let her shave!


I was 9yrs old when I started shaving.

I remember when I was standing in line in elementary. (10 years old) the girls were talking about how they were already shaving. I hadn’t started yet until shortly after that.(the peer pressure) I don’t think I even asked my mom, I just did it.

My 13 yr old still refuses to shave so when they are ready let them shave

I tried to start at around 8. My mom taught me how to shave after I got my period around 10. Most likely than not she’s going to try to remove it herself if it bothers her enough. Show her good techniques and how to keep clean. And all the basics that come with using and owning a razor

You need to allow her to do it when she feels she’s ready, as a parent you shouldn’t be asking strangers, she’s your daughter. You an her decide together. x

If she self conscious about it, it’s time.

I was in 5th grade when I started shaving! Because I was embarrassed of my leg hair so my mom taught me how!

I don’t understand why anyone would care what age someone was when they start shaving! If she has hair, she should be able to shave if she doesn’t want it.

I was 10 because I had really long armpit hair. I’d let her shave it if shes insecure about it.

I started when I had hair to shave. I was a little older and in 6th or 7th grade, but kids are reaching puberty earlier now days. I remember in middle school (6-8th grade) when we had to change into gym clothes for the first time and girls where all starting to shave and would point out all the other girls that needed to shave. Kids can be mean. I say let her shave and boost her confidence.

i think use a little hair remover for the occasion only cause she rather young to be shaving

Shaving really isn’t that big of a deal if she feels as though she is ready to shave and it is noticeable please show her how to do it, the right way. No one showed me and it sucked. I would recommend the battery first, less chance of hurting.

If shes feeling insecure, show her how to do it and let her. It’s already hard being a kid in school and you dont want her singled out and made fun of for this. Just make sure she only does it when you are around to supervise her, we’ve all had a shaving accident or two.


There are many different types of shavers now ,where you do not have to worry about her cutting herself!Get her an electric shaver and there will be alot less to worry about!

If she’s feeling self conscious about it, let her start shaving. Teach her how, but don’t make it a huge deal. I was made fun of for having hairy legs when I was 11/12, but my mom wouldn’t allow me to shave. I snuck and did it anyway…dry…with a disposable razor. Not fun!

I started shaving my arm pit hair when it started to grow and stink. My legs waited until 13. I’m doing the same thing with my kids, although my second daughter has expressed no interest in learning how to shave.

Talk to her about the issue and ask her when does she think she will be ready to shave. I was 10 when I learned to shave never had any one teach me had to learn on my own. Make sure you show her how to do it right so she won’t get hurt.

Yes, teach her to shave and supervise.Nothing more gross than armpit hair.If hair on legs can be seen,shave them too.

I have a 10 year old who has noticeable leg hair but wasn’t ready to let her shave it yet. Unfortunately my ex’s fiancé let her shave her legs behind my back. If it’s uncomfortable for your daughter maybe you should let her shave now. Just talk to her about it and see how that goes

Electric razor sounds like a good idea. And now sounds like the time.

Please mama, let her be comfortable with herself. What harm can shaving do? Show her how and let her be.

I don’t think someone shaving their armpits should hv an age
Just my view

When she asked at 11

  1. But she has stopped since she doesn’t leave the house lol

I let my daughter (now 13) shave when she started getting armpit hair. If it’s embarrassing and the dress shows it I’d let her shave. My grandma was awful about it but my grandpa snuck me razors for years.


Age has nothing to do with it. Darker hair girls will shave earlier. Let her shave now. And let her do the legs as well. It will boost her confidence.


If it is that’s noticeable and more importantly she is self conscious then she needs to shave. Everyone is different I started later then my sister. My hair is lighter and still as an adult doesn’t grow much both my girls have to shave and have more hair issue.

My daughter was 9 when she started to shave . I believe it all depends on each individual. Everyone has a different amount of hair , when my daughter started to feel insecure about it I knew it was time . Best thing you can do is teach her the correct way .

I don’t have a daughter but I do remember how I started shaving. I asked to start when I was 11 because I had noticed the hair on my legs getting darker and was self conscious about it. My mom taught me to shave but when she did she told me I should only shave where and when I felt I needed to since the hair will likely come back darker/more course and I’d have to continue to shave that area moving forward if I wanted the hair to remain “gone.” She also made sure it was something I wanted to do and wasn’t being pressured into doing. As a result, I started shaving my legs/arm pits at 11 but didn’t do my bikini line until closer to 13, but that was my choice. That being said, I think it depends on your daughter’s situation. I have naturally light features so it took a little while before the hair became dark enough for me to want to shave. I had a friend growing up who started shaving at 9 because she had very dark, course hair from day 1 and never liked it. It’s scary because culturally we view shaving as a right of passage into woman-hood, but it doesn’t need to be a big deal. Her confidence is what matters and as long as she’s doing it for her, not to please anybody else, I’d say let her start.

Once it is noticeable i feel it is time to let her shave. She will feel more confident. As a .mom letting my daughter shave wasn’t a big deal. She has really dark hair so i felt it was necessary.

My mom started me as soon as I started with arm pit hair. Don’t remember what age. She started with an electric razor because she felt it was safer and harder for me to accidentally cut myself and I wouldn’t get razor burn as bad. It worked. About a year after starting shaving she switched me to a disposable razor

Let her if she is uncomfortable. My parents wouldn’ t let me and I was 12 so when I went to my grandparents I sat with scissors and nicked myself but I didn’t care. Got in trouble when I went home but didn’t care because I had hairless legs.:blush:

I am eastern European so have very noticeable hair all over including long dark arm hair luckily for me my mother understood and let me start saving on my 11th birthday and helped teach me how not to cut myself. My dad wasn’t 100% okay with it till my mom explained the situation and by 12 I was going every 3 weeks to get my eyebrows waxed by 16 I was shaving my arms as well. You see where this is going right. Let her shave if it makes her self conscious. For me it was a total confidence boost.

I was 10 and needed it I had very dark hair and all my friends had started to notice how thick and dark my hair was. It was terrible for my self esteem. I also have two grown daughters now and one started at same age 10-11 as she inherited my hairy traits but younger one waited until about 13 as she didn’t need to,she had very thin blonde hair. If you teach them the responsibilities and safety around it I don’t think the age really matters to an extent. If it helps their self esteem especially in these days kids are so cruel.

I started shaving my legs when l was about 8/9. Can’t really remember it was so long ago. I was very self conscious of my hairy legs. I asked my mother and she said yes. My teacher at the time noticed and threatened to call my mother. I told her go ahead, she did. Believe you me, she got an ear full! :laughing: If she’s feeling uncomfortable about the hair, let her shave!

What is wrong with her shaving now. If she feels she needs to and it improves her self esteem, let her do this and show her how. I am sure she will love you for it.

I started shaving my legs at 9. I had super thick, dark leg hair. My armpits…I think I was close to 12 when I needed to start shaving them.

I started shaving at 10. My oldest was also 10 but my youngest was just 8. Her skin was light and her hair was so dark. It was very obvious on her little legs. She was teased mercilessly! She BEGGED me to let her shave her legs and that broke my heart. Why are kids so cruel to one another?! We started her with an electric razor until she was 10 and switched to an actual razor .

Get her an electric shaver, safer for her age. There is no set age, why should she have to be self conscious?

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Seriously, she has noticeable hair AND she is self conscious why would you put your child through that? Your mother made you wait (16 y/o good night!) then you should definitely know how she feels and go to the other extreme of helping her.

one of my daughter was “hairy” and was upset about it. She was 11. I remember Ann Landers writing about this same subject, and said she was a hairy child and to go ahead and let her shave. So I showed how to do and helped her.

At the very least allow her to shave her armpits, she may start getting made fun of by her friends for it.

let her shave if she’s feeling insecure about her hair! If she is old enough for her thoughts to be insecure she’s old enough to shave!

My oldest was around 10, we started with only shaving the bottom half for practice at first, only because I’m notorious for cutting my knees while shaving, so I wanted to make sure she was comfortable with a razor before she started shaving her whole leg, plus the hair on the top of our legs isn’t as noticeable. Now my middle daughter is 10 and has shown no interest in shaving, and quite honestly has no business even thinking about touching a razor :joy:

I say if it’s making her insecure and there’s something you can do to fix that, than you should let her. Those years are hard for girls and it’s important to build their confidence as much as you can.

I think my daughter was 10. She was insecure about it, so she shaved. Now she’s not so insecure and shaves when she’s good and ready! Lol

My Mama didn’t want me to shave either. She said it would only make the hair grow more, But Iwas already pretty harry and kids were beginning to tease me. Isay let her do it when she starts to be embarrised about it.

My daughter shaved her legs at 8. She would get made fun of at school so I bought an electric razor and helped her for a while and then she went to regular razors like a pro at around 10. To me it’s not about the age. It’s about the need. Every person will develop at different times and let’s be real some people are just hairier than others.

It’s time. Just remind her that once she starts shaving it never stops. Plus in today’s world kids and adults will make fun of her for armpit hair

Some children mature earlier than others. Think back, how did you feel when this was happening to you? If she’s embarrassed or insecure about this, you may want to let her shave with supervision. Just remember that she is still a child. Shaving is done not just for looks, but for cleanliness and not to be a grown up.

Let her shave. I was 14. I was very hairy it was very embarrassing. Kids were cruel back in the 70s . Can’t imagine now… It will help her self esteem.

Whenever her body is ready you need to have the appropriate conversations and guidance so she doesn’t feel ashamed of her natural body for the rest of her life!

It’s just shaving. If she is ready. She is ready. I reminded my daughter that once she starts it’s all down hill from there.

I was 11. If she is going to feel insecure on a special day like that, I would say let her shave her armpits at the very least.

If she is feeling insecure then it’s time to shave

if she is embarrassed by her hair let her shave. buy her the products and show her how.

By all means, teach her the right way to shave and care for her skin, and tell her about the pitfalls…encourage her to love herself…everyone matures differently.

There is no set age to start this process. If she feels uncomfortable, let her start shaving. She deserves to have a positive self image

I started in 5th grade so 10/11. My hair was dark and it’s embarrassing. Let her do it if she can notice a difference

I wasnt allowed to shave until I was about 12 and then I could only shave from my ankles to my knees. And my armpits of course.

Arm pits due to cleanly ness , legs if going to wear dress for prom yes but not til then , unless dark hair and is girly girl and wears dresses a lot , our daughter graduates vet school in may and we did not do legs til high school but underarms at about 11 for deodorant

It’s time. She will feel better & be more confident in her dress.

This could be onbassering for her so let her shave it will help her it’s so hard to feel you have to hide this from your friends age doesn’t matter if she needs to do this to feel comfortable around her friends don’t let her be made fun of after she is your daugther

Almost can’t cut yourself with shick intuition not cheap but wonderful

It’s time, once they notice and it bothers them, allow it. And once both my girls got their periods I did have a talk about landscaping as well. There’s a great two and one by Schick, it’s called hydrotrim. It has a guard so they can’t go low or cut themselves. But I wish someone talked to me about “hair down there” as well. My home is an open book

My stepdad said I couldn’t shave at 11-12 but my mom overruled him.
I agree. Help her and get her her own supplies.

There is a razor i found that goes back and forth without cutting you …it will say it on the label.tell her to take her time and becareful …You want your child to feel beautiful and not be embarrassed in front of people …embarrassment can last a lifetime

If it is making her uncomfortable let her shave! Using an electric shaver is safer.

Well my parents never talked to me about or showed me how to shave. It wasn’t until I had to live with my grandparents that my grandma was like do you not shave I said no… and she said well that’s discusting and handed me one of her spare razors and taught me :joy::joy::joy:

My daughters started at 9 ish 10… they get uncomfortable about the hair. Which I understand. I told both my girls once you start shaving u always will have to keep it up. . One keeps wanting to do her arms I tell her nooo don’t do that.

My daughter started shaving when she was around 10 or 11. I bought her an electric razor and showed her how to shave her arm pits and legs

Age has nothing to do with personal body confidence. If she’s embarrassed and uncomfortable about leg/armpit hair then let her shave it. I was horrified in middle school when I " wasn’t old enough to groom" but apparently didn’t matter that I was totally humiliated by others :disappointed:

Let her shave mamma. We all developed differently and mature mentally at different ages. Let her feel confident in her own skin. Believe me if this is a phase she will get bored and quit quickly. Other peers may tease her as well, we dont want that. If its important to her, she will keep up with it. Its just hair and will grow back. Her confidence in her self is most important and shaving is a process that will come anyways.

It’s time momma. She’s at that age. You might also want to have the other talk with her as well as she’s probably going to be starting soon. You baby isn’t a baby anymore. Congratulations on getting married. Many blessings to you

I was probably 10 or 11. I was in elementary school still. Especially if she’s asking. Nothing wrong with body hair, but there’s nothing wrong with removing it. If that’s what she wants to do to feel good. Personally based on my experience I wouldn’t think she’s too young

Let her shave. I was terribly embarrassed in Jr high PE because of harriness. Try an electric shaver at first.

Teach her to shave. She shouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable in her own skin.

Let her shave , especially for the dress , your wedding should be a joyous occasion not dreaded by your daughter

It was 11 for me but if she needs to do it now just let her. Everyone develops at different ages. Its perfectly normal. Help her and show her how to correctly do it safely. No worries.

People mature at different ages Not good to use years

I think if she is asking and her hair is noticeable and it bothers her self esteem then teach her. Everyone reaches puberty at different times. She is obviously ready because it bothers her. Simple question…how did you feel about your Mother making you wait until age 16? Put yourself in your daughter’s shoes.

My grand daughters didn’t ask they just started shaving their legs at like 8 . Let her shave we are not cookie cutter people everyone is different.

Its her body- let her choose! Small decisions like this can have a big impact on how she sees her body and her autonomy later. If she hates shaving after trying, thats ok too.

Let her shave. I started in 7th grade. Each person grows differently.

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I let my daughter shave in third grade . When they are old enough for it to bother them they are old enough to do something about it,

I was elven and mom let me because a boy at school called me ape legs. Years later asked me out and I turned him down !

My mom started me off with Nasir at 11, and then by 13 I was shaving

If hair is visible its time to shave.I would not want my child shamed or stared at because she is maturing.She will have better self esteem growing up as learns the changes that happen are part of her “woman” self.

If she has noticeable hair and that is not the normal thing for women around her…it would be embarrassing to her. If you are worried about her cutting herself, get her an electric/chargeable razor, they have them for women. It’s the age where many girls start to feel like freak show in general, this is something that is easy for you to help her with self confidence. There is no specific age on shaving just like there is no specific age on starting their period.

If she has enough hair to see or notice then she is old enough to shave. Other kids will start making fun of her. Kids are much more critical than they used to be.

Some start when it is embarrassing to them & they feel uncomfortable tel her once she stats she has to keep it up forever :blush:

I bought an electric razor for my daughter around 12yrs old.

Let her shave teach her how No electric shavers they are not very good Make sure she understands it comes back lol

My daughter started shaving at like 11 or 12 but she’s a gymnast so she kinda needed to. But, honestly, I still would’ve let her even if she wasn’t a gymnast, if it bothered her or if she asked. :woman_shrugging:t5: