When did your daughter start shaving?

I was about 11. Let her shave it.

My daughter is half Mexican. She has DARK hair. She has started growing hair down under but has not started growing inx her armpits. Her leg hair is very dark. We told her no shaving until 11 or 12 (she turned 10 in December) she is really concerned about it. I am on the edge about letting her start shaving when summer comes around.

I was around 11 I think. Just teach her how to properly.

Let her shave i started around 11. Being that age is hard enough emotionally let her be comfortable as possible with her body and if that means shaving then so be it

My daughter is 12 in april and i allow her to shave her arm pits. She asked about her legs i said it was up to her but i explained that they will grow back darker and thicker so she wants to hold on for a bit longer before she starts shaving her legs. They are hardly noticable on her legs anyway so shes not in no rush x

I eas 9… had hair early . Kids teased. Let her…

Teach her how to shave. If it bothers her you should. I had to self teach myself bc no one ever did and I started seeing hair and I cut myself good…

I think I was like 12 when I started and 24 when I stopped :smiling_face_with_tear:

Let her dont let her feel ashamed or embarrassed

I didn’t have a rule for shaving. They just did it when they were wanting to. My mom wouldnt let me shave my legs till 13ish and it was humiliating. Its just leg hair. No need to control that area. I even let my kids dye their hair at a young age. Once they become an adult you have to conform to society so I let them have their fun with while they can

You don’t know what to do??? You are acting like she is wanting to have sex at 11 or something. lol It’s hair, and it’s a razor. It’s really not a big deal at all. I would recommend the Billie razor and shave lotion. WOW. Best stuff in the world.


I don’t think age matters, i think it’s once they start showing noticeable hair and want to shave it

I started at 10/11 with an electric razor and was able to use a real razor at 14/15

My sister had my niece start shaving in 5th grade. She had very noticeable hair and the other kids made fun of her.

Let her she is old enough

My mom let me shave my armpits and my legs when the hair started to become noticeable everywhere else just happened when I decided to

I was aloud to shave when I grew hair

If you really don’t feel comfortable with her shaving get her naire hair removal cream so she can still be comfortable with herself

I was 11 when I told my mom I wanted to shave. I honestly think it depends on the hair growth and how thick and noticeable it is that affects this decision. Idk if kids are as ruthless as they were back then but I got made fun of my whole childhood for having dark hair on my legs and arms and one day I just got fed up.

I was in 6th grade when I first started shaving. Let her shave and help teach her.

Be careful with Nair, especially if she has a history of sensitive skin. I found out the hard way I can’t use it (my legs broke out in this terrible rash).

I would let her shave :grin: If she is embarrassed by it, and it is making her uncomfortable I think she is old enough.

Everyone is different. I think, if she is ready she is ready. As her mother it’s intimately up to you. But, think about how you felt as a child having to wait and wait feeling insecure. Your child’s feelings should tell you your answer.

Why is this an issue. If she has hair that she wants to shave and feels insecure about it LET HER SHAVE IT. Show her the proper way and be done with it. Why do you need everyone else’s ok for it. Shouldn’t her feelings be THE MOST IMPORTANT. JS


There are so many “embarrassing” body changes at that age, if she’s uncomfortable, let her shave! I was shaving in 6th or 7th grade I want to say, which would make me about 11-13. At that age, I was joining cheer and shaving was necessary. I can’t even imagine waiting until 16 :flushed:

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I was about 12 when I started shaving maybe a little sooner like 11

It’s ok if you let her, I would just you know show her the correct way to do it that way she doesn’t you know get any nicks or cuts.

Awwwww show her how to shave mom💚

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Teach her how to shave!


My mom told me when I could pinch it i could shave it if I wanted

I allowed my 11 year old to start shaving recently and she has been super responsible. Age isnt a big deal for me as long as she is responsible and follows basic rules to never share her razor

When she starts feeling self-conscious, it’s probably a good time to show her the ropes.

I was aloud once my monthly visitor introduced herself.

I was 11. My SD was 10. Make it a bonding moment!

Mine started with arm pits at 10 and is now 11 is getting ready to start shaving her legs. She’s ready

I’m lucky my girls are 10 and ginger so I think I’m safe for like 5 more years lol

My mom taught me to shave around 11

It depends on your and ur daughter’s comfort level, there isn’t a set age. I needed to shave at 10 but my mom wouldn’t let me till I was 14. Got bullied so badly. If she is developing lots of body hair and feeling insecure, let her shave her legs n pits. Discuss shaving her lady parts when she’s older.

I started in 4th grade but only up to my knee. I had blonde hairs on my legs but they showed in the sun. Best first razor was the intuition one with the soap already attached on it. I might be aging myself haha not sure if they make this anymore. :rofl:

My daughter is 9 but felt uncomfortable, so I showed her how. I was very grateful she talked to me first instead of just doing it herself and trying to hide it and cutting her legs up…I still have a few scars on my legs from when I was little and tried to shave on my own.

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Try nair!! Thats what I started my 12 yr old off with . And its safe

My two oldest daughters had to start shaving at 9 years old. They also started their menstrual cycles at nine years old so unfortunately mine have grown up a lot faster than I wanted them to. They both have black hair that is very noticeable if they don’t shave. Now they are 15 and 12 and have to stay up on it

I recommend starting her off with using Nair

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I started at 14/15 but mines weren’t noticeable.
Now my daughter is 8 and her leg hairs definitely are noticeable.
I would say let her.

My daughter started at 10, the first few times I helped her amd showed her what to do to avoid nicks and such.

When they ask you let them. My daughter was about 10-11 and I was 10 when I asked. Shes totally ready.

Her body her choice.

I’m all about body autonomy. I plan on letting my girls start shaving when they feel like they are ready. I also plan to encourage doing it for themselves and not to please other people image of what is exceptable for female bodies.

I think 11 is a fine age, especially if it’s something she wants to do.

If your daughter feels as though she’s ready to shave, then let her.
The important thing here is that she is coming to you and she needs your guidance to help her with the next stage in her life. Don’t allow her to feel awkward in front of her peers. Help her grow and feel confident about herself and the changes her body is going through. As parents we have to support our children but guide them correctly.

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LET HER SHAVE!! It does not matter except to make her feel more confident. It is not easy for hairy girls!


My girls asked to shave at age 11…I suggested Nair…and showed them how to use it on arm pits and legs only…until they were older to use a rasor.

My daughter has her underarms waxed since she was 11 she’s not bothered with her legs but I personally won’t let a razor near her if at all possible as I feel dealing with the regrowth waxing will be a much better solution

My daughter started around 11. We got her one of those waterless razors you can get them at Walmart. She shaved with it once so far and it helped a lot. I think it’s something that you won’t necessarily feel comfortable with right away but if it’s noticeable to her and it’s bothering her then definitely have a discussion with her about it. I personally would rather ease her into with your guidance then have her try doing it on her own.

I remember I was 10 years old I told my mom cuz it was July and hot and I didn’t want to wear shorts cuz my legs were hairy. Honestly I don’t think there is a age limit if a girl wants to shave legs or arm pits because hair is noticeable then shave it. It’s hair grows back

Mine started shaving at 11

Sounds like she’s ready if she came to you about it my daughter came to me at twelve I was in shock for a minute but I went right out and got her a razor and showed her how to do it

My stepmom made me start saving at 9 because my leg hair was to dark and I looked like I had boy legs :roll_eyes:
If she’s ready let her, just help teach her how so she doesn’t accidentally cut herself

IMHO whenever the child brings the subject up is when it should be done. If they feel self conscious, if they come to you, listen and help. 11 is a good age if it is what she wants. There are other options than shaving. Explore them with her. Maybe she is fine with the hair, but feels it is too dark, there is lightening creams and such for that. I wish my daughter(15) would shave more often than she does, but it is her body and if she wants more or less hair so be it

I have an 11 yr old daughter and once she got armpit hair I allowed her to shave it. She still hasnt shaved her legs but just told her when she was ready to let me know.

Don’t force her to keep her body in a way that embarrasses her or makes her uncomfortable.

If she’s asking, then it’s time.

Pretty sure I was around her age when I asked my mom and she immediately took me shopping to help me pick out what I needed and teach me the difference between razors and creams, and then showed me how to shave. And it meant a lot to me to be heard.


If she’s ready
She’s ready and you can teach her the basics of shaving
And becoming a women

Jesus, let her shave/wax. Doesn’t matter how old she is. If it makes her insecure, f*ck what YOU think she should do. Let her make that choice. Give her the safe and proper tools and let her confidence build back up. She came to you openly with a insecurity, this shouldn’t even be a question. :woman_shrugging:

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I was 11 when I started…

Let her shave off it will help her feel better about herself. My youngest daughter started at 8, she matured fast though!

My daughter started in middle school… so 11ish

I started sneaking and shaving at 9 at 11 my mom bought my own razors and shaving cream and made sure i knew how to shave without cutting my legs off lmao

If she feels she’s ready I’d say she’s ready. Just teach her how so she doesn’t cut herself.

My oldest was 9 and she has saved since,
my youngest tried it at 9 and still doesn’t really very often and she is now 12. I let them when they asked.

i started right around that age. if shes feeling insecure about her body hair its probably time for her to start.

Let her do it show her how
Support her so she will come to u with other problems later

I started shaving at 11 because I was being made fun of by the other girls in gym. It’s not fun to feel like an outcast cause you have hair on your legs or armpits as a girl. Let her shave.

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There is no set age each one grows hair differently

My oldest started her under arms around 9. My youngest, who is 7, I use one of those battery razors with the guards and do it for her… she has dark peach fuzz. She only kinda cares about it. I let them do their under arms when they feel they need to, especially in the summer. Leg hair too, just none are there yet. I’d say if you’re worried about her getting cut try one of the electric kind, or maybe a hair removal cream like veet.

If she notices and wants to shave, let her. Remember that everyone’s body is different and definitely remember that other kids are so mean, if she is embarrassed or doesn’t like it then help her to get rid of it.
I am so sorry your mom made you wait that long.

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As soon as she wants to. Why let her feel embarrassed smh

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Let her shave. If that’s what makes her comfortable. My daughter started at 9 1/2 because she was insecure about her legs

It’s just hair :wink: For some reason people used to think of a girl shaving her legs as this big “grown up” thing. It makes no sense. It’s hair…let her shave and help her confidence grow :slightly_smiling_face:

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My girls started around 9 or 10

If it bothers her let her shave. I let my daughter when she became self conscious.

My daughter started at 11 when she started feeling insecure and embarrassed by the hair on her legs and when the hair started to grown under her arms

My daughter was 11 and started shaving.

Let her shave. She is probably embarrassed of it. I let all my girls shave at 11. They’re still great kids

Your the mom you make the choice. I personally don’t see the problem with it at all. My daughter has been shaving since she was 11. I taught her how to do it correctly and safely so she didn’t cut herself up. I think to each their own.

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If you feel that she isn’t ready then do it for her to get her prepared to do it herself. I wish someone taught me I taught myself and cut myself so many times :woozy_face::rofl:

Let her start. Kids are mean. If simply shaving makes her feel good let her

Now. My daughters both did it on their legs at 9 or 10 without me knowing except for the bandaged cuts. That was a dead giveaway😏 Stinkers. I always told them once they start they’d have to keep it up.

If She’s self conscious about it then it’s the appropriate time

She is old enough if under arm hair is showing. Everybody is different.Seems like she’s been ready

I let both my girls shave when they got hair under their arms. If she is insecure about it let her shave. It’s not that big of a deal.

My girls were 10 and 12 my oldest wanted to wait my youngest was in a hurry
If she feels embarrassed i would let her or at least do nair

If she’s ready, teach her how.

I was 11 when my grandma taught me my mom flipped. My mom let my little sister use nair to put off shaving till she was a bit older

Listen to your daughter. If it’s making her insecure, why make her keep the hair? Armpit hair can be itchy and uncomfortable too! It’s not plastic surgery or even makeup, and not worth the hit to her self-esteem.

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I was in 8th grade when I started shaving… but I had blonde hair and it was not very visible

I was 10. Just my pits and my legs up to my knees.

I was 10 when my mom waxed my legs for the first time, she didn’t have me shave because she was worried I’d cut myself

I was 11. I had the same issue as your daughter.

I started around 11 and I let my daughter when she asked me at 9.

If she’s ready then let her when I wanted to my mom taught me how to and all I did was just as besides she’s a preteen and she’s gonna need to know sooner or later

Mine starting shaving at 11. If she has noticable hair and it makes her feel self conscious, let her shave. There’s nothing wrong with it at all. Just show her how to do it correctly.

Have her shave her armpits. Someone will tease her.