Omg let the girl shave we all develop differently at different rates dont let her get made fun of cause shes to young its whenever it happens to a girl is the time
Once my daughter went to middle school I taught her how to shave
I have no idea why people wait so long. If she has hair then shave it will grow back no matter when you start. I feel it’s very weird to wait. Yes that means she will have to keep shaving but that’s not the only thing she’s going to have to deal with in life we all should know. Let her shave get her the best of the best razor!!! Teach her obviously and tell her the risk of infection and razor burn.
My mom allowed me when I got my period. Becoming a woman and all. I was 11
Teach her. I didn’t have anyone to help me.
My girls aren’t old enough yet, but I started at 10. My mom and step-dad said not until I got into high school, but once I hit the 4th grade I was the only girl not shaving and I got teased about it. When I went to my dad’s for visitation he and my stepmom taught me how and let me do it while I was at their house.
My daughter is 10…I ask her if she wants to…she says no…I told her whenever she’s ready, just ask! (And don’t sneak and use daddy’s razor…you’ll get caught!)
In this society…i would have her shave bc people are jerks out there and will make her feel worse…trust me…ik
11 yrs old- 5th grade
My mom let me shave at 12 but she would be there when I did for the first few times so I wouldn’t cut myself bad
I started at 11/12 if she’s asking she’s ready! That’s going to be my rule of thumb with my daughter
I was 9. I have very dark hair. I’m spanish. I was only allowed to shave knee and below. As well as my armpits. As nothing else anyone would see. When I was 16. Is when I was allowed to start shaving my thigh
Teach that girl to shave. She’s ready momma. Don’t get her the cheapo razors either bc we all know those don’t work and cut you up. Get her one of these. It’s so much easier.
My Mom wouldn’t let me shave either. I was 9 when I used her razor and did it anyway. I got into big trouble but it was worth it. Kids can be cruel! I try and pick my battles with my children and that’s one I didn’t mind losing.
I tought my daughter when she was 12, that’s when she got her first period. That was the age when I started. Every child is different and you should let her start now if she is self conscious about the hair on her body. Good luck!
I was 9 years old when my 11 year old female cousin made jokes about my hairy arms & legs. I’m latina so it was dark noticeable hair. She then taught me how to shave that same day. My mom wasn’t too happy about it, but a week later decided to take me to go pick out my first razor & cream. It all depends on the kid, my body matured faster than others.
Also when the time comes, please teach her how to trim or shave her pubes properly! My mother never gave me that talk. I had to learn on my own at 15 how to trim them down. It was so scary learning on my own! Thankfully I never knicked my skin.
I started at 6 I had gone through the beginning of puberty early .
My daughter started at 11.
I don’t get why you wouldn’t let her if she sees it as a problem. Let her shave, it won’t harm her.
I started shaving my legs and armpits in the fourth grade. As soon as my daughter starts growing hair she will be shaving as well. What’s the big deal? I don’t understand why you wouldn’t allow your child to shave?
I bought my daughter (11) an electric razor. It can be used anywhere on the body. I told her she needed to do any armpit hair but the rest was up to her & explained once she starts its constant upkeep & told her if she has questions to ask. Her friends are already shaving so she was curious and if she wants to I have no problem with that. I got the electric razor at Walmart and figured that would be a safer starting tool than an actual razor, well visit that when she’s a little older.
My daughter is Lebanese/french so shes always had dark hair, and lots of it. She asked if she could shave her underarms around 9. She’s 11 now and I asked if she wanted to shave her legs and she has desire to I think they know when they can handle it. If she’s asking first, I would let her.
I was 12 when I started shaving. She’s old enough to start shaving. Just show her how so she doesn’t get razor burns or cuts!
My daughter was about 10 or 11. As soon as I saw the long black armpit hairs I bought razors and shaving cream and showed her how to use them.
I shaved at 12. I got made fun of at school
I started shaving at 9
I was around 11. My daughter is 13 and pretty hairy, but doesnt want to shave. I think it’s a personal preference. Just get her a good safety razor.
I let my daughter in 4th grade. She also started her period that year.
My daughter is terrified of the razors so my sister waxes her arm put an she will not shave her legs for nothing in the world so I had to buy her this thing on Amazon its a hair trimmer
If you do decide to let her consider waxing instead it won’t dry out or damage the skin with nicks etc.
My daughter started shaving her underarms at 12 or 13 simply because she was a competitive swimmer. Around 10 or 11 we had the period talk and we also discussed shaving. I didn’t want her to feel pressure from other girls and start shaving at a young age like I did.
I explained that it’s a choice to shave but once you start it’s difficult to stop. I also explained that if her leg hair is anything like my own, she’d be shaving every other day for years.
She is now 16 and has yet to shave her legs. She may one day but it’s her call. She has blonde leg hair so it doesn’t bother her.
DO NOT make it about appearances. It’s a personal choice that comes with work.
I started at 12, I didn’t really have hair until then. I personally would let her do it if it makes her uncomfortable or insecure. It should be based on whether or not they have it/don’t enjoy it being there imo… not age itself. Some girls start shaving much younger just because they have hair already
My friends mom had this rule that you had to wait until you started your period. My mom gave me my first razor at 13.
If you are not wanting her to use a razor right now because of her age, you could shave her unwanted hair for her. Because in my opinion if it is making her feel uncomfortable and insecure that would be the bigger issue for me. Not the age of her wanting to shave, but like I previously suggested if it was my daughter I would just shave her unwanted hair for her. That way she does not have to feel uncomfortable or insecure.
If she’s ready, let her.
I was 10 or 11 when I started…
I let my girl decide on her own. I just went over safety and tips with her first
Hey, I’m 13 turning 14 and I want allowed to shave until I was 12 but the hair always made me super insecure and wear pants and hoodies.I think that if she is ready just show her how and make sure she knows the basics
I was 8…I hit puberty super early. My daughter is 10 and just started
Let her shave!!! Esp the armpit. Those should be able to shaved as soon as they are ready and capable. I hated my hairy legs and caused me major self conscious issues. The legs too imo. My parents made me wait for my legs and their reasoning was no one was going to be touching my legs so they didn’t need to shaved. Which turned it into some odd sexual thing when I just wanted the hair gone because of the way it looked… I hated it and shaved behind their backs. I now have this odd thing about hair and shave 85% of my body.
It’s time to let her start shaving…just remind her once she starts shaving its a life long task.
I started shaving when I started growing armpit hair, at 11.
Star with an electric trimmer until responsible , never to young , it’s when it’s needed
When I was around ten 11 I started
If she is ready I’d allow her to start shaving legs and underarms. I have three kids only one is a girl but if she expressed ahe didn’t like her body hair I’d allow her
If she is conscious of it then let her shave if that’s what she wants to do just show her how to do it safely
I think I was about 10 my then step mum done it for me and spoke through it with me, then when the next shave came she handed me the razor but stayed with me and verbally spoke through it with me so it was done safely and properly. Let the girl shave her armpits if she’s uncomfortable and get her some roll on deodorant too
If you don’t feel comfortable with her using a razor try an electric shaver.
If you don’t feel like she’s ready to use a razor by herself yet then maybe hair removal cream is the way to go or an electric shaver.
Ide say just make sure she’s fully informed, that sometimes when you shave early on it will grow back faster and thicker, razor burn, just everything, and that she shouldn’t ever feel ashamed of her body. If she still feels ready, shes ready
I was 12 but I let my daughters shave much earlier. I remember how embarrassing it was for me. What’s the harm on letting them shave?
I think it should be her Choice as it’s her body Youd be pretty upset if someone picks on your child of not doing it. Specially these days how horrible children can be
My seven year old (having darker hair) will get my electric shaver and run it over her little legs. She doesn’t look at shaving as a chore which is good I think because that’s what a lot feel like it is. At 11 years old most girls have odor or start to smell. Keeping the hair at bay helps with that, I believe. My 12 year old knows how to shave with a razor and has known for a few years. Unfortunately, she doesn’t like it as much as her younger sister. So, she won’t do it everyday. Sometimes not even every week. If she is insecure about it and wants to, I would teach her. Parenting is never exact because no one person is exactly the same as another (not even twins). All learn and mature differently, I would do whatever is best for you and her. Good luck, on whatever you choose to do.
Personally I’m having the same issue with my daughter. Only the opposite. She doesn’t want to shave. I want her to because she’s very hairy and I feel like people at school that are shaving and stuff will make fun of her. I bought her a razor like mine a fancy shmancy one. My daughter is different though which is wonderful because she’s reserved she does not one bit care about what people think. She still hasn’t even asked to have her ears pierced or anything but will wear other jewelry. So I’ve decided that instead of trying to get her to do these things isn’t that important yet. She’s learning all the other stuff like about periods and puberty. My mom said I could start shaving when I started my period for the first time. I thought that was a pretty good guide. I started in the summertime between ages 11-12. I was excited all about it.
My daughter is 9 and her leg hair has already gotten much darker and thicker. It started to bother her so she was shaving in the summer when wearing shorts all the time. If it bothers them, I don’t see any reason to make them feel uncomfortable waiting for a specific age.
Little girls don’t want armpit hair! Teach her how shave properly and safely. It’s a great time to talk about the changes happening in her body.
My mom wouldn’t let me shave until 14/15 and at 11/12 I was hairy and ruthlessly ridiculed at school. My 11 shaves her armpits as it embarrasses her but not her legs yet, her choice. That being said she is very mature and I left it up to her but we had a serious talk about shaving and how it shouldn’t be a big deal and it’s not anyone else’s business
I let her when she felt uncomfortable with her hair. It was about 11.
If she is starting to feel uncomfortable then I would let her do it now… i would try nair on her underarms if the hair is being shown with her dress on…
I think my girls were 11 or 12. I would let her shave since she is already uncomfortable with it. At least let her use nair to remove the hair.
Buy a little hand held electric shaver that is what I bought for my Ten year old
Let her shave! Dont make her feel uncomfortable. This should be discussed with her as well as periods and sex . All in one and only need that awkward moment once.
My mom never told me shit and to visit my sister young then being told how gross and smelly one is with the hair is BS. For goodness sake teach her what she needs for I was handed a razor and got walked away from…
Let her shave. Also people suggesting nair remember it is a chemical and if not used correctly can burn skin and cause horrible rash. I used in once and never again. It caused such bad irritation I had to go to the Dr, and it didn’t even remove the hair from my legs.
I told my daughters either 13 or when they started their periods. But when mine was about 11 her hormones started changing and causing her to have body odor so I showed her how to shave her underarms and went ahead and gave in on the legs too. Also my daughter had visible hair and I was afraid with kids being as cruel as they are now that she would be made fun of.
As soon as she’s ready. Get her an epilator razor by flawless. Safer than regular razors.
I would let her. Show her how. Then you and her will be confident that she is doing it correctly.
As soon as my daughters started growing armpit hair I let them shave. It was around 9 and 10 years old
I waited until my daughter got her period and was ready she was 12y. I did educate her on it before hand. I honestly think it depends on your adolescent. There really is no parent manual after all.
I think since girls are developing at a much faster rate due to added hormones in everything it’s typical they do things before we did. I have an 11 year old daughter as well who just started her period, I on the other hand was 15 when I did, I let me daughter shave her legs, wear deodorant, already etc.
But whatever you are both comfortable with.
My mom had us use an electric razor to start out with before being allowed to use real razors. That way it was a lot harder to cut ourselves.
I started shaving in 5th grade, my 1st year of middle school because we had to change into gym clothes
Avoid it for as long as you can. Once it’s shaved it will grow back quicker, thicker and darker. She’s too young to be stressing over that regularly.
My youngest had to shave at 10! Not sure why parents say wait until they’re 16. All children mature differently and at different ages . Jmo.
For me, someone pointed out my fuzzy pits, I was 12. My mama told me to shave legs after my cycle starts, still at the age of 12. Also depends on the parent- my son’s stepsister started shaving her legs beforehand, about 11 or 12 since her mom told her to. If it’s obvious, then why wait later on in life, just to made fun of by other girls:tipping_hand_woman:
When she is uncomfortable wearing something that shows alot of hair ie underarms and legs
Of she needs to shave, let her. My mom wouldn’t let me shave until I was 16 either. It was embarrassing to say the least. I let my daughter’s start shaving when they first said they wanted to, around 11 or 12. Didn’t hurt anything and they felt better about themselves.
If she is uncomfortable let her…you remember how u felt …do u want to perpetuate the cycle by making her feel the same and make her wait?
If her armpit and leg hair is that noticeable , then she needs to shave . You said that she is feeling insecure about it .
My daughter was 11 when she started shaving and she has only cut herself once or twice so far. She shaves her legs and armpits
I started shaving at age 10 which was also the same age I started getting periods. If u feel comfortable to teach her then have at it momma !! I think it’s really up to what u feel in ur heart
When my daughter had interest in doing so and when it started bothering her. That was age 11.
I was 8 and I’m pretty sure so was my daughter
I let my daughter at 11, because of the same reason. There are safety razors that have guards over them to keep down the chances of cutting yourself.
My 11 year old puffers to be waxed armpits and legs
I remember I started the summer before 6th grade
What is the reason that you wouldn’t let her shave?
If she’s ready then let her. Just tell her to take her time if using a razor. And maybe be in there with her to help her if needed. Good luck with it. ( congrats in your up coming marriage)
My daughter started at…I believe she was 11 or 12
if she’s ready just let her do it and help her along the wa
If it makes her uncomfortable let her do it!!
It’s honestly up to you and her. Just show her how to do it.
I was 11 or 12 and my mom only let me use Nair I think I was about 14 or 15 when she allowed me to do the razor lol
I let my girls start shaving about 11.
Instead of shaving get her some Nair
Guide her through the steps of shaving!
I let my kid use nair till age 13
I just taught my daughter who is 10. I had her pick out her own razor at the store and I got her shaving cream. Her and I made a girls time with it. She enjoyed it and so did I. I also showed her how to shave and was patient with her because they will be nervous the first time
I shaved my own legs at age 6 because my brother called me Gorilla girl! Let her shave and help her. If she’s feeling insecure, then just let her do it.
I didn’t make a big deal of it and, when she was 10, ust gave her feminine supplies, including maxi pads, a razor, deodorant and a book. I told her whenever she felt comfortable, she can read how to use it or she could come to me and I can show her. She came to me the first time and devoured the book about her body changing. Please don’t think this is sexualizing her in any way. If she is developing sooner, let her feel pretty and comfortable.