When did your daughters start shaving?

I have a 10 year old daughter, almost 10 1/2 actually and she hasn’t hit puberty yet but I was curious about what age do most kids start shaving? After they’ve started their period and start growing hair in the other places? Any that have started before and just shaved legs? She’s in cheer and has mentioned once that she’d like to learn how to shave her legs. She’s my oldest so this is all new to me. I think I’m okay with it, as long as she knows how todo it safely. I’m all for her doing things to make herself more comfortable as long as it’s safe and age appropriate to certian extents.


If she has mentioned it already then now is the time to teach. My mother was not ready for me to start shaving when I was 12. But peer pressure had me embarrassed to wear shorts or go to the pool. I understand the intention but if she wants to shave she may do it without you. Better to have it come from a mother with words of wisdom about self love and to not worry so much about what other girls are doing.

Let her shave if you think she is ready. I was shaving at 10

Another alternative is Nair my daughter is 13 she’s scared to use razors so she uses nair

I started early, without my mom’s knowledge and cut the crap out of myself! I’m so glad she came to you about it. I do recommend the Schick intuition to minimize cuts and make it easier to learn.


I was 9, I remember feeling pretty self conscious about it. My daughter was newly 10, and my other daughter is almost 10 and did for the first time. Whenever she is ready and able to do it safely on her own is what I’d go by.


They have a lot more options for safer shaving tools these days too! I started shaving when people started calling out my hairy armpits. Around 5th-6th grade maybe


I was 10 & I did it the first time coz all the other girls had & made fun of my leg hair- my mum noticed & asked me if I had which I denied but my mum just explained to me that it’s all good she just needed to know so she can ensure she gets me my own razors & stuff as shouldn’t be sharing shavers. I did start puberty & my period at 10 so already felt different as I was the first/only at that stage so when my leg hair was pointed out I didn’t want another thing that made me feel different.


Teach them self care like that when they ask you to or they will learn on their own in a way that can hurt them.
It’s self care. Teach them. It’s time. They are interested in learning.
My daughter asked to shave her legs at nine, her leg hair pokes through tights. She is in gymnastics. I taught her with an electric razor that can’t hurt her. She never wanted to again and I don’t bring it up. If she asks I help her.

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My daughter was around that age when she started shaving. I just showed her the proper way to safely shave and then of course when or if she cut herself I just showed her how to properly and calmly take care of it (she has really bad anxiety). Girls these days are starting to mature so much faster than when we were all younger. It’s crazy!

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We got one of these for our daughter who 11 soon to be 12. But she has light hair on her legs so for now this is what she is using.


My daughter came to me about it and she’s just about to be ten! I got her an electric razor for her birthday just for her legs to start out. She has long thick hair like me and I didn’t want her to be teased about it either. So glad to see others agree!

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When it makes them self conscious, my middle daughter started shaving her legs at 7, my oldest daughter almost 16 doesn’t yet and my youngest started at 9, they used my haircut clippers with no guard at first but now my middle who’s now 11 uses a real razor

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My daughter started using nair but it was giving her a rash so i had no choice to shave. So i help her shave under her arm pits with shaving cream before she jumps in the shower. Did this a few times with legs until she was confident in doing it herself. I still help with arm pits as shes still not confident to do herself…

My daughter just turned 9 she is my eldest and I was wondering this same thing when is it a good age… My daughter hasn’t mentioned anything to me about wanting to but her leg hairs are quite there and kids these days will pick on you for anything… So I’m secretly concerned she will get picked on for her legs then want to shave :frowning:
I was thinking tho maybe yr 6 if she doesn’t mention it before hand and trying her with that hair removal cream or something :person_shrugging:

10, she wasn’t comfortable with how hairy her legs were compared to others. She still has me shave them for her at 11. She’s scared she will hurt herself. I’ve been shaving her armpits since she was 9 because they were very dark and she would stink if I didn’t. She was on steroids from newborn till 8yrs old

I started shaving my armpits at 10 - and then legs maybe around grade 9. I think it’s perfectly fair if she’s in cheer that this may be something you need to explore with her. But I’d also explore why she wants to if ya just preference that’s good but if it’s due to comments being made or what she thinks beauty standards are maybe another issue .

I’d suggest when she is ready. I was not able to start shaving when my leg hair bothered me. I had thick dark hair and it was terrible. Your daughter will indicate when she’s ready :blush:

Everyone starts at different ages. My mom wouldn’t let me till I was in jr/middle high. My daughter started when she was about 11. It just depends on the mom. You let her when you think you are ready for her to do it. She is your child.

Been having this issue with my daughter I guess people are making fun of her for having hairy legs because she does do gymnastics and is in the water a lot. She’s only eight almost about to turn nine. I told her maybe at 10 I would let her the summer before middle school but as mentioned above, there is a lot of options to shaving that is safer to be honest I don’t shave anymore unless it’s the only option they have a lot of shave less productsbut is that ok for kids skin ? I can’t find answers

My personal opinion is, when she asks. My daughter asked very young (3 or 4) if she will be “hairy like daddy” or soft like mommy". At that age it was," everyone one has hair, some people style it different, some is dark or light, some people cut it or remove it". When she was 8 or 9 she asked if she could “remove her hair”, I of course talked about the different ways to remove hair and we both chose a mild hair removal cream, followed by,a year or 2 later, me helping her use a razor properly, to her not removing hair for well over a year… to now I don’t even really notice, it’s her body her choice( she is an adult now)

In my opinion when they start actually wanting to not just curious cause they saw mom do it or something. Also always started with an electric shaver to avoid any potential cuts.

Yes she is ready. Use an electric shaver then the regular one after that

My oldest started around 10 and my middle started around 11. I told them when they were ready to ask me and I’ll show them what to do. I let them when they asked. We all use the Schick intuition, minimized cuts.

Only shave if the hair on her legs are dark and noticeable, cheer or not no one should be looking at her legs

I was 9 years old personally… my daughter was about 10.

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When SHE starts asking. Don’t let it be “when mom is ready”.

I started shaving around 12/13 years old.

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She is old enough to, if she is mentioning it.

I was 10 when I started shaving

I like using a mens electric razor to buzz my legs

All kids are different. When they start to develop and grow hair, also when they’re comfortable. Just cause you have hair, doesn’t mean you need to shave.


10.5 for pits, 11 for legs for the Waterpark

My 14 yr old Grand daughter started shaving at the age when she was 12
And my youngest grand daughter who has just turned 11
Started when she was 10 yrs old

I’ve been lucky. I have never needed to shave my legs. My daughter thinks I should have passed those genes onto her

If she’s asked then I’d let her :woman_shrugging:t3:

Let her shave. Teach her how to do it safely. Don’t make her figure it out on her own… or worse, from a “friend”

Since she has requested it and is old enough to do it safely, I would say that now is the time.

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As soon as she starts noticing hair growth then let her shave. Kids will make fun of her if she has hairy legs or armpits. Kids are cruel

As soon as they bring up wanting to learn is when you teach them. It’s based on them not on what we want.

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