When did your kids stop napping?

When did your kids stopping napping? My almost 4 year old still desperately needs a 2 hour nap a day. I’m not complaining but curious to know if that’s normal.

My kids took naps until they were six or seven.they would come home from school and take a half hour to a hour nap, they were in bed by eight o’clock

I’d encourage napping as long as possible for sure. If his body need it let him rest… I wouldn’t be worried. He’s got a long road of school ahead of him

I don’t feel like any of mine napped consistently after like 2 ish depending on the kiddo. It was hit and miss

They seemed to nap less around 4 and then pretty much stopped when they went to school at 5, since school hours didn’t include a nap time.

My oldest was still napping at that age but my younger two both stopped around 18 months… not by my choice.