When did your toddler potty train?

When did your little ones start getting potty trained, and what is a good way of going about it? My sons speech is not where it should be… he is 20 months and doesn’t know many words only about 5 or so (he is currently doing speech therapy through zoom), but my mother told me I can’t really potty train him until he talks significantly more. I wanted to start a little before 2 years or exactly at that mark, but how can I do that if he can’t even tell me when he has to go! I’d appreciate any tips… so far I just am very verbal about what I am doing. Like if I’m changing my diaper I tell him why I am doing it (you peed! Or you pooped!) so that he can at least connect the two things


Honestly my kids are speech delayed and potty training really didn’t take until after he started communicating better.

Look into signing for him! That way he can communicate that he needs to go. I wouldnt go strictly on his verbal abilities. You got this mama.


None of my kids potty trained till right around 3 or shortly after. We tried before that, but it never really clicked and was more of a frustration that anything. Wait until they show you signs of some sort, doesn’t necessarily have to be verbal. Every did will be different tho. Good luck!

Different ages… my bonus daughter was 3 1/2. My son was 1 year, my other son was 2 1/2. And my youngest daughter is gonna be 3 in November and she will go if she wants too. Don’t force it, they will when there ready. Forcing can cause stress on you and stress on them.

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They dont need to talk to potty train. All of mine were potty trained by 1 or 1 1/2 and not speaking sentences

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My daughter potty trained at 2 but my son wasn’t ready till 3

Around 1 1/2 they were all fully done by their 2nd birthday. I like using the portable potty for training till they were comfortable enough for the potty seat in the bathroom.

My 3rd was speech delayed and he was daytime diaper free by 2 1/2. All 4 of my boys were out of day time diapers between 2 and 2 1/2. Full night time took them another 6+months

My 3 year old is speech delayed and she’s still not potty trained. She has the words for potty and poopy but I haven’t had any luck getting her to use potty.


Introduced it at 2, but my son didn’t actually get potty trained til a couple weeks after his 3rd birthday. Before that he defiantly was just not ready.

Our pediatrician told us not to full on try to potty train til atleast the age of 3.

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I have 3 and the magic number was the age 3 for us. Nothing wrong with trying at a younger age, just don’t come at it with expectations. I found it easier to follow there lead. Potty training didn’t become a battle. When they was ready. It happened.


My son was potty trained (day and night) by 2.

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Both my son and step daughter started at 2 both had speech delays my daughter was potty trained by 3 (still has accidents here and there but she’s little) and my son just fully potty trained at 5 (he had autism) the speech genuinely had nothing to do with it , them being on a routine and being comfortable was honestly the most important thing that helped

My son isn’t speech delayed and didn’t show signs of being read until about 3 months ago. We have been potty training for about 2.5 months and we still aren’t to the point where he will tell me he has to go. Slowly we are getting there but we still have accidents. My daughter was 2.5 and was potty trained in 1 day (I got very lucky). Every kid is different, its all about the ques and about how dedicated you can be to fully training. I dony have time every single day to clean up constantly so some days he may wear a diaper for an hour or two extra, but i try to ensure he is in undies and training atleast 3 hours a day

my son did not speak much and was mostly garble but ha understood we started training at 2 and he caught on quick. he had a submucous cleft palate and had surgury at 3 try and see if he takes to it

Def teach sign. I am a teacher of the deaf if you would like some more information on signing. My daughter is now 18 months and she decides if she’s gonna use the potty or not sometimes she comes and tells me she wants to go on other times I ask and if she says no I don’t push since it’s just more frustration for both of us. When she turns two I will start putting her one regularly.

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My son is also special needs. He’s taking speech therapy, occupational therapy and has a SEIT. He became fully potty trained at 4 (just clicked). I’ve been trying for two years and he just wasn’t ready. I’ve always encouraged him but never forced him. His doctor and therapists all said he will get it on his own and it’s no concern. One day he simply said “mom I have to use the bathroom” and he just went. Took him a few days to poop, but he gotten both immediately with no accidents. Follow non-verbal cues (taking off diaper, log when the child pees, dry night diapers etc) come up with a cool potty song too. He will get it when he’s ready. Just don’t force it.

My speech delayed son potty trained at 3.5. One day it just clicked and he went and then continued to go potty. Maybe one or two accidents the first day or two - but has been stellar since. I tried to have him understand before that - once he was ready, there was no stopping him.

I have no advice, but have been where you are. Wishing you luck! There were some good videos on YouTube with some good tips. :slight_smile:

My son potty trained completely closer to 3.

Speech and language is an important aspect to potty training. It helps to both be able to express his needs to you and also understand spoken instructions. If he’s not there yet, I wouldn’t start.

20 months is a bit early anyway I wouldn’t rush.

My son has a speech delay also & he was fully potty trained at 2.5 years. He started out by pointing to area when he had to pee & eventually turning into him saying pee or poop when he had to.
Pooping took extra long but we used a small potty that looked like a real one & just put him in underwear. He would have an accident & he’s feel like being wet & I’d explain every time without freaking that he has to pee on the potty like daddy& like me

My son wasn’t full potty trained until almost 3.5 yrs and also had a speech delay. My daughter though just turned 2 and is almost fully potty trained but her speech and understanding is excellent. All kids learn in their own time. I’d maybe start introducing it to see how he responds but not expect to just jump right in.

All 3 of my girls potty trained at 3

Many times, boys potty train later than girls. Don’t worry about it.

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Just put your kid on the toilet after you go so they can start getting used to it and they will know that’s what it for

That’s too early on my opinion- my pediatrician recommended age 3.


This book is fantastic for potty training and helping with language delays. Also, sign language goes a long way- that’s if he picks it up. I am in the same boat with my son. He doesn’t always tell me, but he indicates he has to go to the bathroom by tapping his peepee, doing a dance and saying it in sign language. You will learn his body language and with the tips from this book on how to talk to him will help you potty train him. Your doing great keep up the good work!

Definitely after 3. Both my kids were potty trained at 38 months and took them 2 days :slightly_smiling_face:


I did the 3 day method with both kids around 23 months! Amazing results :sunglasses:

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All my kids, bio, daycare and foster have been potty trained by their 2nd birthday Only one exception was a little boy who came to me at 2 and a half with severe PTSD. Took him a little longer. They all showed signs around 18/19 months and were fully potty trained in the day by 24 months, most earlier.

My second son is speech delayed and we started potty training when he was 2 years and maybe 3 months old? And it only took maybe two weeks and he’s fully potty trained. He says maybe 5 words but not consistently. He will hold his underwear or grab my hand and walk me to the potty when he has to go

When he starts taking off his diaper then start. My daughter let her kids run around naked and they figured it out quickly. My eldest granddaughter was trained by 27 months and she was speech delayed. We kept the potty where she played the most and then she helped the other two. Don’t rush him and just watch for the physical cues. The less stressful you make it on him the easier it is. It is also ok to let him learn to pee sitting once potty trained he will start figuring out the standing.

If u have a privacy fence just let him run naked. My son was potty trained right before he turned 2 and he had speech delay. His only words were mom and dad and maybe a couple other words. But I just made him go pee every so often and watched for grabbing himself. Or u can try to teach him some sign language, did that for my son

Around 2 he was a fast learner only had issues with poop time went through a lot of underwear’s. Daycare was a lot of help tho he was completely potty trained within 3 months

Every kid is completely different and progress at different speeds. When they are ready they will let you know. You can keep trying but when they are ready they are ready and will start going. Never feel like your failing or not doing enough. One day it will click for him and he will be ready until then just do your best as a momma :heart_eyes:

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My daughter was introduced at 18mo but she wasn’t potty trained til 3

Maybe try using sign language?

My kids were potty trained at age 1 but I would take them every 20-30min && wait till something came out…it took a few days && a lot of washing underwear’s but it was worth no more diaper buying

I had two kids potty trained before 2 years old and my other two didn’t potty train until 3-4 and one was speech delayed…both were not night potty trained until 4-5 and still had accidents randomly. Each kid is different.

My son had a speech issue and honestly he was 3 before he finally potty trained. He is currently 6 and still is in speech. It actually took my husband taking him outside and teaching him he could go potty outside and then after he got the hang of it (which it took awhile he was 2 1/2 when he started) he moved him inside to the potty and my son hatted sitting down to pee. And he just took him in there every time he went and then my hubby said we taking pull ups… he never wore a pull up after that not even to bed… he has had like 2 accidents and he didn’t even say pee or poop atm he had his own way of saying it and letting us know… :woman_shrugging:t3: my grandma worked in child care since before I was born and she has always said its all about them connecting the feeling to the duty if you can get him to connect the feeling which u telling him helps… lol :joy::woman_facepalming:t3:

Try learning some simple signs. They can be modified to suit your child’s abilities. When you go let them know. Sign it. Let them watch. They definitely need to be starting some signs of being self aware. They have to be interested.

My daughter is 2 1/2 and very verbal her speech is advanced and she still isnt potty trained the only thing thats different is since she can talk she just tells me “i dont need pee” then she proceeds to pee in her diaper

My son was not ready until he was 4 and he has no development delays. Toddlers are ready at all different times.


My youngest daughter had speech issues she was potty trained by before she turned 2 years old. Just watch for their signals all kids have them, she would grab her pants or cross her legs. I am currently potty training my 1 year old son(its not a walk in the park it takes alot of consistency) he tries to grab himself when he needs to go. Good luck potty training!!

We started when my son was - little over 2 and a half . He also has a speech delay. And even though he didn’t have the words he could tell me when he needed a new diaper. I just picked a day started. I put 2 little potties out (one upstairs and one downstairs) and I just had him naked for like a month . I give him treats and lots of praise when he goes. He picked up on peeing really fast . He was afraid to poop though so be prepared for that. I give yogurt Mets as “pee pee treats” and he gets “poop cookies” :rofl:I tried the 3 day thing but we’re still working on potty training. He’ll be 3 on Tuesday.

My son is 3 years old and he is in speech therapy he can talk but nit alot of words and we are fighting trying to see what works with him to potty train because he fights so hard to learn

My kiddo was speech impaired as well and slightly behind in motor skills. We worked with her often since she was two to potty train. Pediatrician advised to not push it to the point of major fits and break down because that doesn’t go anywhere and could go backwards in training. We tried everything recommended, treats/toys to pick when went potty, songs, videos, daycare tried to help, you name it! Pediatrician said, you did what you could, give it a little rest, but hint at it and she will do it when she is ready. Just before her fourth bday, she decided just to do it and never went back. They kinda just do it when their ready. :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh girl I dont think you have to worry yet!
Both my sons didn’t start talking until 2 and potty trained at 3.
One of them is 11 now and is in a gifted class for extremely smart kids

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My son is autistic and he is completely nonverbal, you can definitely train without words. Try pictures instead, look up pecs.

Repetition is key, watch him for a few weeks and see when he typically pees and what interval etc and then start taking him to the bathroom at that interval

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We started taking my 1yr old when he takes his diaper off. Everytime me and his dad go to the bathroom and when we are going to bed. He now goes and sit on his own but he hasn’t figured out pulling his pullup down so we help

I am a baby sitter and i started to trained my little one, 1yr and a half,.she is a fast learner and tnx God because now i will just wear her diaper when sleeping tym at night…D day time i will just wear her shorts or panty,because she can tell me already when she about to pee or poop…:grin:

My son was in speech therapy until the 3rd grade. He was fully potty trained by 3 and it only took a few months. Even though he couldn’t communicate well. He could say pee so if he said that he went to the bathroom. You just need a word or signal we did signals for different things.

My little one was so terrified of the toilet. She didn’t potty train until 3 months before her 4th bday. PMD said not to force it. But it was overnight, no accidents, she wakes us up in the middle of the night to go. She is 4 and a half now.

My son is in speech therapy as well he can say pee,poop,potty so he can express if he has to go,what he did and where ya know. He dont say 2 words together but u can get what he’s telling u. Hes about 32ish mos now and just finally got it mastered.

We taught my daughter to pat her diaper when she had to go potty. She isn’t even 2 yet and potty trained fully.

My son started talking around 2 but was potty trained at 18 months. I just looked for signs, like grabbing his privates or clinching his legs together. We also did sign language.
He is now 3 and teaching his friend ( his friend is 3 and mentally delayed) how to go. Sometimes it helps for them to watch an already potty trained kid go potty.

Every child is different. All of my children potty trained at different ages


Sign language helped us. Mine had ZERO words and we did it.

Kids are really not ready until 3

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I would wait till a kid shows interest. It’s a massive development milestone that they need to be ready for. I would get a potty set it up in the bathroom. Get undies/jocks and just wait for them to show you that they want to learn. They will do this by sitting on the potty themselves.

My daughter is like 95% potty trained and 3.5 years old. They do it in their own time, but if they can’t tell you they need to how do you expect to potty train?

All my 3girls were potty trained the summer they turned 2. Was easier once they could talk and understand what it was all about…

When he is ready…he will give you the signs. Potty training was soul crushing with my son. And I was so smug because my daughter was potty trained at about 13 months…ran out of diapers and told her she was a big girl now and pottied on the big girl potty. My son was pay back for every eye roll I gave to moms who were having a hard time…he was 4. You are doing great no matter how it goes!!!

Not until they were darn good and ready. If you push too hard it just backfires and takes longer.

My oldest was completely potty trained at 18 mo.mom and dad when you go take them, girls with mom, boys with dad. My other 2 were trained at 2 years old., But I can see 3 would not be bad.

My 4 year old is also behind on speech and doing therapy. However he potty trained fairly easy.

Two of my grandsons, who are 23 months and 21 months old are starting to potty train. The older one talks really well and tells you if he has to go potty. The younger of the two is pretty shy and isn’t as verbal, but he can say potty and will tell you if he has to go. Get them while they are interested and don’t miss that window or it could take a little longer.

My son was potty trained before he could walk - I always thought potty training was like house training a dog - put it out 1st thing in the morning, shortly after it eats or drinks, before it goes to bed and anytime it wakes up from a nap - it’s the same with a child - put a child on the potty whenever it wakes up, before it goes to sleep, & after it drinks or eats. Even if they don’t pee or poop every time, they’re getting use to sitting on the pot & will eventually understand what it’s for and, you should get them use to having dry diapers by changing them immediately after they go

I wear a pad for incontinence. When she accidentally seen it she said " you got diaper" I said No but laughed to no end!

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Every child is different. I started potty training my daughter at 20 months but she never really liked it & i struggled so hard. She went on her own & completely did not want pull ups at the age of 3 after months of trying. If you are finding it hard due to speech maybe you can have him take the potty with you if he has that trainer stuff for kids. You can pee & poop together. Takes a lot of patience just take it easy momma.

My 2 yr old has the same issue with speech. He was evaluated but couldn’t qualify for speech therapy because he’s at age in all other forms of communication. He’s starting to get interested in the potty so I tell him what I’m doing, going pee, and let him flush the toilet for me. He’s not quite ready for potty training but he’s interested. Let him guide you. If he’s interested let him flush for you or pull the toilet paper out for you. If you have a husband/bf/baby father that will, weirdly enough, let him watch them then do that too. My oldest sat down to pee for years and is just now, at 10, starting to stand so either way works fine.

You could use visual aids. Start with a toilet picture and take to the toilet after taking the picture with you. Creates the association of the toilet with the card. One of my kids presented me with the card to go to the toilet. With a week or two we did not need it and be was trained. One thing we looked for was them being dry overnight.

Maybe when your little one can say pee pee or poo poo? Maybe ask your speech therapist’s recommendation? With my experience with potty training, it took awhile. The hardest part was getting her to actually tell me when she had to go. She had no problem actually using the potty when I reminded her, more so remembering to go was the hard part

We tried potty training the older kids around 3, didn’t work until they were almost 4. When kids are ready, they’ll get it.

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Wait until he is ready not you, I made thay mistake with my first even pressuring me to train him before 2 and if was way to stressful for everyone

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They talk and walk when ready. Every kid is different. And to potty train,you know about what time your child poops during the day,just go sit them in there w a book and see if they will. They only need to know one word to potty train. Potty.

I did a timer every 20 mins if he had an accident I’d reduce it to 15 mins for 2 turns then back to 20, everyday for just under a week get him to sit on for 2 mins it’s alright if he throws a fit just tell them in okai and he’s cracked it now runs form play room into front room sits down by himself has a wee does a little shuffle and off he goes again he didn’t need to speak because he understood when we were happy he went that’s what he was ment to do and he got upset at himself when he had accident, he’s 2 and half and talks well but he’s lazy :joy:

My daugther is 3 and I potty trained her in lockdown. Only problem I’ve got now is, since that she won’t poo on the potty nor we she poo in her nappy. She holds it. Blackmail with an ice lolly use to make her do one, then that stopped. Sometimes I have to put lactose in her drink to sort of soften it so she cannot hold it anymore. Sometimes the size of hers poos :flushed:

My daughter was a quiet one and my nephew as well especially at that age and when they did talk it was gibberish. It was about after they turned 2 that they actually started using words. And you potty train when they show signs of being ready to and when you try they’ll show you if they’re ready. Parents are made to think that they have to push their kids to learn this and that at a certain age when we should go at our kids pace. They know what they’re doing.


I have six children. The first five were potty trained at 12 months. I took my oldest to the bathroom with me every time I had to go I sat on big toilet & she sat on hers. Sometimes I had to run water, she caught on & she trained her oldest brother the same way etc . Our family Dr. Told me I could start training them as soon as they say up without help, but he didn’t recommend it they would let you know. Our youngest daughter trained at 18 mos. The five were 13 1/2 yrs & older than her. My peditrition (sp) said most children start at that age.

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20 months? Good luck with that! I agree with Jessica… boys can be closer to 3. As for speech…my boy was a good 2 and a half before he had sentence. He’s nearly 12 now and hasn’t stopped talking since!:smile:. Don’t worry… he’ll get there. How many 21yr olds do you know in diapers?!:grin:

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My oldest son was almost 5 when he was fully potty trained and my youngest son did it just before 4. I thought my oldest was ready and started him because I was about to have a newborn when he was 22 months. He tried and then regressed. I tried again when he was turning 3 and we did great but he again regressed because I then went through a divorce and moved my kids to another state. He finally got it but it was a rough road. I let my youngest lead after that experience.

Nonverbal does not mean they do not understand. I had a 3 year old who tested as an 18 month old. She potty trained with sign language. Your child will show signs. Some get it early others do not.

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My son is 3 and barely says anything and is potty training. We put the potty in the bathroom and once he started showing interest we helped him to learn. He now pees in the potty but won’t poop in the potty yet. They do not need to be talking in order to potty train!

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My oldest son was 3, my youngest son was almost 5, my daughter is 3 and will only poo on the potty. The kid has to be ready. Idc for anyone’s opinion btw I’m aware that’s old for potty training but it is what it is.

When the child, not the parent, is ready. Most boys will not be ready until closer to three. The child must know the difference between wet and dry and have an interest in training


My 2 year old will be 3 in december and she has seen potty trained for about 2 weeks! Her biggest issue was popping on the potty but once she did it once she was good to go!

My daughter was about 2 and a half or so. We slowly taught her because of us working crazy hours. But your kid will show signs when they are ready and every kid learns at different stages!

I trained my daughter when she was not speaking. It can be done. They don’t need to be speaking to be trained.

I wouldn’t rush him. We started “trying” with my daughter at about 20 months and she didn’t show interest. Right around her 3rd birthday, it just clicked.

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Right now my 3.5 is not ready…we socialize it and he understands and has control just not ready…why would I force it? I feel like I would double my laundry with “accidents”

Both of my kids were potty trained at 2. They will let you know when they are ready. Don’t rush it. It will happen when it is time

My son started at 20 months peeing and was fully potty trained right after turning 2 he is also in speech therapy they will let you know if they have to pee you can message me if you want good luck!!

Omg the poops were always the hardest in training…

My son also has speech delay. He wasn’t far off his 4th birthday when we got him fully potty trained.

Does your mom think all deaf and mute people are incontinent? There are other signs other than talking that show that he is interested in potty training or ready. Does he make obvious when he is going (go to a certain area, make a certain face, ask immediately to be changed, etc), does he wake up from naps or sleeping dry, does he follow you to the bathroom, does he take off his diaper if it’s soiled? Lots ofbclues are nonverbal. If he seems interested in the bathroom or potty training there’s no harm in getting him a little potty (potty chair) so he can mimic you when he follows you to the bathroom or sitting him on the toilet when he wakes up from sleeping or a nap or a half an hour after eating and drinking. You can’t really force it if he’s not interested yet, just make him familiar and talk about it so he knows what it is and gets used to it without being scared but if he is interested there’s no need to wait for a certain verbal milestone…

I work at a daycare and there isn’t a magical age when your child is ready. It has more to do with maturity and consistency. ASL can also be used with speech to help potty train.

You can still potty train just teach him hand signs to tell you he needs to go if you cant get him to just say the word potty!! As long as they can walk you can start (what my pediatrician has told me) just put a training potty in the livingroom, bathroom, and his room (or wherever he sleeps) so he has easy access to one since he cant really communicate his needs and just try to get him to say the word potty or pick a hand sign for potty!! I’d just start with taking him ever 15 minutes and sitting him on the potty and telling him that it’s the potty while doing the hand sign you pick (so he can pick witch one to use) and every time he actually uses the potty make a big to do about it and reword him so he knows it’s a good thing!

My daughter essentially potty trained herself at 2 but she was speech delayed. My son is also 20 months and his vocabulary is fairly good, and he’s showing signs of getting ready to potty train (grabbing his diaper area before he goes, pulling dirty diapers off after using it) but he still isn’t particularly vocal about pottying… he’s only said poop once in his life lol… we’re getting a potty seat for him this paycheck though. They don’t necessarily have to be able to tell you they need to potty, they just have to be able to make the connection that those feelings mean they’re going to go potty and that the toilet is where they should be trying to go on.