When do babies crawl and roll over?

First time mom here, when are babies supposed to roll over, crawl and pick themselves up? my daughter was born at 30 weeks January 26 19. She needed no support. We stayed at the hospital for 5 weeks. since she was born she had incredible head/neck strength. She was balancing her head only a few weeks later. Today I had my daughter lay her chest on mine and she lifted her head completely while pushing herself up with no struggle. She proceeded 4 more times. then she kept bending her knees like she wanted to crawl, so I put my hands on her feet and she pushed herself and bent her knees like she was attempting to crawl. Then lastly she rolled herself completely over from chest to back with no help she’s been able to roll herself for 4 weeks. Is this normal? she’s only a week old adjusted and 2 months old counting from her birthday lol


Every child is different. My son never crawled. He laid on the floor for the first year of his life and literally went straight to walking a little over a year. He also never sat up when he was suppose to. We went to specialist and never was anything wrong with him. He is now 8 years old and moves just like he is suppose to. We will never know why he laid on the floor the whole first year of his life but its all in that babies timing.


However he has never had good balance and still to this day doesn’t.

My son was born January 9th. He’s held his head up since day 1(my older daughter also did the same). He also has been rolling from tummy to his back since before 1 months. That’s super early for babies, it’s usually around the 2-3 month mark. All babies are different. Some come out with super great head and neck strength. Others are really floppy lol. As long as they’re hitting the actual milestone marker, everything’s good. Sounds like you’re little one is doing great even considering being born early :heart:

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each child is different there’s no normal…my daughter was crawling at 3 months and my son walking at 8 both could hold their heads up on their own when leaving the hospital.

Sounds like she just has good motor skills.

Every baby is different , but my daughter was able to hold her head up a couple weeks after birth, she rolled over at 3-4 months, sat up by herself at 6 months, 8 months started to crawl , 9 months she was pulling herself up and standing on her own, 10 months she took her first steps and at 11 months she was walking very good. She was born at 36w5d. Since you daughter is already doing some of those things she is doing great.

My uncle had rolled over since birth was documented by his hospital records. My 5 year old rolled over 13weeks my son at 12 weeks. My older step daughter was 3 months. My niece 3 months. My cousins 5 months all babies are different but early does happen but usually on average according to milestones chart ot is 3 to 4 months.

Maybe not normal for being so little, but it’s not bad :blush::heart:

My daughter could roll over by herself since birth. Started lifting head up at 3 weeks. Some babies just come out stronger and more developed. She is 9 months old and already walking all over the house and started crawling at 6 months.

My preemie hit her milestones quicker then my term babies. She was rolling over by 3months, sitting unassisted by 6months, had 2 teeth in by 3months etc. And she was born at 29weeks. Holding her head up awesome at only a 2 weeks old. The nurses couldn’t believe it.

Every baby is different and hits milestones at Different times…

Ya iv seen a few that can do that it’s normal

My son was born at 32 weeks. We were only in the hospital for a month. He was rolling over when he got out of the hospital. And he held his head up really well… When he was about 4 months he couldn’t roll over til he was 6 months. He was ahead of “normal” preemies for most of the first two years. I had help me grow (Minnesota) physical and speech therapists at my house once a week and it helped him a lot.

I guess all my kids have done that. My youngest was walking at 8 months and at 20 months has a very big vocabulary and her dr says she is at a 2 or 3 yr old level in a ways as well.