My son is 6 months old. He rolls over from back to belly perfectly fine, but has never rolled from belly to back. He’s just about able to sit up with no support, and almost on the verge of crawling it seems. Should I be concerned that he hasn’t rolled the other way yet? Like I said he is 6 months but he weighs 25lbs! Does his weight have anything to do with it? Lol
You shouldn’t be worried. He’ll get there eventually. If it’ll make you feel better talk to your pediatrician the next time you go.
Nope. My daughter is 6 months tomorrow. Still has only rolled from belly to back once. I guess it’s a lot easier for her to cry and have mommy do it for her!
no. dont worry. just like some children never crawl till after they walk. diff beat, diff drummer. its all good.
My son is almost 5.5 months and has only rolled belly to back maybe 5 times. Has not done back to front yet. Hes trying to I think. He is able to turn to his side but then rolls right back lol
Some babies are different my son rolled from his belly to back at 6 weeks old …hes 3.5 months now and hasnt rolled back to belly yet
My daughter didn’t do any of that! He started crawling on her own at 10months and then officially walking at a year and 1month.
My baby has rolled from belly to back but it almost always seems to happen accidentally, she can also roll from back to belly. She just really wants to be on her belly so she can look around! I wouldn’t worry about this, maybe your baby just prefers to be on belly!
No you should Not be concerned at all. But I’d suggest asking your pediatrician
Try rolling him side to side my doc said it might help with my son who is also 5 months almost 6 months we roll him side to side for him to get the feel of it he can roll off his tummy now just not the other way yet
Every child does things on their own time! And truth be told all of my children rolled over … but it was never intentional! Just their big heads leaning to one side or the other and making their whole body roll lol. And Everytime they were stunned by it and cried. When they start being intentional with their movements is by like 7 months to get around!
My daughter is 4 months and just finally started rolling both ways. My 6 year old was rolling by the time she was a month old. All babies are different, I wouldn’t worry about it.
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My son was stubborn he didn’t roll or crawl he skipped all that and went right to walking my niece same age rolled everywhere kids are different
My daughter is 5 and a half months and she isn’t rolling over either. She just isn’t interested. She would rather try to sit up or pull herself up. Her pedi isn’t concerned. She’s also on target with everything else.
When he’s ready he will. Some children are fast and others aren’t so sure of themselves. Doesn’t mean a thing. Rest your mind baby mamma, for I’m sure he’s just perfect!
He will when he is ready but you can start putting toys off to the side to see if that will get him going
All babies are different. Some start rolling sooner than others.
I had one daughter who rolled from tummy to back at 2 wks. For my girls it was right around 4 months. Don’t fret about it. He’ll roll over when he’s ready
All babies are different. If your sons doctor isn’t concerned then you shouldn’t worry too much.
The Baby Sparks app was super helpful for our family.
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Mine was closer to 7 months when he figured out he could roll over real good. Enjoy him not doing it yet. He will!
Not all babies are the same. Stop worrying, he’ll get around to it and eventually you’ll wish he wasn’t because then you gotta start chasing!
he will when he is ready
Don’t worry if he doesn’t my yet, my first born didn’t start rolling over till he was 8 months old, he also didn’t crawl either but started walking at 8 1/2 months. Every child is different and if ur pediatrician isn’t concerned neither should you
One day he will be a teenager and you will wish for the days you worried about him rolling over. Don’t lose sleep over it. He will be fine.
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