When do babies sleep through the night?

It depends on the child I think. My first slept through the night at 6 weeks and was all about her crib and my second is six months old looking for me every night like clockwork

Iā€™m almost 22 and still dont :woman_shrugging:

Mine would after 4 months old. I would feed them a bottle and baby cereal and fill their belly and they would sleep at least 6 hours

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Depends on the child. My first never woke on her own through the night, but my second didnā€™t sleep through the night til he was 5 months.

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Never! :smiling_imp: but seriously, I have 5 kids and they were all different. Nap when they nap! Good luck :heart:


Mine was 11 months old, with the help of a sleep trainer. But each to his/her own. When baby is readyšŸ¤—

Whenever they feel like itā€¦hang in there. The older they are the better their sleeping schedule will get.

Some at 3months like my kiddos and some at 4years, depends on the kid, having a healthy routine helps some what but nothing is a fix until the baby decides its ready

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Every child is different. I was lucky - mine was 5 weeks old. I literally slept when she did - afternoon naps, etc. Played a lot while awake, even that young, interacting is key! Good luck!

My 4 year old didnā€™t sleep through the night until less than a year ago! Good luck! Lol

Seriously no shitting my son waited until he was 4. It didnā€™t matter what we did. Now he goes to bed at 10:30pm every night. Even if we tried earlier by 30 minutes itā€™ll be a nap and he will be up all night. So regardless itā€™s 10:30.

My first had his own schedule he woke every 3 hrs cuz i breastfed then switched to a bottle at 7 months he started sleeping throught the night around 2 years old or so then my daughter was around a year and my 9 month old started sleeping very good during the night starting at 3 months but he only sleeps maybe 2 hrs during the day or less

Between 3-4 monthsā€¦ I did the Ferber method- going in periodically to check in, do the shushing but not pick upā€¦ for a few nights. The white noise machine was key! It really helped! Helped with my puppy too!

Mine did at 3 months because he went to daycare and I went to work.
He was sooo tired from daycare. They really stimulated him during the day.

My daughter is 8 months. She had about a month where she slept through but we are still up once a night to nurse.

My youngest is 16 years old and she still wakes me up in the middle of the night. Lol


My oldest was 10 years old before he slept consistently through the night :joy:


Mine was two before he slept a good 6 hours but he was also a big baby at birth. I would say every child is different

When theyā€™re good & ready. :joy::joy::joy:

My son is 5 years old and heā€™s only slept through the night a handful of times :woman_shrugging:t2:


It does get better as they grow older.

I had 5. All were different, sorry about that. Just guard yourself against getting too tired.

My boy is 4 months old and exclusively breastfed and wakes every 2 hours all night long :sleeping:

My eldest and my middle child started sleeping all night at about 4 months but my last baby didnā€™t until about 7 months

Sorry to say once you had kids your sleeping is over a mommy of 4 boys :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

When they are moved out and grown up :rofl:

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All three of mine did after just about 6 or 7 weeks but Iā€™ve know ppl whose kids still wake up at one or two yrs oldā€¦so it varies

My son did at 5 weeks

My youngest turned 1 March 9thā€¦still wakes up for a bottle at night

Has since day one :woman_shrugging: it just depends on your child. I co-slept with my daughter from day 1 Iā€™d have to wake her to breastfeed.

Sometimes and never.


My kid is 4.5, Iā€™ll let you know if it ever happens :joy::joy::joy:

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Whenever they want :upside_down_face:


Mine was 3 years old. Good luck :joy::joy::joy:

Mine were 9 years and 4 years old

After one years old. You can get soon good sleep then.

5yr boy mom hereā€¦

Idk. Mine are 8 and 5. Someone let me know when you find out :joy:

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Iā€™d say about 4 years maybe a couple months sooner :grimacing:

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Mine were 8 to 10 months

When they decide too

When they want. Then they become teens and never sleep again.


I donā€™t rememberā€¦it was 50 years ago!!

My 8 year old just woke up at 4am to come to me to tell me she loves me. So maybe 20 ish :joy::joy::joy::joy:

When they feel like it.

Deleting this page. These questions have just gotten stupid

Every child is different. My first started at 3 months and my second was 4 years old.

My fiance is 28 and he still prowls to the fridge for a snacky snack at least once a night

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My son is 30 and still doesnā€™t. Lol

Both my sons were 2 before they slept through the night and then it wasnā€™t every night. My daughter is 15 months now and she doesnā€™t know what sleep is

My 2 older kids (now 15 and 17yrs old) slept thru right awayā€¦but my little guy (now 3) STILL does not sleep thru the nightā€¦I still canā€™t figire out why I had such early success with the first 2 and the 3rd kid is just so difficult. Theyā€™re all so different

They sleep through the night when you sleep train them

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I donā€™t sleep though the night, let alone my babe. :rofl:

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Mine is 6 years old and still doesnā€™t even with melatonin

My oldest slept through the night before she was two months old, my youngest just over three months.

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When they want. Lol.
1st 6wks, 2nd idk shes 9 and still has nights where her night terrors wake her. And 3rd just over a yr old. So it depends on the kid.

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Mine started at around 11 months

Whenever they do. All babies are different. Mine started at 2 weeks old and hasnt stopped. 3 years later still sleeps thru the night.

Typically after the year :raised_hands:t4::two_hearts:

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Well letā€™s seeā€¦im 27 and I dontā€¦husbandā€™s 37 and he donā€™tā€¦and tht 2 year old for sure doesnā€™t sleep threw the night :joy::joy: only ones sleeping around here are the cats :sleeping:

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When they get good and ready lol my 4 year old does most of the time. My two year old wakes up once or twice.

Some people never do. Babies-adults.

Basically whenever they are ready. Every baby is different. My first slept through the night by 2 months old, but my second is now 8 months old and still wakes up 2 or 3 times during the night to eat.

When theyā€™re teenagers. Then you canā€™t get them out of bed. Xx

Toy have to train them to sleep through the night. My twins were sleeping through the night at 3 months. Google Pediatric sleep expert advice. We followed the advice and what a relief. They need to learn to get themselves to sleep not be rocked to sleep and never give them a bottle in their crib. After they are 8 weeks old Donā€™t jump up when they cry just listen for a few minutes and see if they get back to sleep.

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Mine did when they was born

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Neverā€¦ my youngest still wonā€™t sleep though the night and heā€™s two.

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Learn to hear the differences in the cry. I did not know. Our son did not sleep a full night at two years old. He was born with fluid in his ear. Once it was diagnosed, tubes placed in his ears by ears, nose and throat specialist and slept all night from then on. The pressure on his eardrum was painful. Too young to let us know.

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It honestly depends. My little man has spurts of sleeping through the night and we had to keep changing it up when his regressions hit but so far heā€™s been really good since he hit one

Itā€™s something you kind of find out for yourself. Every baby is different. Mine started sleeping through the night at 4 weeks.

When theyā€™re ready. My first didnā€™t sleep through until 3 years old. My second was at a year and my third sleeps through (most) nights at 6 months

My boys started sleeping through at about 8-12 weeks old

About 9 months ago mine did, that still wake up once in awhile or come in my room to steal my water cup. For some reason my room is less scary then walking into the kitchen

6 years old :joy: My son started sleeping for more than 3 hours at a time around 4 months old, but still wakes up at 3am a handful of times a month and heā€™s 2years old now. If youā€™re struggling, do you have anyone you trust to watch babe so you can get some sleep?

If you just have one eventually. If you have multiple young ones someone is always up. :laughing: always.

What haha, if the 10yr old doesnā€™t get nightmares just after 1:00, then the 6yr old will be too hot, cold or thrifty around 2:00 and the youngest who couldnā€™t fall asleep without her bottle will need a potty at 3. So in this house I ā€œsleep throughā€ 2 or 3 naps a nightšŸ˜†

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Mine did at 8 weeks but every baby is different

Some never do. M y daughter didnt

Ummmmm 14 months for my girls

When they want to. My 7 month old has yet to.

When they move out.
My 1st child slept through the night at 1 month old. Now 3 years old still sleeps good.
Now my 20 month old lives by the Motto of ā€œSleep is for The WEAK?ā€ Also ā€œThief of Joyā€ or ā€œSleep Demonā€. She sleeps 6 hours in a 24 hour period. In 20 mins at a time, randomly. For the past 20 monthā€‹:joy::sob:.
Now my 7 month old has been sleeping all night since 5 months.
Sometimes its just the type of child.

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My daughter has slept through the night since she was born. 9pm-7am. Itā€™s different for all babies!

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Mom groups: ā€œhelp my baby is acting like a baby! How do I make it not act like a baby??!!ā€


Neverā€¦ lmao my 4 year old still doesnā€™t

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My first 3 babies slept through the night right from birth now my fourth baby who is 8 months atm wakes up at 2,4 and 6 then wakes up and stays up at 8am

Mine went through by 3 months old, you just need a good bedtime routine :blush:

If it makes you feel better, once they are teenagers they do nothing but sleep.

In my house weā€™ve got oldest: 3 weeks old; middle: 2 years old; youngest: started around 8 months old and now intermittently at 4 years old.

Mine did not until a year old

All three kids between 3/4 months!

It just depends! My son used to fall asleep as early as 4pm in the afternoon and wake up around 1am. Then go back to sleep around 5am but thatā€™s when I got up for work back then. He was 9 months old I believe when he starting sleeping later in the evening and into the early morning. My daughter was easier, she had her early mornings but she was a good sleeper, I remember. Probably started sleeping fully through the night around the same time, 9months. Now, they are 4 and (almost) 3. They like to be up until 1130 some nights and I have to wake them up or they will sleep til 930/10am :roll_eyes:

All babies are different

Whenever their brain reaches that developmental milestone. They all reach it at different times. My first son slept through the right around 3 months old.
My second is 16 months and still wakes up every 2 hours or so to nurse back to sleep.
Sleep is 100% developmental, so itā€™s a waiting game.

Mines over 2 and still doesnā€™t lol

Iā€™m still waiting. Mine is 3 and sometimes still has bad weeks

Anywhere from 0 to 20 yrs old

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Mine slept through the night at about 6mo. Then at 8mo he was up constantly up until 10mo. Now back to sleeping through the night most nights.

First Kid 1 month old. Second oneā€¦ still waiting

My baby started to around 3 weeks old, sheā€™s about to be 4 months and still does, but weā€™re expecting that 4 month sleep regression :roll_eyes:

My twins did one month before they turned 5. 5yrs oldā€‹:wink::rofl:

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