When do babies sleep through the night?

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My first was 4 years old
my second was 12/13 months

My son is 13 months and still wakes several times a night :smiling_face_with_tear:

My daughter is 3 and still wakes up a few times a night :sleepy:

Usually around 12 weeks or able to go 6-8 hours without being fed, they can sleep throughthe night. I’m not saying they will!

If anything like my son they sleep through the night from like 7 months old until they start getting teeth and then it’s back to being up 3-4 times a night again

Never do
 my 5 year old still wakes up like 3 times a night and so does my
2 year old

You or the baby? Baby maybe 6 months, you maybe never again.


Every baby is different. My son is 4 months old and sleeps from 8pm to 5qm. He might wake up and 230 for a diaper change and a little bit of bottle but not always.

It really depends. My 1st did at 3weeks, my 2nd didn’t until she was 2 years, and my 3rd still doesn’t and he is 6! Currently pregnant with 4th who doesn’t sleep at night at all!

I got lucky
 Both my boys did from day one.

My daughter was a really good baby and child. Never any problems. Now at age 13, I’m paying for it lol still a pretty good kid tho.

Daughter is almost 6 n still wakes.

Depends on the parent and the baby. We went for long walks during the late afternoon/early evening, (always a new location), she would look around and was very stimulated.
To my recollection, at around two months our daughter slept around four hours, by six months around six.
Caveat, we supplemented breast feeding with formula/rice, (flakes).

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My son started sleeping through the night at 2 months

 those things are supposed to sleep :flushed::flushed::flushed:

My 26 yr old lives with me and still doesn’t sleep through the night​:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::smile:

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My step daughter wakes in the night 4/5 times a night, my 22 month old sleeps through the night usually, on “bad” nights maybe twice

At 4-9 months, depending upon milestones.

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Well we were 
 then I just had to love her to the crib. :neutral_face:

Ha haha ha haaa
 send help!

Well I’m almost 40 and I don’t sleep through they night

They sleep? My kids are 39 and 25 and I’m still recovering :joy:
No, I can only speak for mine and one slept all night about 5 months, other 7 but she was ill most of those 7 months. They’re all unique. :two_hearts:

You gotta get on that sleep schedule training and don’t let them sleep with you! My daughter is 2 and still only wants her bed and will sleep 10-12 hours. Has since she was 4 months

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My son is 2
 he’s slept the night since 6 months old. Awake at 7:30.

Depending on the child- usually between 4-8 months
 mine didn’t start until she was 1.5 years
 also, depends on how/where their sleeping. (In bed with you, swing, bassinet, crib, etc.)

It depends on the child. My first was 2 weeks old. My second was 2 years old almost 3.

12 hours since 3 months old
 never ever co-slept

Every baby is sooooo different. My first didnt until 5 months, my second did at 2 months

Mine was at 11 weeks.

Mine was around 4/5 months old and we never ever co slept. I still say this is key because the handful of times I have to sleep even in the same room as him we both wake each other up all night

N E V E R :sweat_smile:
hope that helps


My son stopped waking up through the night at like 4 months and my daughter at 8 months.

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With my son it was 5 months
they are all different

When there man babies

I have a side sleeper bassinet next to my bed and my son started sleeping all night around 3 months and we had a good bedtime routine established.He is 9 months now.

They don’t. I mean some people are lucky to have sleeping babies but My 4 year old just last night was up at 1am cause “i can’t sleep”. Also 5 hours is considered through the night.

Mine are 2&4 and still wake a few times
 I’m so tired :sweat:


All are different. 1st was 3 months old sleeping 12 hours and a random night here and there. Is 4 now and has been sleeping in twin bed for almost 2 years. 2nd started sleeping great at about 3 months but it didn’t last long. Teething rocks him and it will.last for a couple of weeks at a time. Most of the time sleeps well 12 to 13 per night and will still take a 2 hour nap during the day. He is 1 now. Never co slept with either, so not sure if that has anything to do with it

My 3 year old still doesn’t sleep through the night but my 1.5 year old has since 3 months old.

All mine slept through the night at 1 years old. And when I say slept through the night I mean I put them down at 8pm and didn’t see them again until 7 am lol. I always thought that 4 hours was considered “sleeping through the night” was a freakin joke and extremely misleading.

Babies are safe to sleep 6 hours when they’re 12 pounds. But every baby is different. To be sure check with your pediatrician.

My 7 week old has good nights and some
not so good nights but she loves looking at ceilings and she has a little projector with pictures that plays music or heart beat sounds from her grandma :heartpulse: it definitely gives her a more sound sleep
 When she actually goes to sleep. :joy:

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My son is two and still wakes up once at night most nights. :woman_shrugging: kids are all so different

Ahahahaa every baby is different. I have 3 sons. And my 3rd came out a unicorn. Sleeping through the night from day one with no weight loss.

1st was 4 weeks. 2nd was 4 years old

No baby is the same. Especially when it comes to sleeping patterns. My son started sleeping through the night around a month old, but it’s bound to change at anytime. It does help to get into a nightly routine though, so they can get into a rhythm and as the get older they start to know what comes next.

My 5 year old still doesn’t sleep through the night sometimes :joy:

I was lucky mine would sleep through the night from the day he was born I just woke him up once atleast to feed he was gaining well so I didn’t have to worry about weight loss, do have the occasional struggle now that he’s a toddler but I know it could be alot worse so I’m not going to complain over all he sleeps great .

1 month old :raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2: don’t hate me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

1st was 2 & 2nd was 3/4 weeks old

I am 36 and have yet to “sleep through the night” as a child my mom would leave toys in the bed with me to play with when I would wake up so the rest of the house could sleep. I still wake every few hours and will be up for a hour or more then go back to sleep.

My first was 4 months, second is two and still gets up maybe once a week and my 4 month old is twice a night still. All different that’s for sure!

Mine only just started too at 2 and a half
 but I only stopped breastfeeding a few weeks ago so I think that helped somehow :woman_shrugging:t2:

Mine were all different.
Our first slept through from 2 months.
Our second slept through from 3
And our 2 year old only sleeps through if she’s in our bed.

I have a 3 and 5 year old and every once in a while they stay up till 2-4 in the morning before they finally go to sleep most nights they dont fall asleep till 9-10 tho but they’re in bed around 8

My 2 year old still wakes up 2-5 times a night :joy::joy::joy:

2 months, he sleeps for a 6 hour block, dream feeds, then another 6 hours.

This question again? Lol never! Jk.

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Fucking never. :rofl: my daughter is almost 2 and a half and still wakes in the middle of the night to come sleep with me. :rofl:

5 weeks for my first and 8weeks for my second

My son started sleeping through the night at 2 months but every baby is different

Keep in mind sleep through the night means 5 hours. So for my son about 7 mos old. But he’s 2.5, still nurses 2-3x a night and we Co sleep

3 long years for all 3 of my children. I also have sleep walkers on occasion so I’ll say when they move out


My five month old has been sleeping thru the night for a couple of weeks now :woman_shrugging:t2: my seven year old is the same way and I believe she started way before him :see_no_evil:

All kids are different my oldest slept through the night at 4 months. But my youngest is 6 months and still wakes up maybe once or twice to nurse.

Depends on the kid. My oldest son is almost 2 and he slept through the night after about a week old. I’m due soon with my 2nd boy,so he could be different.

depends on the kid. and i know that no one wants to hear that :joy: my cousin and i had kids 10 days apart
 we have similar parenting styles (kids in own room, no crying it out, etc). one kid slept through the night at 8-10 weeks and one slept through the night at 14 months. :woman_shrugging:t2:

8 months on for my boy

My girls slept through from 6 weeks. My son is almost 2 and has slept through the night maybe 2 months out of that hahah.

Depends on the baby. My first started sleeping through the night at around 5months my second is still a little unpredictable about at almost 8 months she mostly sleeps through the night most nights. According to my Mother in law my husband didn’t sleep through the night until he was 2 because of sleep apnea. And even once your kid sleeps through the night it isn’t always consistent. Teething, illness, leaky diaper/ bed wetting, nightmare, strange sound in the house, too hot too cold. Just like adults it isn’t a good night sleep every night. Best advice is to stick to a routine the best you can and eventually they will get into a sleep routine.

Fyi when they’re teenagers, they start staying up all hours of the night all over again :rofl:

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From the day my little boy was born

My baby is 10 months and still wakes every 2 hours to nurse, just like everyone else said, every baby is different!

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My 19 month still don’t lmaooo

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My parents are still waiting for me to

My son was between 2 and 2.5

5 years in still waiting :woman_facepalming::skull:

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Well he’s 18 months and was up at 12 & 2 then awake for the day at 3am
 So never?

Mine slept through day 1

My son was about 4 months my daughter 3 weeks after she was born!!

I’m 23 and can’t sleep through the night. I never have been able to sleep a full sleep without waking up multiple times throughout the night. But I do have the ability to put myself back to sleep without help which I learned around age 5

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My daughter is 10 and still doesn’t :roll_eyes:
will advise when we get there :neutral_face:


Umm well let’s see my 2 yr old get in bed with us every night and once a week or so our 7 yr old gets in bed with us, our 11 yr old never sleeps so guess that doesn’t count as through the night LOL -and our 18 yr old only sleeps during the morning ( teenagers :woman_facepalming:t3:) so to answer your question NEVER!! :rofl::joy:

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Never ! It’s a myth!

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When it suits them lol.

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Never. My daughters 4 and right when we thought we’d sleep through the night
she started having nightmares lol.

I have a 5yr a 3yr and a 4mo and on a rare occasion a 9yr who all wake up and can’t go back to sleep :woman_shrugging:

With me it was
1st 10 months
2nd 8 weeks
 shes nearly 3 and I’m still waiting :rofl:
4th hes 15 months and still wakes 2-3 times

My boy started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks. He’s 10 weeks now and I’m hoping he keeps doing it.

My oldest two came home from the hospital sleeping through the night. My third took years :woman_facepalming:t3: and my last took a few months.

They sleep through the night?! My girls didn’t sleep through the night normally till almost 3! And currently awake with my 6 month old at 3am :joy::woman_shrugging:

All my kids did. And they never woke up at that early either.

Whenever they’re ready. It’s the brain maturation that matters

Mine are 7 and 10 years old now
 I’ll let you know when. Lol

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They don’t. And honestly that will be the most helpful answer for you and potentially another new mama.


Some don’t, my little boy is two and still wakes multiple time a night most nights :woman_shrugging:t2:

2.5 months for me and hasn’t changed. Been great.

By 10-11 weeks my daughter was sleep through the night

My son is about 10 months and so far
 he doesn’t. We wakes up at least 6-8 times a night and usually won’t sleep past 4am. Plus he only sleeps no more than 3 hours MAX during the day :sweat: