Hi ladies I have a son almost three years old 29 month twin he goes everywhere and knocks things over or throws things he doesn’t sit still at all. He has a short attention span I can’t explain things to him.he doesn’t speak any words yet idk what to do is this normal or not.any advice.
Maybe a speech pathologist, check hearing also.
I’d go and see some specialists, could be anything. go to a good GP and get the ball rolling cause if it is something medical, the sooner you find out the better
Just go see a developmental pediatrician. They’ll answer all your questions and let you know if there’s anything to worry about.
But my son uses some words I’ll tell him “you need to be good” and he says “kay” and acts up two seconds later
My son is almost two and half and does the same things. Won’t sit still or listen 9 times out of 10 shopping trips involve me carrying him surfboard style kicking and screaming out the doors 5 minutes in. Everyone I talk to says it’s normal toddler boy behavior but it seems extreme to me. I can’t keep a sitter for anything because he’s so quick most can’t keep up with him
I’ve been a boy mom for 8 years. My oldest is extremely ADHD, like will literally bounce off walls. He was WILD when he was little. Structure really helped him. We had our little daily routines, and every now and then we would do something special. Every time we had to go to the store, we would sit in the car and have a pep talk before going in. I would always say, “if you are super good, we will get a treat!”
routine… and teach him simple sign language words… that will help with the communications even if they are not perfect… if he can tell you want he wants through gestures it will help. My son did this when he got tired. So setting a schedule that works with his natural rhythms if possible can help. but STRUCTURE. Set schedules, consistency and patience and love… Continue to talk to him as if he understands. He may understand more than you think just not able to communicate back. Keep up the good work. Good Luck.
My son wasn’t talking until we did the we can read videos and it made it easier for us to communicate what he wanted . And what was going on with him .
Have him checked for autism
Make an appointment with his pediatrician and express your concerns. My 2.5 year old son can repeat any word but he doesn’t speak in sentences. He is in speech therapy and they say his speech is developmentally behind for 2.5.
I know where I am our school district does testing to get kids help earlier. Check its free usually.
My daughter was in early intervention for speech, she started talking as a baby but then stopped for some reason. Early intervention will help with speech or motor skills or both. Most states offer it for free and it goes until they reach 3 years old. It helped my daughter so much she recently turned 3 and is finally starting g to communicate and use words.
Talk to his dr about speech therapy and an evaluation for possible developmental problems.