My baby boy is now 1 Year and 2months old, but he still cannot pronounce a single word… Not even mama or dada.
But he can understand a lot of words, like when we tell him to show “bird” or “moon” he points and he know “ball” “car” etc… but he doesn’t try to pronounce any at all…
How long did it take your little one to talk???
I’m not saying this is 100% accurate, but some kids who talk late will bloom one day and will blow your mind. Run it by your Dr, but it’s ok if they don’t talk when others start. Your child will when they are ready.
My son didn’t speak asides mama till about 2. We introduce him to sign language to communicate. We taught him different signs so we knew what he wanted. He started speaking more as he grew up
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I have 7 kids with my oldest being almost 20. 6 out of the 7 started talking and saying simple words by 1 yr old. My son who is 9 now is the only one that had developmental speech delays and actually didn’t start talking and saying words until he was 3-4 yrs old. Now hes super smart and scores advanced on state testings that he does.
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My daughter started saying mama and dada at 6 months she is now 10 months and says a bunch of words. Some kids dont talk till they are 2 or 3 it doesnt necessarily mean anything is wrong with your child he may just not want to talk yet.
My son is the same age and is doing the same as yours. He knows what things are but won’t say them. I started repeating things over and over, now he says “ball” and “dog”, that’s it for now.
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My son is 21 months now and he only says about 5 words consistently. I worry about it sometimes but he has almost all of the syllables he needs down he just doesn’t put them together. We are just letting him go at his own pace as he understands us and finds a way to communicate what he wants pretty effectively. Every kid is different.
Teach your child simple sign language. Some kids are late bloomers for talking and will suddenly spout whole sentences later on. The sign language will at least let them be able to communicate until they do.
My nephew a year and he bables still and isn’t trying to talk much if your worried talk with his dr and see what he says he may just not wanna talk yet I ask him to repet the words i said
Kids are weird, maybe it’s autism, maybe it’s just not his time to start talking. Time will tell
My little brother is nearly 3 Y/O and he’s just beginning to form mild sentences. For the longest time it was normally mispronunciations of an individual word and pointing. He was also very premature though. Weighed less than 3lbs when he was born. As long as you keep trying to teach them they will eventually pick it up.
My pediatrician always told me to motivate speaking. For example, if my son wanted milk he had to say milk or attempt it. We all learn sounds and motions to know what out own child wants but try working on speech early. If he wants milk, show him juice and tell him if he wants milk to sound it out and say it. Your son sound very smart but some kids just dont want to speak.
2.5. She understood but didn’t talk. Now she never stops lol
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My mum said my brother never spoke then one day he just came out with full sentences they all do it in their own way when they’re ready I wouldn’t worry if he understands you xx
My son is behind in speech and he is 3 we started speech at 1 1/2 so i would look in to it
He’s still young and a boy. Give him time.
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Lots of kids don’t talk until around 2. My brother didn’t talk till almost 3, they found out he had a high pallet in his mouth that made it hard to pronounce his words
My son has Down syndrome and was 2mos premature but he started talking at 10mos. He’s 4 now and speaking in proper sentences (9 words is the longest I’ve counted). He got speech therapy starting at 3mos because he had feeding issues. Some of the things his therapist had us do was say " Mmmm. Mmmmore" before we fed him a bite of food. That led to him saying “Mmmm” then “More” before a bite. We also practiced requesting turn-taking during play by not rolling him the ball until he made a sound. It could be any sound but he needed to request it in some way. Always talk and label things. Your son’s receptive language is developing nicely since he can point to things when you ask. His speech will come. He’s not considered delayed until 2 years old.
Definitely talk to your pediatrician. As a special education teacher I can tell you that there is a delay - it seems that he understands receptive language but has a limited breadth and depth of expressive language.
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My daughter didn’t start talking until she was over 2 years old. I kept getting told that she is a “late bloomer” or “she has a high intelligence and is waiting until she can speak properly.” Turns out, she is Autistic. Don’t make my mistake. If you suspect they he has an issue, take him to a specialist. If he is on the spectrum, you can start getting him help now. I waited until my daughter was in kindergarten, and she is still trying to catch up to her classmates. All because I didn’t want to admit it to myself.
My son is 2 and only saying mama dada baba this. It’ll happen he understands so much like you said
All I’m saying is wow, my daughter was talking full blown sentences by 1 1/2 and hasn’t stopped yet how did y’all get so lucky saying two years!
I dunno what to say to this except every child is different and they will speak when they are ready. My daughter didn’t say much at that age either but now she’s 2 1/2 and she can pretty much say every word there is.
Honestly I know sometimes TV is controversial but sesame street alphabet on repeat. My oldest was an early talker and that’s all I played on TV for the first year and a half. My youngest was a late talker and I did not let her watch any TV until she was almost 2. I decided to try it out again with her and omg the words are flowing.
Mine is 2 and we’re looking at early intervention. At 1 the doctors didnt worry about it
Just wait…soon enough you will hear babbling, then they will form new words daily.
He’s not even 2 relax let him be a baby
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My 2.5 only says a few words and not together
Every child is different, if you’re concerned talk to ur pediatrician… maybe speech therapy would b beneficial… both of mine started talking around 1 year
check to make sure he is not tongue tied
My daughter didn’t say much when she was a year old…she wouldn’t even say mama…but she will be 2 next month and she has been talking more and more the last month…don’t stress…
Letter factory by leap frog is awesome too
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When he points try telling him to use his words tell him to call mama or dad
I wouldn’t worry about it. My son is 18 months and he says very few words.
Let them listen to music. And everyone sing along.
My little one is 8 months he says momma dada bubba hi no nini nana and babbles alot so keep talking to him and take him to the doctor to see if he is tongue tied my oldest one was and they had to clip it
My son did the same until we got tubes put in his ears. Then he let lose and never stopped. He was speaking in full sentences within a month. Despite passing the hearing tests, he just couldn’t hear us clearly until then.
My 7 year old grandson was over 2 years old before he started thinking…early childhood development folks tested his hearing…looked at autism…and worked with him for a month. Turns out…he was observing the world on his own terms…his vocabulary is advanced… and he is what I call our canary in the coal mine when it comes to gauging situations…if something is not right with a person or situation…we can tell immediately… without his saying a word. He achieved the best math scores in the district and is an advanced reader.
My youngest is three and doesn’t clearly say a lot of words. He “talks” a lot though and can understand when talked to. Your son is only a year old. He will talk when he is ready. If you are really concerned, bring it up as his next doctor appointment.
My nephew didn’t talk hardly at all at 2. My mom always said he has nothing important to say, be patient. Well that nephew has a genius IQ. Every child is different. He’s only 1
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Does he need to speak? Sometimes a parent just gets what they want and they don’t have to say anything. He hears and understands it seems. Maybe say the name to him when you hand it to him? Water, milk etc. Maybe bring a child around him who does talk and have them interact? They all develop differently. I hate those books that say they should be doing this or that at such & such an age. Makes mothers worry.
My son was almost 3 before he started trying to say words. When he wants something if he points tell him what it is several times. One of the things we did was just let him point and we would give it to him. You can also contact birth to 3 and they have therapists that come to the house to work with him. They were a god send for us. If you would like to talk feel free to message me and I will share what I experienced