When do kids use regular cups?

Question. I have a 3 year old (he’ll be 4 next month) he refuses to drink out a regular cup. He can drink from a straw and he can drink water from a water bottle but full out refuses to even try drinking from a cup. Unless its the kids cups with straws. Is this normal? At what age did your kids start drinking from regular cups?


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Get him a cup with his favorite character on it

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Most kids are like but when they see other kids drinking out of reg cups they want to as well. It takes time but your kid will get their

Mine started at nine months.

Take the lid off his favorite sippy cups


You can get him a character cup from Walmart they are 1.00 usually found in the party aisle they’re also 1.00 at party city as well dollar general sells them too

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Stop giving him choices and do regular cups only.


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My son was like that I use to give him cups in the bath to play with and we would play tea partys and made it a game and I’d offer him a cup with every drink to just see if he would try he refused alot then one day just accepted the cup and drank from it and when ever he sees me drinking from a cup he says I’m drinking tea haha

That’s pretty usual behavior for a 3 year old. He just doesn’t want to spill it all over himself. Show him how to do it by holding the cup with him and not tipping it up too much at first when it’s full. You’ll have to help him for a little bit. Maybe if you have some kids over who are his age who are already using open cups, he will see this as normal.

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My kids preferred the 360° until they were 6-7 (I think). They still have them (they’re 8&10). We use them in the car. My kids are messy. They sit cups on the edge of the table or shelf in the fridge so they get spilled. I prefer covered cups. Less mess. What I’m saying is pick your battles. No need to push him. You may think it’s easier for him to drink from regular cups especially going out. But it gets more complicated.

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My son is 2 - every meal I put a few mouthfuls of water in an put it near his plate. I just stopped using sippy cups. - I offer him his water bottle during the day but cups for meals. Sometimes he will want a drink in a cup during the day.

Sometimes they play in it, spill it, u can show them how mum does it, put a little sugar free cordial - or milk every few nights in one an see if he takes to it.,

My 3 yr old acts the same she prefers a lid

My daycare we start at 2. Short cups. I started with munchkins with kid it has a whole you drink through… then we take the lid off… Dixie 4 oz cups work best.

Give him what he prefers. My grandkids like sports bottles …3 & 7 yo. Theyre perfectly capable of drinking out of cups /using straws etc its simply their choice .

No bottles after 9-12 months
No sippy cups after 24 months

Stop giving him an option, throw all sippy cups and straw cups away because they’re “broken” and tell him he gets big kid cups now

I honestly don’t think it really matters, at one point or another he’ll drink from a cup. He won’t be 16 drinking from a straw or sippy cup. He’ll figure it out when he wants to!

Maybe try just using his favorite sippy cup and taking the cap off or get him a cup with a cool character or animal on it that he likes.

By 1 yr old mine could all drink from a glass , granted they didn’t fulltime until around 2 1/2 -3 yrs old

Take away all other options for a week or two and he will start using one. Then once he’s used to it you can add water bottles back in. Another option is target has cheap kids cups with lids and straws that are very easy to wash and can be used with or without a lid, my kids love them, i usually give just the cup but sometimes they still like to get a lid and straw too.