When do you clean up after your kids?

Do you guys clean up toys and activities throughout the day/during naps, or do you just let the chaos unfold and deal with it after they’re in bed for the night?

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We don’t clean up until the end of the day, after dinner, and the kids help. I mean, as age appropriate as possible. I’ll give my kids a couple tasks like putting the Legos in the Lego bin and putting the blocks in the block bin. Nothing complicated.

When my kids were little, toys wasn’t allowed outside their bedrooms. After play time, we would sing a clean up song and they would help me put their toys away. Sometimes, certain toys, certain activities did venture outside the bedroom. It’s easier to clean up as you finish with one activity before moving to the next.


I clean up at 2 points. Halfway (nap time) and bedtime. I call it “10 minute clean up” and we go at it.

My daughter also helps clean up, and has been apart of the process since she was a little baby. So she knows how to pick up her things and put them back where they belong.

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Completely depends on how bad it gets. Usually I get my daughter to help me clean up toys before lunch/nap then again after supper

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We, yes… WE. I make my son pick up and or help me pick up after he/we are(is) done with one set of toys/activity before he moves on to the next, that way we don’t have a ton of things to pick up later and teaches him organization and responsibilities.

We clean as we go … I cant stand the mess lol

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I make them help me clean up as we go. We always did that one activity clean and on to the next

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Definitely let the chaos ensue and don’t try to pick it up until my child is in bed.

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Nap time and bedtime. If I leave it go the full day without a mid-day clean (generally when I’m sick this happens), then it’s absolutely chaotic and a pain in the ass.