When do you feel baby kick?

Hi mamas! I recently found out I’m pregnant with baby #2, estimated around 13 weeks already but will find out for sure Friday. My question is when did you start feeling movement with your 2nd pregnancy, because I swear I can feel flutters and the beginning of baby movement already. Also curious how different your pregnancies were if you had different genders, with my son I couldn’t get enough sweets and with this one I haven’t really craved anything yet but anything sweet makes me SO nauseous (hoping that’s a sign it’s a girl :smiley: but I’ll be happy either way as long as the baby is healthy!)


With my second one I felt around 17 weeks and with this little bun in the oven around 10ish weeks

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Had opposite cravings with both pregnancies and both are girls lol. As for movement it was about 15 weeks with my second.

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I felt my first “flutter” at 17 weeks and felt them more often at week 19. Im now at 25 weeks and i can see him hit and kick my stomach

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2nd baby I felt around 14 weeks :slight_smile: n the flutters I felt at like 12 weeks

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As early as 12 weeks with my 3rd child. I’m very skinny also and I think that plays a part in it also


U prob have…I felt flutters w my second and third at 13-14 weeks …my first was around 20-22 weeks or so

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First and second baby I felt about 16 weeks

I’m pregnant now with twins and felt movements at 14 weeks

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It was crazy early with my 2nd like 14 weeks … something like that.

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Flutters with my 2nd I felt about 17 weeks. Both pregnancies were girls but so different I could of swore my 2nd was a boy. My 1st pregnancy I puked everyday for 7 months and craved anything sour, this time around baby is low so I’ve constantly been in pain but only sick a few weeks. I’ve craved pastas and pizza so far this pregnancy

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I’m 11 weeks pregnant just found out last month, my first born she just turned one & the pregnancy was a breeze no morning sickness no nausea or really any symptom but for whatever reason this pregnancy has been hard and I’m only 11 weeks I can’t stomach certain foods that like 2 months ago I would have ate everyday now just the idea makes me sick certain smells like garlic onion smells I used to not mind makes me want to throw up so I don’t know :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I’ve had 3 kids, 2 b 1g, and the only thing that was consistent was McDonald’s made me violently ill. Even the smell.

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Oh u forsure can feel them now. I felt mine at the same time with my second right now :relaxed:

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Felt my second move at 12 weeks

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My second kid I first felt the flutters at 13 weeks

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I felt second baby move around 17 weeks and my pregnancies were the complete opposite! Fist one was a breeze and the second one I was sick (severely nauseous) the entire time! My first is a girl and second a boy

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My first I felt at 14 weeks, I probably would have felt her sooner if I knew what I was feeling. My obgyn said it was impossible and made me feel like an idiot, but it was her I was feeling.
My second I didnt feel her until week 16 ish, but my placenta was on my belly button so she was kicking that instead of me.

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I felt my second just as late, around 20 weeks. But the pregnancy felt completely different to me from the beginning, and turned out it was a girl, first was a boy.

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Most people think you can feel it sooner the second time around because you kinda know what to expect and how it feels. Its possible. But honestly feeling baby movement has more to do with babies placement then it does how far along you are. With my first born I didn’t feel him as much or as intensely as I did with #2. Because baby 1 was more towards my back and baby 2 was more up front. I still felt both of them plenty just with diffrent intensities. But flutters with my first id say about 17 weeks and my second about the same🤷

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My first baby I felt them around there but the second time it took a little longer.

My son I was always sick, the entire pregnancy. With my daughter it’s been a breeze. Good luck!!

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Ohhhh Lordy. I felt my second move earlier than my first definitely. And my 3rd I felt even earlier than that!

My first and third were boys. I carried like a basketball and was low for a long ass time at the end with both. I had anemia with both. Morning sickness in just the first trimester.

My second was a girl and she was a drama queen right off the bat. I had morning sickness the entire time. I would faint ALL THE TIME throughout the pregnancy too - like I had to go to specialists and all that. Nothing was “wrong”… she just made me faint for whatever reason🤷🏻‍♀️. I gained weight all over my body and looked like a truck hit me most of the time. It was a very hard pregnancy for me.

Someone told me that girls “suck the beauty” out of you and are super dramatic in the womb - that was 100999% true for me!

13 weeks with #2 husband could feel her a little around 15

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I swear i felt it at 12 weeks with my second

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My first I felt it around 20 weeks. My 2nd was much earlier, around 15 weeks.

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Pregnant with my second. I’m having a girl this time and everything is the exact same, down to my cravings and everything.

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I’m 18 weeks. I won’t know the sex until I give birth so I can’t do a comparison with that one. My son though I craved steak tips constantly so you may not be able to use that as an indicator youre having a girl lol