When do you find the time to go to the gym?

Any moms that go to the gym on here? When do you find the time? I work 9-5 but nobody to watch my son in the mornings so night is my only option but when he finally gets to bed I can’t motivate myself to go anymore I always just say “I’ll go tomorrow


So you have the time, just not the energy or motivation.
Just go. Tell yourself that it has to be a priority and get there.
Maybe find a friend to go with you so you can hold each other accountable.


V shred home workouts! Do them early in the am

I get up at 5am and work out from home look at eager to motivate fitness I workout from home every morning n it’s amazing. Lost 60 plus lbs n a lot of inches. All I needed are some weights. E2M Personal Training is their page.

Start with just 10 min a day, every single day. Some days, you’ll only do 10 min, others, you’ll do more once you get started. Anyone can do 10 min. Once you get into the habit, you don’t need to do every day, you’ll want to do it. Start slow and don’t force it. If your 10 min is just stretching, that’s great! If it evolves into something more, that’s great too.

For me finding a workout partner and having someone to keep me accountable helped me stay motivated. My friend and I created a fitness accountability group chat to help people stay motivated through their fitness journey. We just send pictures, recipes, workouts, questions and a bunch of positive encouragement to each other. It is open to anyone. Most of us are working moms that are busy and since it’s hard to find the motivation alone it helps us. You are more than welcome to dm me if your interested to join.