Fan Question
When did all of you start actually feeling pregnant? I’ve done multiple test, at home, and at the doctor, I’ve had a blood test and everything comes back positive. I’d roughly be 7 weeks and I’m constantly worried that something is going to happen, or that my body is just messed up and I’m not actually pregnant. 
I dont have a ultrasound for a few more weeks, I just cant shake this feeling.
As soon as my debilitating morning sickness began lol. So like 4 weeks. Body wise? A few months.
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I am 7 weeks 1 day lol and I deff feel pregnant I’m bloated peeing all the time and nausea and differences in my boobs . I feel the same way though my first ultrasound is April 11th I’ll be almost 10 weeks
I didn’t start to feel pregnant until I had morning sickness around 10-12 weeks in.
I would just try to relax and enjoy it. I know easier said than done. I was soooo sick at 7 weeks. Couldn’t stand up without throwing up. But I know how you feel. I’m a FTM so I had this feeling up until she started moving regularly. 
Started vomiting at 6 weeks.
I didn’t feel pregnant until I was about 3/4 months, but I never had any morning sickness or anything
6 weeks I began throwing up and being sick and then my boobs ached a week or two later
I didn’t have any symptoms with my son at all. Towards the end I was huge and my back hurt.
I didn’t “feel pregnant” until I started feeling flutters with my first. I was blessed to not have sickness (except when I brushed my teeth) and I didn’t get a belly until further along.
When I went to the anatomy scan at 20 weeks it all started to kick in.
But symptom wise about 10 weeks
i never really felt pregnant. i was never sick or had to pee all the time.
i just knew i was bc i had no period or appetite and i started to show around 20wks, with both of my pregnancies.
With my first I didn’t have any symptoms at all. Nothing besides a missed period. I didn’t start to feel pregnant until between 15&20 weeks. Only because I started feeling her move and got a little bump. This pregnancy I had every symptoms besides morning sickness. And I was huge already by 12 weeks. So I pretty much “felt” pregnant right away. Every pregnancy is different.
I felt pregnant from 5 weeks to 7 weeks then nothing until 14 weeks. You’ll be alright momma prayers for you!
Sounds like something mentally. Because you ARE pregnant. Just calm down, you’re alright & you are pregnant lol
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Crazy nausea started a week ago at 7 weeks. 
Didn’t have any of that the last time around!
I was 5 months pregnant and didnt even know:woman_shrugging:my period was always irregular so I went to the clinic cause I thought I had a urine infection and I was like, check to see if I’m pregnant while you’re at it. Why not?
She came and told me I was…a few weeks later, I found out i was 5 months along:flushed:
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If I didnt get it checked, I’m sure it would have been at least another 2 months before I felt kicks and would know something was up
I didn’t feel pregnant at all until the middle of my second trimester. Even after the blood work, ultrasounds and everything else I just couldn’t get it through my head and accept that it was real & not a dream
Eh be happy you’re not feeling it! Lol. I never got sick or barely nauseous. Sometimes my boobs would hurt and that was about it. Then I started to have to pee more as the weeks went on etc. Don’t worry so much and enjoy the ride. 
I felt it right away, probably just under 6wks. My boobs get really sore so I knew. Then the bloat and aches start. My last one was my 3rd and just 5 mos after I had my second so I wasn’t over #2 yet lol.
Wouldn’t have even known the first 2 times other then no periods and being huge. This time around I’ve had everything from constipation to pregnancy excema to nausea and loss of
Appetite I definitely feel pregnant this time. My first I worked until my water broke. And I was in construction with my husband. Count yourself lucky
The more you worry the more likely something is to happen because that’s putting stress on the baby along within you! I found out I was pregnant 1 week along because I had pain in my vaginal area. I didn’t get a belly until around 20 weeks and didn’t feel pregnant until she started to move a lot around 25 weeks! I never had sickness or cravings either through.
When I knew the gender and it hit me like oh my in actually pregnant worth a human inside me
Not until closer to mid to end of pregnancy
Depends, every pregnancy is different. First pregnancy, didn’t have any symptoms till about 5 or 6 months and that was severe heart burn. The second, I had everything symptom imaginable right away. By 8 weeks, I was already showing and even felt the baby move much earlier than my first.
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Now at 15 weeks other then I have Hyperemesis Gravidarum so I felt those symptoms early on
Dont you wish that you could just test right after you have sex? Like get up, and go pee on a stick? Lol. And instantly have a bump? I’m soooo impatient!
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I didn’t feel pregnant until I saw her in an ultrasound. I was almost 12 weeks along, I only found out I was pregnant a week before that tho.
My first symptom was I sleepy all the time…i just wanted to lie down and take naps. That was for the 1st one. The second I had no idea I was pregnant until I missed a period. I would relax. God made us to have babies. You will be fine.
I didn’t feel pregnant until around week 9. Thats when my morning sickness kicked in full throttle. Enjoy this while you can.
About 2 months almost 3. I ended up buying a doppler of my own to settle my mind (daily) lol
Every single pregnancy is different. They wait till 8-10 weeks for your girl appointment so they can hear the babies heartbeat and so you can actually (kinda) are baby. I was the same way my first pregnancy. If your feeling get worse go to the ER they will do a sonogram to see if they can find a heartbeat BUT if your not far enough a long it may not pick up. I’m sure you and your baby are fine.
My first pregnancy everything was new so not right away but when you have more your body remembers
You’re just a worried mama… It shows u care! Not everybody feels sick. I’ve had 2 babies and did not feel any morning sickness. I started feeling pregnant around 20 to 22 weeks. That’s when I started getting much fatter and breathing heavily from the simpliest of activities LOL
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The second I convinced lol. It just “felt” different. And that’s with all 4 lol
Do you have any symptoms of being pregnant except no. In my belly got big I didn’t feel him kick in till 5 months I always had a feeling that something was going to happen to him that he wasn’t going to be born right or wasn’t going to make it all the way. I knew at 3 weeks i was pregnant
I just delivered last week, and I never once actually "felt " pregnant. The day of my missed period, I knew to take a test and that it would be positive, but it still hasn’t even hit me that I was pregnant for 40 weeks, or that I’m somebodies mother.
Honestly, with my third baby, I didn’t feel pregnant even when I was close to delivering.
With my first, right away. With this second baby, not until after 20 weeks
When I got morning sickness
I didn’t feel it until 13 weeks
I didnt feel pregnant until last week when I entered my third trimester lol. Every body is different
It didnt even begin to feel real until my first ultrasound
I had spotting every month, not full periods. But had been 4 years so thought nothing of it. Didn’t know anything was going on until my breasts got larger and tender. I went to the doctor because of my breasts to find out I was pregnant! 4-5 months by then. No morning sickness, nothing unusual. You are not alone in this feeling. ‘Not feeling pregnant’…
Maybe at 15 weeks! I didn’t look and feel pregnant until my belly started to show 
I have an 8 month old and currently 6 months pregnant and both I didnt feel it until after 10 weeks even after multiple ultrasounds
Well on my 2nd baby I never knew I was pregnant and didn’t have any symptoms whatsoever but sometimes in mid October I felt bit off so I took test it was positive I did took test before but it was negatively so. I was 17 weeks when I found out
I had a preganancy that I had no symptoms except a growing belly
I felt pregnant from the very beginning with my second. She was making me sick before I ever got a positive test. With my first though I didnt actually feel pregnant until I felt him move. The only symptom I had with him was a missed period though.
I was 18 weeks with my first and 16 weeks with my 2nd before I felt them
I didnt have any symptoms at all. No nausea , cravings , pains , literally nothing. Once I started feeling him kick at 16 weeks it started to kick in but I was still skeptical he would make it because of my lack of symptoms and a miscarriage in april last year. Im 27 weeks now and my entire world revolves around him
sometimes it takes time , and more than what seems normal , but it’ll click mama. Hang in there 
First off… Do not compare your pregnancy to anyone else’s, everyone’s is different.
Secondly, you will start seeing changes soon enough, do not stress, once you have the ultrasound you will feel better.
Pregnancy hormones do stupid things to a womans mind, I used to dream about my daughters father getting hit by a train through my pregnancy, again perfectly normal.
If you’re not having morning sickness, then yay for you, you’re not missing anything there.
Just start making plans, look at baby names, and baby gear, keep your mind off anxiety.
Are you usually a person who stresses or worries over things and expects the worst? If so then get some counselling, your baby feels everything you feel, get some support in place and get yourself in a good headspace
I’m 12 weeks and dont feel pregnant. only nauseated all the time lol
I only started feeling pregnant at about 16 weeks… 
Not until my daughter was born lol. Had no symptoms or bump. Not even ultrasounds convinced me:person_shrugging:
I’m 19 weeks and still don’t feel pregnant. Until I feel a flutter in my belly. When I was in my first trimester the only thing that reminded me that baby was there and healthy was my morning sickness. Now it’s the flutters and ultrasounds and Doppler’s
No I felt like that too… The you feel the fluttering and it gets more real. I wasn’t really sick until I ate certain foods. It’s weird… But cool at the same time I loved being pregnant! 
R druonrd fofferent n shows in different months n some sick some nothing just do your dr appts n eat n drink healthy
Pregnancy signs and symptoms are different for everyone. Can also be different for each pregnancy of the same individual. What matters is that you and baby are healthy and going to regular checkups.
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With my first i didnt even know until i was in the 2nd trimester because i had no symptoms
I started getting symptoms with 10 days of conception with all my pregnancies. But it didn’t feel real until the ultrasound. I’ve had some miscarriages so the feeling that something is going to go wrong is always with me. When you start feeling movement on a regular basis you it will put your mind more at ease.
I didn’t “feel” pregnant until I felt her kick for the first time…
I’m 28 weeks and I still don’t feel pregnant. I honestly forget I’m even pregnant sometimes until I feel my baby move.
I didn’t feel anything for first month- 2 months. Then it hit with a vengeance…and it hasn’t quit letting me know I am. Lol
I felt the exact same way… Until 2 months when the morning sickness came with the terrible heartburn. I’m currently 22 weeks and still forget that I’m pregnant, sometimes lifting or moving heavy objects at work and then someone reminds me by giving me a few kicks lol but it’s normal to feel the way you do, I was a nervous wreck always expecting the worse but the docs always said if there’s no constant pain and no show of blood, Baby is Allgood.