I had back to back pregnancies and I’m 6 weeks postpartum…I’ve stopped bleeding 2 weeks after I gave birth. when will I get my period? I forget how this works since my oldest is 6 lol… I’ve bled a tiny bit here and there but nothing like a “normal” period.
I got mine 9 weeks postpartum I had a c section and am not breastfeeding
Depends… Are you breastfeeding? With my first 2 I wasn’t breastfeeding, and it took like 2-2 1/2 months to get kind of normal. With my 3rd, I breastfed, and I didn’t have a period for 8 months.
How far apart are your kids?
My doctor told me it may take 6 months to a year for your periods to regulate.
I’ve had one period since my daughter was born. She’s 15 months and only it had it when she was 13 months.
Depends if you’re breastfeeding. I am and my baby will be 6 months on the ninth and I still haven’t had mine
I didn’t breast feed and I didn’t get a period for almost three months.
If you just had a baby, & turned around & are pregnant again, you won’t have a period
It can depend on your body. Some women go a few months just spotting, some women are back on schedule within a few weeks.
Don’t be surprised if your cycle changes and changes again in a year.
Everyone is different. I only bleed for 4 days after I had my oldest. Period when she was 3 weeks. And my last 2 I didnt bleed after my c-sections (they gave me a pill to keep me from bleeding) and I started my period a month later.
My daughters are 11 months and 2 days apart…after both pregnancies I had my first period just a couple days after my 6 week checkup
Thats ok you will get normal later.