How did you know that it was truly time to leave your Significant other, the father of your child for good? I’m really struggling with the right answer and want only what’s best for my one year old son.
Nobody can answer that except you.
When you’re no longer happy
If you asking this question then it’s time to go
Realizing that what was best for me and my happiness was what was best for my children.
When you start asking this question.
When you start questioning it !! Find out your reason why you feel you want to leave. And if it’s want you feel is best , sometimes it’s better for children having both parents apart than together
I had to stick around physically until I let completely go of him emotionally/mentally…
If you’re asking, it’s probably time…
You’re questioning, go. Do not wait.
Some relationships hit rough patches and you may not be as excited or happy to be together. My husband and I have been together for 10 years and have hit a couple but we always pull out of it and we both still love each other and want to make it work when we get into those funks. If you love him but are not IN love with him then I would say that’s when it is time to walk away. It’s not fair to him or you if you’re just going through the motions. And i know you want what’s best for your baby but if the parents aren’t happy they generally aren’t either.
When you have to ask that question…
It’s time.
I was 3years in a relationship with the father of my son, before I got pregnant. When I had my son I started living with him under one roof and that is when it hit me. He was not a good father, he did not help with anythimg, didn’t buy anything, he started to abuse me before my son. My son was then 10 months old.
I did not want my son to become someone like him or grow up is such a territory.
If you start questioning it, then it is time to leave… Go with your gut feelings
If you ask, its probably time.
Like the other comments, once you’re asking yourself this question, it’s time. Just because you have a child together, doesn’t mean you have to stay if you’re unhappy. Took me way too long to finally accept that.
A million people could tell you to leave and you’ll only leave when your ready (when you cannot take anymore) sad but true
I would really think about your reasoning. Marriages aren’t always rainbows and butterflies. It takes effort. It takes devotion. If he’s not physically beating you or hurting you, try counseling. You have to fight for what you want. Figure out how to love each other in your own love languages. Start dating again. Make a date night here and there so you get time together just the two of you. Send flirty texts. It’s so sad to see so many people throw their marriages away because they’re temporarily unhappy in that moment.
When i went on facebook to ask if anyone knew the right time to leave their spouse.
Relationships take work. They take compromise. They require both partners to give. Sometimes you’re going to give 90% while you’re partner gives 10%. Sometimes you’ll be the one giving 10% while you’re partner gives 90%.
Relationships require honest communication. They require empathy and compassion. They require you to try to really understand your partner.
It means stepping back. Not nagging but opening up to ask for what you need because no one is a mind reader.
That is the true nature of EVERY relationship.
It won’t always feel new. Honeymoon phases fade and give way to real world issues.
With all that relationships take there are times its going to be easier to walk away. There are going to be times when the grass looks greener on the other side.
There’s no time frame to walk away from a typical/normal relationship.
There’s time to walk away if you’re being cheated on or abused.
There’s time to walk away if you guys just can’t get it together.
There’s time to walk away if you feel like cheating.
Otherwise, there’s no set “time” its completely up to you. No one can force you to stay in a relationship you don’t want to be in but you.
Theyre never gonna fkn change ill tell u that right now if u do leave and he crawls back begging and crying dont believe it im kickin my self in the ass now for not holding my damn ground 3 years ago only to be put threw the same exact shit i left to begin with 🤦 i dk wtf is wrong with men now days smh. Hope u find the strength hun
If you’re asking this than it’s time to go
When you have tried everything. Every relationship has ups, downs, plateaus etc. this is not a movie … unless something else is going on … I would work my ass off to do everything. Having a mini changes a lot and the relationship changes a lot so just make sure if you leave it’s truly not something you can fix.
If your asking its time to pack up and go
Unless there is abuse, which you would leave immediately, you leave when you have exhausted all other options. From compromise to counseling, there is a lot that can be done to save a relationship.
If you are asking this question, it’s Time To GO.
If I’m being blunt…generally if you have to ask that question it’s probably time. Nobody can tell you when you’re ready to leave someone…the answer is in how you feel. Don’t wait or search for someone to validate a reason to leave.
If you are asking yourself this question, it’s time.
For me… When I stopped fighting, crying, talking and literally became indifferent. I knew I was
It takes SO much courage to actually leave. I feel you. I was there 8-9mo ago, being told u could NEVER do it on my own with a child. I knew our relationship was over before we got pregnant. I was 14 weeks pregnant with our 3rd and only live birth, while he was cheating with the 4th or 5th girl. I wanted the family. I didnt want my daughter to grow up like me without a dad. I finally grew balls and left March of this year after he had me go buy him booze (my understanding we were going to have some drinks as we were child free that night) and his idea was to go to his “buddies” house. He went to work and I packed my daughters necessities and I finally left. He ended up sleeping with a girl that night. And yes, it was all my fault in his eyes.
My daughter and I have NEVER been happier. We have a big beautiful townhouse that I got ALL on my OWN! I furnished the place with next to no money. You know cause he wanted me to be a SAHM until she went to JK, which meant I brought $0 in. I pay my Bill’s on my own, I keep my child clothed and WELL fed. Yeah its stressful, and I worry about money now than ever. But at the end of the day I would take this stress 103837373 times over before I’d go back to the “stress” of trying to make it work.
My heart is broken that our family didnt work out, dont get me wrong. But seeing how happy my daughter is without the fighting and silent treatments makes it ALL worth it. You can do it mama. If that is what your heart is telling you is best, then you need to do it for you and your kiddo. Things will get easier and you will start being happy again.
You already know the answer.
When you’ve given it every chance and u can walk away without regrets
If you have to ask yourself this question on a really serious level then you already know your answer.
There are places set up for you to go to. Don’t look back. Just go.
I think its depends on whats going on! Is spouse abusing you physically mentally or emotionally? Is spouse cheating on you? If so then no doubt leave. If no, every marriage/relationships has bumps in the road, some are big and some are small. It also depends how you size those bumps, like whether they are big or small to you (spouse may think they are small and you may think they are big, or someone else may see them as small but what do you feel they are?) Marriage/relationships is no way easy, but to be able to give advice, need a little more info and how you feel when you go through those bumps? Have you talked to your spouse about this? Is he trying to work on it? Or does your spouse not even try anymore? Maybe counciling then if still no change then do what you feel in your gut is right.
I would say that you need to have a conversation with yourself about this. And all relationships have ups and downs. But i would honestly say when the bad out weighs the good. And think with your head not your heart it maybe the only choice you have to save yourself.
That depends, on you, on him. If there’s abuse of any kind, leave now. Other then that I would make pro/con lists, discuss it with your SO then decide
Abuse of any kind, substance abuse and not seeking help, other things can be worked out if both parties are willing to put in the effort but those are the reasons why I left
I noticed that I was miserable anytime that he was around me. Even just a text from him would put me in a horrible mood.
When I was in another state watching my father die and my ex filed for divorce, custody and a restraining order so I couldn’t get my kids.
I woke up one morning. Asked myself wtf I was doing. How did I let it get here. Told myself I deserve nothing but to be happy. I left and never went back. 8 years ago❤️
If experience has taught me anything, it’s that the minute you start questioning your relationship, is the minute you start planning to leave. Trust your instincts.
If your spouse is abusing you
Then get out it not worth it
If you have to ask it’s time to go
It’s in your heart. Ur child can’t be happy if his mommy isn’t
If you have to ask the question I think you have your answer.
Honestly when being without them or the thought causes u to take a relaxing breath.
If you have to ask the question I would say now
Depends. Are you a believer? Is he?
If yr asking this question , think U know yr answer
When you ask that question, when you dont feel safe, when you are miserable, when your child no longer benefits from it, when you cry more than you smile, when you no longer feel loved
Well depends on the story of why you think it’s time but we dont know really anything about why you think you should but really depends on the situation
Leave because you are thinking about it. You and your son will be fine!!!
How do you guys know?? Where will I live How will I support us, I’m scared…
If you have to ask yourself “when’s the right time?” Your already checked out honestly…there will never be a perfect time so for the stability of you and you child just leave now…before it gets ugly and you start to resent eachother.
When I knew I wasnt in love anymore
I knew when the sight of him or a text just made me cringe. We already had problems, but when you don’t want to be around him that’s a sign. Also if you are considering if you should be with him or not, then you have your answer.
Do whats best for you.
I left the father of my child when I realized it was too toxic for my son to see me in a relationship, unhappy. It’s the hardest choice to make but if you’re gut is already questioning whether or not to stay. It’s time to go. No matter the circumstance, even if he didnt do anything wrong. You cant force yourself to stay in love with someone…
There are a lot of days i feel I’m a better mother and person when my partner and I split…then we get back together and few days later or a week later I feel the same again…like shit until we split
For me it was when he chose to sleep around on me while I was pregnant that was the final straw for me
When one or more of you is done trying. There’s no way to continue a partnership if both partners are 100% invested in doing the work. I’m guessing you’re done, if you’re asking. Like when you look at your plate and ask yourself, “do I really want to take another bite?”, you were probably done eating like 5 bites ago.
When you start asking other people this question.
If he’s not good to you then you need to leave. If he’s not good to your son, you need to leave.
You know deep down inside when it’s time.
When I stopped caring what the hell they were doing and started focusing on myself…
Never, unless there is physical abuse. No relationship that has made it for a long time hasn’t been through hills and valleys. Love is a verb. It is a choice. Everyone loses that loving feeling at some point. It’s up to you to put forth the effort to get it back again. Of course, both must be committed to it. Your child deserves a healthy marriage modeled to him for his future. Nothing worth something is ever always easy.
It is best for your child to have there momma happy. U will have to take this step when your ready. But you should put your happiness first and your child’s happiness will come from yours. I hope this makes sense.
What’s best for your child is a HAPPY home.
What is best for a child is to be raised in a loving, respectful home by both of its parents… If that is not possible, then, the child needs positive, consistent, reliable loving contact with both parents.
Get some professional help instead of coming to people that are not fully informed about the situation. You should only expect to hear little based on the little info you have given.
Ask yourself why you’re leaving or want to leave. Write them down and be specific. What God has joined together let no man separate. Many times woman change after a child is born which changes our spouse. Sometimes it can be resolved through communication. Unless you are living in a abusive relationship I would try other ways to make it work. Its your little ones welfare and happiness that matters. Ask yourself how life will change for you and your child if you leave. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
If you are asking this question, you hold the answer, good luck to you
If you’re already wanting out, it’s time to leave. Children can tell when their parents aren’t happy. If therapy won’t work (always give it a shot), then leave.
If he’s not trying anymore. No matter how much you love them, you can’t have a relationship by yourself. You can be happy when things are rough if both of you are pulling together and trying to make things better, but if one of you has given up, it’s already over.
You already answered your own question…when you asked for advice to know when it’s time.
If you’re only there because of your child then that’s how you know.
Relationships should be because YOU BOTH want to be there.
When the thought of leaving doesn’t hurt.
When you have to question it put up with mine for 12 years just for him to leave me. Should’ve done it years ago
If you have to ask the question you already know the answer
If you don’t know nobody else will!
Not enough info. Why are you thinking of leaving? What’s going on?
The min you have to question it
If you’re trying to hold your relationship together by yourself and you’ve spoken to your husband and he is unwilling to change then leave. I waited 10 years for my ex to change and he refused. By the time I was leaving he decided to try and by that time I had already been gone in my mind for the past year. He came home one day and said … where the f@$k is my dinner!! I was pretty much like good luck with that for the rest of your life…
If you have to ask the question chances are it’s time.
I remember when I was 7, my mom filing for divorce and shortly after, my mom found out she was pregnant with my brother so she and my dad stayed together until I was 16. Those were some of the most miserable years I saw my mom go through. Don’t stay just for the children, because they can see the unhappiness that lies in the relationship.
If you are asking you already know the answer don’t stay because of a kid you will just make things worse for the child as well as yourself if you are truly aren’t happy then do you and your baby a favor and leave trust me it will be the best in the long run
Do you want your child to have 2 HAPPY homes or 1 UNHAPPY home?? Staying and being unhappy will eventually teach your child that if they have a child with someone, even if they are unhappy, they have to stay…
A therapist told me something that really stuck with me. It’s better to come from a broken home than to live in one
You know the answer. What is in the best interest of the child? would the child be happier and healthier. If you are happy than your child will also be. Are you waiting for change? Many times people say they stay for the sake of the child because they do not realise the child would be better off with out the parents being together. Is the child witnessing abuse? Verbal or physical or spiritual? Is the child neglected by the other parent. Its better for the child if the other parent is not in their life emotionally. Its better for the child to NOT be subjected to being ignored daily. You know in your heart the answer. You are just afraid and understandably so. Put fear aside or face it. Face it head on. Dig deep and find courage. Find strength and determination. Seel God. Look to God for these things. Have faith in him and he will take care of everything.
If you’re asking you already know, you just don’t want to admit it to yourself. Don’t stay “for the kids” because those kids pick up when mom’s & dad’s aren’t happy. That is a lot harder growing up knowing that then having two separated happy parents any day of the week. I know I was that kid & now I am one of those moms.
The thing that has stuck with me is, if your son was in the type of relationship you are in, would you advise him to stay or to leave? If it’s not a relationship you would want for your child then it’s not a relationship for you either, you too are someone’s child. I hope it all works out for you.
I stayed in a 15 year relationship thinking it was the right thing to do bc I came from a broken home. Left a year and a half ago, just now starting to get my life back together, but I know that what was best for our child. She is a much better place mentally and she is excited about her future instead of hearing us fight every single day
Life’s short. Ask yourself is this how you want to continue with it? In 10 years are you still good with being where you’re at? Is that a good example for him when he’s 11?
If your already thinking about it no time like the present get it over with fast rip it off like a band- aid and be out the child routine can be planned afterwards…
When the passion and respect is gone. When you feel stronger without them there. When youre lonely in the same space with them. You just know.
Imagine the rest of your life living the way you are now. 30 or 40 yrs feeling the way you feel.
Does that make you feel sad or encouraged to fix it.?
When your marriage Is at the point where your afraid to go to sleep because you think they gonna hurt you…
You know if you’re asking this.
You already know the answer if you have to ask fb
If you’re asking that question you already know the answer.