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Hey ladies, so it’s a good possibility that I might be pregnant with baby #2, it happened on the 24th, and according to my app I was fertile and ovulating 2 days later. My period usually starts right on or s couple days after or before the app predicts it to so the ovulation day could be different. My guy said he pulled out before he came but the night it happened he specifically said “I had to pull out because I started to…” I asked him if he thought any got in and he said he don’t think so but who flippen knows lol. So anyway my questions are, did you spot (implantation) with every pregnancy? If so, how far into it, if you know? How soon did cravings start? Morning sickness? All that good stuff. I’ve noticed this last week I’ve wanted some things I haven’t wanted in a while but idk if you get craving this early? I know everyone is different though lol. And right now I’m not feeling the best stomach wise, this would be the touch of morning sickness if I am. My period isn’t due for another 4 days so I’m waiting on that to really freak out but I want s little insight lol
Yes you can spot during implantation. About the time your period is due you may have symptoms but every woman is different and every pregnancy is different.
I think youre just wanting to be pregnant so bad that youre making up symptoms. Cause its wayyyyy to early for anything to be actually happening.
Preg with baby #3. By the time i had conformation that i was pregnant i was 6 weeks, looking back from about 3 or 4 weeks i was having cravings and feeling funny, so its not too early. Even had a test done at hospital and it came back negative at about 4 weeks, then 2 weeks later positive. Just depends on your body. Everybodys different.
I found out I was preggers at 4 weeks and had cravings at about 3 weeks and frequent urination also at 3 weeks and i new then i was but waited till day before my period to test and bam there it was so yes we are all different
If you don’t want to be pregnant right now why don’t you take the plan B pill just to make sure you won’t be?
My first indicator was craving eggs. Then sore boobs. Then morning sickness. The eggs i would have only been about a week pregnant. I didnt realise until about 7 weeks when i found out i was pregnant but i was easily easpting a carton a day, and thats not normal.
Well my advice is to use protection because pulling out isn’t the safest
My implantation bleeding was 3 days before my period was expected and I had cravings for about two weeks prior to that. My boobs were sore and swollen, I was bloated and highly emotional but I contributed those to my expected period. I had terrible constipation already too. My morning sickness didn’t hit until around 8 or 10wks.
I HATE posts like this lol if u think your pregnant take a test? It’s not like we can predict the future and tell u if you are
I knew very early, quite a bit before any test was positive. Orange juice was my very first symptom I was craving and drinking it a ton and that was not at all usual.
Scientifically speaking if you were experiencing symptoms relayed to pregnancy, your HCG (pregnancy hormones) would have to be high enough to pull a positive on a pregnancy test. Because it’s the hormones that cause the pregnancy symptoms. No, you don’t always spot with pregnancy. With my now 2 year old I had implantation spotting one time when I wiped and that was it. Got a positive a couple days later. With this pregnancy (almost 15 weeks) I didn’t have anything. I didn’t have any symptoms with my first pregnancy. With this one I had a lot of symptoms. As far as breast changes…I’ve had sore breasts since ovulation. So I can’t really go off of that, they just never went away as they normally do when my period starts. Growth and firmness didn’t start until many many weeks later. Symptoms usually start within the 6th week of pregnancy. I’d say wait to see if your period comes. If not test. Give it up to a week late on your period. If still no positive I’d take it as a true negative and you could just be having an off cycle.
My first, i did not know until i was about 4.5 months along, & passed out(first & ONLY time in my life) in a mall (was alone, xmas shopping) and got taken to ER in ambulance. I had been experiencing symptoms (nausea, vomiting, missed period, etc but I’ve always had stomach isssues and skipped periods from stress, so did not think anyhting). With my 2nd… I just knew. Idk how, no symptoms, had light periods (mine have NO normal), i just knew, at home tests said neg, but it didn’t seem right so had dr do blood test. My 3rd… I started vomiting profusely 3 weeks after conception, and i just knew. That one was the hardest, could barely eat, and even then had trouble keeping it down. Basically, each womanvis different, and each pregnancy can be different. But once you’ve been preg, you just know after that.
If I’m not mistaken, ept brand pregnancy tests can tell you five days before your missed period. So you could possibly use one of those today. Good luck!
I never had spotting with implsntation
Pre-ejaculate has sperm in it. The pull out method is not birth control. My first symptom was always a heightened sense of smell.
I had a really good idea I was pregnant before my missed period but my symptom was only boob pain and swelling. I refused to take a test until 3 days after my missed period since I have some cycles that go up to 35 days. You could also experience symptoms because it’s in your head that this could happen and it can even make your period late. We use pull out and calendar methods and basically the same thing you described happened and my cycle ended up being 38 days that month
I ate alot at like2 weeks pregnant, and I’m not a big eater lol didnt find out until 2 weeks later cause it was too early and the test I did came out negative, but got a faint positive 2 weeks after and I was 4 weeks
I never had implantation bleeding with either. My first i felt sick and craved water. My second i had all the symptoms, sore boobs, morning sickness, fatigue the whole nine!
I think I had implantation bleeding this time, but not with my other 4.
Never had implantation bleeding with either pregnancy and typically you will not any pregnancy symptoms that early…
Girl nothing is going to show until the 4th week of a missed period
My second I knew that I was pregnant almost right away, I had all the period symptoms which what your description is for me, bloated, cravings icky stomach. But no bleeding so I knew something wasn’t right. I took the test and one line appeared so I set it down, washed my hands fixed my makeup picked it back up to throw it and there was another faint line the dr couldn’t get me in for a another week and when the did the 1st ultrasound for dates they said 3wks and 3 days, they later moved my due date up a wk. I wouldn’t guess at anything though with my 1st there were so many times I thought I was pregnant cause of weird feelings but wasn’t.
I had two kids using this method. Had to have tubes tied after two because I knew that method would never work.
If you have unprotected sex yes there is a chance you can be pregnant you’re not gonna have pregnancy symptoms the day after take a test that’s the only way to know
I had implantation bleeding with my 1st 2 pregnancies… and I had no implantation bleeding with this pregnancy… I took a test the day my period was due n got a definite positive with this one the others were a couple days after. N every pregnancy I went to the dr and they had to do a blood test because their tests came up negative lol I now have a 1 year old and am 14 weeks pregnant
Take a test for sure a week after u missed your period that will give u your answer! Good luck n if u have any form of unprotected sex u can get pregnant
Wait a week then test if negative and still no period wait another week then test again…I had to do that and found out baby #3 is due July 20!
I’m pregnant with baby number 3 on pull out. I cant use condoms and birth control is a no go for me I’ve tried them all. My first symptom this pregnancy was bad headaches and my boobs leaking. I tested and it was positive. My periods were messed up because of the previous birth control I was on. I had bled for 7 mo this straight.
My first sign was positive test. It took a while for everything else to happen
Had implantation bleeding with the first not sure when as I didn’t click to being what it was, but never had with second I was just nauseous and peeing alot, hubby said take a test, said why I’m not pregnant, he said you are,so I took it and he was write, found out at 6 weeks, but that was now 4.5yrs ago