When does milk come in after giving birth?

How long did it take for your milk to come in after birth?

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It can take up to a week for it to fully come in. The more you latch baby generally the faster it is. Baby will go through a period of almost nonstop nursing the first few days and it’s exhausting but it’s vital for helping your milk come in.

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It all depends on your body and what medications you decide to take during labor. I was leaking at 32 weeks. Miracle Moo does also help your milk come in.

Im on day 2 of having my baby and still waiting. I know it usually comes in within the first few days

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I’m day 3 after birth and mines still not in properly

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Just had my baby on Wednesday. It came on Friday. I had my baby at 39 weeks 2 days via c section. Everybody will be different. :slight_smile:

Depends . Took me 24 hours to fully start producing after my 1st. I was leaking heavily the last week or 2 before having my 2nd

I think a few days? My youngest baby turns 17 in September so the memory is a bit foggy lol.