When does the toddler 'no phase' end?

Anyone else have a toddler in the no phase…is there light at the end of the tunnel? everythign now is no this and no that…i am at my wits end…

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. When does the toddler 'no phase' end?

Sorry to break it to you but my son is 6 and still tells me no :pensive:
It doesn’t end unfortunately :tired_face:

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It never does it just gets worse as they age lol

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Mine is 14 I will let you know :rofl::joy:

Mine is 22, still tells me no

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Nope i have one at tje why stage lol

Bruh my son is turning 4 and still in that phase :unamused:

Looks like I’m the exception, but my daughter doesn’t tell me no… I get in a minute, or not right now, but very rarely a no. (It wasn’t always this way) I started changing the way I phrase questions and it really helped. Rather than ‘yes/no’ questions, I started asking thinks like… do you want a bath now or in 10 minutes? Do you want corn or broccoli? Do you want to put your shoes on or do you want me to do it? It didn’t change over night by any means and it was also a learning experience for us too, but it definitely helped. Kids like to feel like they have some control over their environment (we like that too as adults) this gave it to her without taking away what needed done.
Good luck. It can get better with consistency. :+1:t3::heart:

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When they get married at least for you

When they become adults and move out of the house.