When is it okay for your kids to meet someone you are dating?

I’m just curious; when do you think it’s okay for your kids to meet someone you are dating?


For me it would be a minimum of 6 months exclusively dating, not just “talking”.

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Whenever you decide is an ok time. Some people introduce them right away and others have limits like at least a year. Personally, I’d do it sooner rather than later. Better to find out early your children don’t get along with someone or someone doesn’t parent the same way you do than invest a year of your time in someone only to have to end it as soon as they meet your kids.


Everybody is different. Go with how you feel. If y’all have been dating for awhile an you feel the relationship is going to last then go ahead and introduce. But you should honestly ask him when he would feel comfortable meeting your child.

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I’d wait a year personally but everyone is different

My husband and I waited 3 months before I met his 3 kiddos but we knew we wanted to go forward into marriage. I moved in shortly after to see if we could become a family. We were married a year and a half later and now been married over a year and expecting our 1st child together but our 4th overall. I truly think it depends on the people and backgrounds. I was a juvenile corrections officer and teacher with a few background checks he could look at and wasn’t offended he wanted to see them either.


For me it was when I knew the person was in my life to stay for the long haul.

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I think it was 2 months ? But I knew it was serious he proposed 3 months after that and we were married with in the year

It depends. On where you met (school function) if your kids know each other (small town) how long you were single for. Sometimes you don’t get to choose. Hugs.

I was a single mom with a 2 year old daughter. He was a single dad with a 5 year old daughter. We met each other, then a week later we had a “play date” so our daughters could meet. Here we are almost 8 years later with 2 more daughters together. :blue_heart::heart::purple_heart::heart:


Just wait til you know if it’s going anywhere. No point meeting men if it isn’t gonna work with them

When you know he’s sticking around. When you know he’s a good person, trustworthy etc. This doesn’t take weeks… it takes months, even years. I knew my husband for over a year before I brought him around my kids. They were 3 and 1 when he came around. They’re not 15 and 13.

It really depends on all parties involved. If it’s a baby/toddler, then it would be up to the two adults involved. If the child is older, talk to them about it and see how they feel about meeting whoever you’re seeing. And as a a previously single/dating mom, I liked to choose a public place for the meeting. I know it’s a little difficult right now with COVID, but I would suggest a park or restaurant or something like that. I know a lot of places are still closed, but Chuck E Cheese would work. That way the kid(s) might be more comfortable. They can meet your new significant other but also play.

I would say 6 months to strangers but individual based for those you could have possibly known for quite awhile before starting a relationship

When you feel you are comfortable enough with the person you would trust him alone with your child.

I was dating my partner for about 2 months before I met his kids

I personally introduced my son to my bf after a month. May been soon but he also had a son around the same age. I met him one on one before having him met my son we are now expecting a baby boy in January 2021 my son loves him

My current and I he met my kids before we a couple (we knew each other two yrs prior to being a couple we now have been in a 3yr relationship with one child of our own) my ex bf i didn’t let him meet them till we were 3 months in. I may have went longer but I became homeless and everything went crazyy… but my kids also have never met one we went 6 months. So it depends when you feel is right.

My opinion, when you two are both on the same page of being serious, then it’s just pretty much when you both think the time is right…

After 6 months earliest . For the safety of both you and your children, but only if you are committed and on the same page as to what you want . But I still think 6 months is way to earlie but a lot of people will disagree

It’s up to you but follow your gut. If you honestly don’t feel that it will be long term then don’t bring your kids around. I never introduced my kids to anyone and then I met my husband and they met him within a week but I knew he was it for me

I waited 10 months… wanted to be 100%

Honestly it depends on the relationship before you starting dating. If this is someone you just met then I say a month or two if you are seeing each other frequently. Honestly it’s really depends on how you feel. Also is the other person ready for that.

At the earliest 6months. But even then that’s soon to me

6 months of dating then they meet in a group senario

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Personally, I’d do it sooner rather than later. That way you don’t waste a bunch of time connecting with someone just to find out your kids don’t get along with them or your parenting styles don’t match up, etc. Although, it’s completely up to you. Some people do it immediately, some have a strict “at least x months” policy, some wait at least a year, etc…

I think once you know that your relationship is heading in a more serious direction and you see an actual future there. I’d also wait until feelings and emotions have developed because the responsibility of kids can seem too much to someone who isn’t vested

It took me a while, roughly around mth 2/3 if I can remember…

Depends So much on each individual situation. You really have to decide this one for yourself. Too many variables to consider that we couldn’t Possibly be familiar with.

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I waited until it seemed pretty serious. I didn’t want my kids to get attached to someone who isn’t going to be around for awhile.


My husband and I were childhood friends that reconnected as adults so my 4 children met him as just my friend like all close friends he’d show up to visit even at the park and stuff. When we began dating we didn’t tell the kids right away he just made it a point to show up more often and hang out. Our focus was mainly on the kids as it usually is when you’re a parent. We’d hang out, play games, go fishing, to the lake, eat. A few months later we told them we were dating and of course they were super excited because he was practically they’re best friend of my friends lol. 3 months after that we got married and now 7 years later we just had twins together. My kids were ages 12, 10, 7 and 5 when I started dating my now husband. He has a great bond with all of them, has been there for all the most important milestones which are the ones THEY remember, teaching them how to drive, fixing things, dances, sports, school functions, homework, graduation. They only know him as their dad though they don’t call him dad they always refer to him as dad to everyone. They’re now ages 20, 18, 15 and 13 and we just had twins 2 months ago. His first biological children

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After there is a strong commitment. It is extremely detrimental to the child’s development to be bringing temporary people in children’s lives. I would recommend at least s year. If you can’t get a babysitter, don’t date.


My kids meet lots of people in my life. Co-workers, friends, acquaintances etc. Most of the time they give zero shits because those people aren’t there to see them, they’re there to see ME. So once I’ve decided that the potential partner will be around for a while, they can meet my kids. If you don’t make it a big deal, it won’t be a big deal.

I waited a year to meet my boyfriend’s Daughter, I extended an invitation to the Mom for the first meet, it was a big step for all of us.

My kids met my partner at 3 months. But also my kids had been connecting with him over video chat for over a month.

when you know they are more then temporary.

My rule is 8+ months, I’m very protective and have daughter’s. You really never know someone or their bad habits in the first few months. They are not allowed to know my address either, it’s my safe space and people can get crazy when you end things. To each their own though

My husband met my kids before we started dating, I brought them into where we worked a few times. But we waited a few months after we started dating to have both our kids together

Once you know that they ain’t gunna up and leave. No point in having someone connect with your child only for them to abandon both of you.

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