Around 3-4 months old, we had switched my son, who is now seven months old, to Similac for spit up after being advised to by the doctor due to excessive spitting up. He is now currently 7 1/2 months old. When would be an appropriate time to switch him back to the Similac pro advanced? And how should I go about switching him back? Thanks so much!
If you are doing say 8oz do 6oz of the spit of formula and the 2oz of pro advanced for a couple days to see how he tolerates and make sure he is still pooping. Then after a couple more days do 4oz of each and repeat
Ask your pedi about it
Talk to your childs doctor. But there’s no need to switch back. Swapping through formulas isn’t easy on their stomach. Only switch if absolutely necessary.
Yes… I’ve had 5 on the 6th and the babies are resilient… If you have specific health concerns then talk to pediatrician… But if it just cuz the store is out … The main ingredients are the same… NBD
Mix it. I’m currently in the process of switching my 2mo from NeoSure to Sensitive. I make a pitcher a day, adding 1 more scoop of sensitive and 1 less of NeoSure until it’s 100% sensitive. I’ve done that with all my children when switching so it’s not so hard on their little tummies. And my pediatrician approved that method
You should ask your baby’s Dr!!! Theyll have better answers than FB!!!
It isn’t necessary to switch again, talk to your pediatrician but unless baby is all of a sudden not tolerating the formula. Baby is getting all necessary nutrients from the current formula they are on.
I would wait until the doctor says its ok if he has acid reflux keep on the dollar
I never switched my kids. Once they are put on a formula I keep them on the formula if they are able to take the formula. I see no point on switching it if baby is doing good.
that’s a question for your pediatrician
I’d ask the pediatrician, they would have the best advice specific for your baby
My daughter had a spit up problem toand we just left her on the enfamil ar since she was use to it
I had both mine switched to diff kinds at a kinth and never switched back they were always on the same kind for the whole year.
Why would you switch back?
What about enfamil neuropro sensitive? It has the extra good ingredients and it’s for spit up.
If the formula you have him on is working there is no reason to switch him. Consult the pediatrician if you have questions about it. Switching him could bring issues up again.
Why switch back, if he’s doing good?
Why are you switching it again?
Just switch it. We switched a ton to find the right one.
Why do you want to switch him back when he’s fine on the one now?
Why would you switch back to what made him sick?
Why do you want to switch? Have you spoken to his Ped?
I would just leave it the way it is if it were me
When to or if actually needed is a question for your son’s pediatrician, not Facebook doctors.
As far as how, if advised by his doc, get a new can and add a little of the new powder to his bottle each week until switched: 8oz bottle requires 4 scoops, so 3.5 scoops of old and. 5 scoop of new every week until he’s switched to 4 scoops of new formula.
I would bother to switch because it’s almost time to start the transition to whole milk he almost 8 months they are suppose to be on whole milk at 12 months .by the time he is switch you would have to start over with milk . definitely not worth it
Why would you switch it back…never switched my kids back. They stayed on the formula and then onto cows milk at 1ish.
I would just leave her on the formula she’s on now.
I put my baby on carnation evaporated milk with 1/2 water and no more spitting up but that was 50 years ago it worked great
Don’t switch back to something that wasn’t working for him.
I switched to walmarts Parents Choice it was cheaper and they did fine. I did 50/50 formula breast milk.
If its working and hes do iij ng good. Uhh you don’t. Why go back to the one that made his sick? Only time you switch is if LO is getting sick from it. You find one that agrees with them and that’s it.
I’ve had to use similac sensitive for my babies, they all can’t tolerate lactose, projectile vomit is no fun for anyone
There’s no need to switch if he’s doing good on it.
If he is doing ok on what he us on I would leave it. If there is,a,reason you want to change it talk to the Doctor first.
Why do you wanna switch back? If baby is doing well stay on it otherwise speak to the pediatrician about different options
We had the same thing but we just kept him on the same formula instead of switching
Keep him on it if he is doing good. Don’t change on less the doctor tells you too.
Don’t just leave him where he is until he’s off formula all together.
Contact a pediatrician
Why do you want to switch is the ?
Talk to the pediatrician. But I wouldn’t switch back over to the pro Advanced because he’s been doing really good with the other formula. Don’t switch him back go something that was causing him discomfort
My first baby had to switch to the sensitive before we left the hospital, and I kept her on it until she stopped taking formula completely. If you’re set on switching it back, maybe discuss it with your pediatrician and see what they say. If he’s older then he probably doesn’t need the sensitive anymore, but there’s nothing wrong with keeping him on it anyway
Wondering the same thing as the others… Why are you wanting to switch back to the formula that hurt your baby…?? Is he having problems with the formula he’s been drinking? If not, then don’t sabotage yourself and your lil one…
I wouldn’t switch back. If what he is using now is working just stay with it until baby is ready for real milk
I would talk to his pediatrician. Theres a reason for the spit up so it might not be a good idea to switch him back to something that was causing him discomfort
Talk to the pediatrician. His doc switched it to begin with. He’ll know if there’s any reason whatsoever to switch back (or at all)
Why do you think you need to switch him back? If he is doing fine on the one he is one currently then just keep him on that. If he is still spitting up then there could be a bigger issue or you need to change bottles.
Why would you even switch him back if what he’s on is working?
I say a little at a time.