I need some help!
My friends have recently asked me when I want my baby shower… Before or after I give birth? Why?
I’m having mine before so I can have everything organized and put away before baby gets here. Also because if its after, baby would obviously be there and although I’m sure everyone wants to see baby, theres lots of germs and people wanting to hold/kiss/touch baby and I’d rather not risk that.
Please don’t get upset but Maybe just incase something happens I’m not saying it will I hope all goes well with the birth
Personally I’d choose after- I’ve had my share in baby losses and it’d be easier if I lost another baby to not have to deal with seeing all the gifts and everything.
I’d say before that way u can have everything ready and put together when u bring your newborn home…
After because you will know sex and size of baby…
I chose before. Too many germs lol
I liked mine after. Then you can show off the baby.
Before. You’re not gunna wanna sort everything and put it all away when they baby’s here.
Before. I didn’t want a ton of people around my newborn or holding my newborn.
I did mine after as a meet and greet. I had it planned that way and told everybody about it that way I didn’t get bombarded with lots of company at the hospital. I had planned C-sections so we had a date picked out when the baby would be a week old.
Before…too many people are going to want to touch the baby…I’m not a germaphobe but too many germs for tiny babies
Before…too many people are going to want to touch the baby…I’m not a germaphobe but too many germs for tiny babies
Before…too many people are going to want to touch the baby…I’m not a germaphobe but too many germs for tiny babies
Had mine after cause we waited to find put sex till birth
I did my baby shower before with my first then I did welcome home party’s around 6 weeks old with my second two
I did before… way to many germs for a newborn and everyone is going to want to hold baby
I did mine before. And only 1 person showed up lol i even made take home gift bags for everyone.
Before. I didnt want my baby present and passed around by everyone as a newbie. I was like that with both my kids, not just my first. I chose to have a shower about a month and a half before my due date. Best of luck.
Some people have them after but most people have it before. I would do it before it will be easier cuz after you will be sore (from having baby) and exhausted from having a newborn and being up n down all night.
I wanted mine before but baby came early and was still in nicu during my shower.
Baby shower is supposed to be a surprise BEFORE
I personally did before because i didnt want to deal with putting everything away with a newborn. I do know a few ppl who had theirs after simply because the sex was a surprise and they wanted ppl to know what to buy
Before, in case theres still anything you need
I def agree with the mommas who are saying bfr. Germs are too big and to much for new borns. Rather be safe than sorry.